Minter Network
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Minter is an ultra-fast and robust cross-chain DEX with in-core AMM and order book powered by its own Layer-1 Blockchain.
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Minter 2021 Achievements. #5: Easy modular connection of other blockchains to Minter Hub

Thanks to its new architecture, Minter Hub makes it possible to easily interconnect any blockchain that supports advanced multisig addresses or smart contracts.

Minter Hub unlocks access to the assets, liquidity, and DeFi tools of third-party networks.

On the technical side, the process of connecting is not complex, but economically, oracles need to consider all integration-related aspects. For one, setting up and running nodes on external chains—which a Minter Hub oracle requires—will increase one’s expenses.

In 2021, Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain have been connected. Potential candidates for 2022: Tron, Solana, Polkadot, Cardano, Polygon, and Terra. Oracles assess whether it’s reasonable to onboard a given network and offer their suggestions.

Minter 2021 Achievements. #6: Listing of popular cryptos on Minter

Launch of the Minter Hub bridge has made it possible to move tokens between the networks. As of the end of 2021, support has been added for the following top coins:
— USDT, USDC, BUSD, and other stablecoins

Other tokens have been listed, too. All of them are not only trading freely on Minter, but can also be transferred across Minter, Ethereum, and Binance Smart Chain.

More cryptocurrencies—those of both recognized and niche projects—are coming to Minter Hub in 2022.

Always double-check the token’s ticker before making any operation. Approved cross-chain tokens are displayed on the Deposit & Withdraw page in Minter Console and have the verified blue badge.

Minter 2021 Achievements. #7: AMM liquidity pools

The most important feature introduced this year is liquidity pools. A liquidity pool is a trading pair of coins/tokens with locked funds of providers who guarantee swappability.

Minter pools have several major competitive advantages over popular DEXes:
— Swaps are final in 5 seconds (1 block)
— The fee = $0.03 + 0.2%

Buying or selling through a liquidity pool, traders use funds that have been previously locked into it, while liquidity providers earn 0.2% on each trade. The process is carried out using Automated Market Maker (AMM).


If the user needs to swap two tokens that do not have a common pool for direct exchange, the conversion can take place through a chain of pools (up to 5 tokens). This means that when token A is swapped for token E and there is a chain allowing them to “connect,” the route will look like this:

A ⇢ B ⇢ C ⇢ D ⇢ E

In the example above, token A is swapped for token E through a chain of up to 4 liquidity pools.

Pools in Explorer
Pools in Chainik

💡 Guide

Minter 2021 Achievements. #8: Limit orders in liquidity pools

In 2021, Minter has revolutionized DeFi protocols by introducing On-Chain Automated Market Maker with Order Book (AMMOB).

Being a decentralized assets marketplace, Minter now lets its users place and execute limit orders in order to buy or sell any crypto at a pre-determined rate. Limit orders are located inside the liquidity pools themselves.

One of the features of this approach is that part of the volume may be automatically filled through a limit order, while the remaining part, via regular AMM inside the pool.

AMMOB solves three major problems of traditional AMM pools:
1. Traders can buy or sell at a fixed price without giving up the liquidity benefits of AMM pools;
2. AMMOB pools are suitable for exchanging stablecoins, for example, USDT for USDC. One will have an opportunity to create an order to buy $1,000,000 worth of USDT for USDC at 1% below and later sell it at 1% above the market;
3. An AMMOB pool is more liquid than a traditional AMM one: in some areas, the price curve becomes a straight line.

Create limit order
Learn more about AMMOB

💡 Guide:
How to use limit orders

Happy New Year, everybody! Last month’s important milestones were like presents under the Christmas tree. But we’ve left one of them—namely, the tokenomics—to be unwrapped in 2022.
Cross-Chain Listing of 4 Tokens from Binance Smart Chain

Minter Hub oracles have enabled cross-chain transfers for:
UNIBSC (bscscan)
DOGEBSC (bscscan)
MATICBSC (bscscan)
CAKEBSC (bscscan)

To move these and other tokens between the Binance Smart Chain and Minter networks, go to Minter Console (DEPOSIT & WITHDRAW).

Welcome farming programs for these assets will follow soon.

P.S. Before making any operation, double-check the token’s ticker. Approved cross-chain tokens have the verified blue badge .
❄️ New Farming Programs

Four new yield-farming programs will last through February 20 at 0.34% in daily rewards paid out in BIP.

UNIBSC-BIP (details)
DOGEBSC-BIP (details)
MATICBSC-BIP (details)
CAKEBSC-BIP (details)

Transfer these tokens from Binance Smart Chain through Minter Console and earn with Minter!
Forwarded from Minter Dev Notifications
BIP MegaPool

The Minter team is currently developing a solution that would allow the owners of BIP to earn and significantly increase the native coin’s liquidity. The holders will have a unique opportunity to put their coins into a pool with USDT and benefit from fees, farming, and BIP’s growth. They will not even need USDT, which will be supplied by external providers.

To create MegaPool, we will set up a multisig deposit address targeting the 500M BIP mark. Once the participant has transferred BIP, they will start receiving 2% monthly (or 24% in APR) on the amount of provided BIP. Upon liquidity removal, BIP holders will get 75% of the dollar returns that will have been generated from the pool’s growth and collected fees. The remaining part will go to the dollar providers.

As soon as 500 million BIP is deposited, we will launch smart contracts on the BSC and Ethereum networks. The contracts will add liquidity into Uniswap and PancakeSwap.

For external buyers, MegaPool will also present an opportunity to purchase a large amount of BIP. The coins will be sold, however, at a 25-percent premium to prices observed on uniswap/pancake. The resulting USDT will be sent to the participants’ wallets right away, and they will then decide whether to buy BIP or keep USDT.

