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Good Kaggle competition that i recommend for everyone
Interesting paper for game developers. it can be used to bug fix games just by watching user gameplay, or for example make them harder/simpler without breaking balance.
Guys from IBM just showed their new creation - Project Debater. The AI system that can debate with humans in realtime, with using global information and based on facts and principles that it learned. Its really big step in the way of fully autonomous systems.
Fresh topic about language modeling from OpenAI, that you should read.
Old thing but still valuable - Multi-Head Attention
Google as always not doing any marketing on their new services) But we know where to search. Good library of different tutorials based on Google Colab, just click run and you got it.
Interesting tutorial on solving recurrent tasks with replacing RNN by Ordinary Differential Equations
# Ukraine Only

Ребята в эту субботу 16го Марта в Киеве пройдет Data Science UA Conference. Это действо покруче всяких ММА поединков, потому как травмы после ММА проходят, а боль от МЛ остается с вами на всю жизнь)

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