To sum up:
- All BIP owners will get an opportunity to earn on liquidity provision: fees, possible rise in price, farming at a 24-percent APR
- USDT will be supplied into the pool by external providers, meaning BIP holders will need only one coin—BIP
- This solution will help substantially boost BIP’s liquidity and its attractiveness in the crypto market
HUB + BNB = ❤️

While Minter Hub smart contracts are a work in progress, we’d like to present you HUB farming programs for the Minter and Binance Smart Chain networks:
1. HUB-BNB (Minter)
2. HUB-WBNB (BSC, Pancake)

Terms (for both pools):
0.1% per day (or 36.5% yearly)
— Rewards in HUB
— Active from: Feb. 1, 2022 to: May 15, 2022
Minter’s program’s page (payouts once every 24 hours)
BSC rewards claiming service is currently under development (will be announced separately)

As the Minter <-> Binance Smart Chain bridge grows, the two pools—one on each network—will make it possible to not only earn on farming, but also to take advantage of arbitrage situations.
Free Cross-Chain Transfers of BNB and USDTBSC

Minter will soon offer cashback on fees for moving BNB and USDTBSC between Minter and Binance Smart Chain.

💵 This means that users will be able to get up to 100% of their costs back.
New cross-chain additions, yield-farming opportunities, and progress in rethinking tokenomics.
🌉 100% Cashback on USDTBSC and BNB Cross-Chain Transfers

Users can now get back 100% on cross-chain transfer fees—the ones charged by the Minter Hub bridge and the BSC network itself—in cashback.

— Supported tokens: BNB and USDTBSC
— Route: Minter <=> Binance Smart Chain
— Payouts in BIP
— Cashback is accrued right after a cross-chain transfer has gone through

Free cross-chain transfers from Binance Smart Chain to Minter and the other way around will introduce even more opportunities for trading, providing liquidity into pools, and farming.

ℹ️ To move tokens between the networks, use Minter Console (Deposit & Withdraw).
🔥 Minter 3

The Minter team is actively developing technical solutions that will help strengthen the tokenomics of BIP and optimize it in line with the leading chains’ practices.

We’ve put all functionality the team is currently working on into a single place.

🚀 For BIP growth drivers in Minter 3, visit
💠 Cross-Chain Listing of DOT

On February 16, we’ll cross-chain-list DOT (Polkadot). One of the most popular tokens, it’s on 1.3M CMC watchlists and held by more than 154K addresses on BSC. Upon listing, DOT will be available for trading and liquidity provision on Minter.

Press Real to help us get into the crypto calendar’s TOP once again. Many thanks for your support!

👍 Upvote »

You can also vote for this event on CoinMarketCap. To do that, find it by date (February 16).
Cross-Chain Listing of 7 Tokens from BNB Smart Chain

Yesterday, Minter Hub oracles have activated cross-chain transfers for native tokens of 7 popular exchange platforms:

SUSHIBSC (SushiSwap)
BAKEBSC (BakerySwap)
ANYBSC (Anyswap)
BURGERBSC (BurgerSwap)
BSWBSC (Biswap)

To move these and other tokens between BNB Smart Chain and Minter, go to Minter Console (DEPOSIT & WITHDRAW).

P.S. Before making any operation, double-check the token’s ticker. Approved cross-chain tokens have the verified blue badge . The full list can be found here.
Minter Network
Cross-Chain Listing of 7 Tokens from BNB Smart Chain Yesterday, Minter Hub oracles have activated cross-chain transfers for native tokens of 7 popular exchange platforms: — SUSHIBSC (SushiSwap) — BAKEBSC (BakerySwap) — ANYBSC (Anyswap) — DODOBSC (DODO)…
🍪 Welcome Farming for 7 New Pools!

We’re launching yield-farming programs for BIP pools with native tokens of seven popular exchange platforms that were cross-chained yesterday. It will be ongoing for one month, allowing liquidity providers to get extra rewards.

10% monthly (or 124% per annum)
BIP rewards accrued every 24h
March 10 till April 10
— Programs:

Bring in these and other BNB Smart Chain tokens via Minter Console and start earning with Minter!
🌼 10% a Month on Spring Farming

Reminder: until the end of spring, we have ongoing farming programs for three major pools, whose total liquidity stands at over $600,000 already.

💵 Upon adding liquidity into these pools, you’ll start automatically receiving daily rewards to your address. Each of them yields 10% monthly.

— Pool: BIP-MUSD, payouts in BIP (details)
— Pool: BEE-MUSD, payouts in MUSD (details)
— Pool: HUB-BNB, payouts in HUB (details)

On top of that, welcome farming programs for BIP pools with the newly arrived tokens also offer 10% in monthly returns. The full list can be found here.

Provide liquidity to the pools above via Minter Console or Honee and get rewarded every day. The more the liquidity, the bigger the reward!
🐝 Bonus Farming for BEE Holders

On Friday, April 1, a bonus farming program yielding 3% per month goes live:

— Pool: BIP-MUSD
0.1% daily (or 36.5% in APR)
BIP rewards distributed every day
— When: April 1 till April 30
— Condition: holder of +100k BEE

To take part, you need to:
1. Supply liquidity into the BIP-MUSD pool
2. Be holding 100 000 BEE and more on your address (balance and any liquidity pools with BEE count)

ℹ️ This program with 3-percent monthly rewards is an extra one for the BIP-MUSD pool. The main program will still be generating 10% per month until the end of spring. Combined, that’s 13% monthly or 160% yearly.