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Minter is an ultra-fast and robust cross-chain DEX with in-core AMM and order book powered by its own Layer-1 Blockchain.
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Minter: 2021 Achievements

In this series of posts, we would like to rewind what the team has achieved over 2021.

#1. Minter Hub: a bridge for fast and decentralized cross-chain transfers with Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain

Launched in April 2021, Minter Hub unites several blockchains and lets users move tokens between the networks 24/7, with no moderation or identity verification.

So far, 20 popular tokens have been listed cross-chain, among them are BTC, ETH, USDT, BNB, TON, and others. They can be freely deposited to and withdrawn from Minter:
Binance Smart Chain: confirmation time of ≈1 min., fee of $0.5
Ethereum: confirmation time of ≈2–3 mins., fee of $40–50

The bridge is maintained by oracles who lock coins on one network and release their ‘mirrored’ versions on the other. Minter Hub supports 16 oracles and the PoS consensus, meaning that voting on blocks is collateralized by HUB tokens.

Cross-chain transfers represent a new era of sovereign blockchains. Transfers not only allow networks to communicate with each other, but also enable users to make trustless, fast, and secure decentralized transactions. Transactions that no one can cancel, alter, or censor.

Learn more about Minter Hub »

Minter: 2021 Achievements

#2: Up to 1% on the volume transacted via the cross-chain bridge goes to HUB stakers

For validating cross-chain transfers through Minter Hub, oracles earn a 1-percent fee on all transactions. Some of them further distribute portion of those earnings among their delegators (if any) proportionally to their HUB stake and according to terms and conditions set out by a given validator.

This mechanism lays a solid economic stimulus for owning the HUB token.

ℹ️ Reminder on staking process

From a tech standpoint, HUB staking is only available to Minter Hub oracle addresses. For users to be able to take part in the staking of HUB, oracles offer them to delegate their tokens. Users send their HUBs to addresses specified by oracles. Those tokens are then transferred to the Minter Hub blockchain and staked in the node.

After that, oracles distribute receipt tokens among their stakers on Minter at the 1:1 ratio. Receipt tokens confirm that HUBs have been staked on the Minter Hub blockchain.

Oracles allowing HUB delegation:
Minter One (receipt token: MONEHUB)
Chainik (receipt token: HUBCHAIN)
MonsterHub (receipt token: MONSTERHUB)
BTC.Secure (receipt token: LIQUIDHUB)
Minter.Center (receipt token: HUBCENTER)
ONLY1 (receipt token: ONLY1HUB)

Minter: 2021 Achievements

#3: Cross-Chain Transfers Discount System

When moving tokens between Minter and Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain, the user pays the bridge fee (1% on the amount transacted) on top of the network fee. For example, the fee for sending 100 USDT from Binance Smart Chain to Minter stands at 1 USDT.

If the user holds the HUB token on their balance, however, they are charged a reduced bridge fee.

ℹ️ Discounts
1 HUB: -10%
2 HUB: -20%
4 HUB: -30%
8 HUB: -40%
16 HUB: -50%
32 HUB: -60%

💡 How to Activate
For the discount to be enabled, the balance of the address that a cross-chain transfer is made from needs to have the necessary amount of HUB on any of the interconnected networks.

HUB can be bought via liquidity pools on Minter by making a simple swap in Minter Console or BIP Wallet. You can also purchase it on 1inch (Ethereum) or PancakeSwap (Binance Smart Chain).

Minter: 2021 Achievements

#4: Unspent Fee Refund

The new algorithm for charging fees allows users to get cashback in cases when the send fee turns out to be less than what the user has already paid. The remainder arrives into your Minter wallet.

Minter 2021 Achievements. #5: Easy modular connection of other blockchains to Minter Hub

Thanks to its new architecture, Minter Hub makes it possible to easily interconnect any blockchain that supports advanced multisig addresses or smart contracts.

Minter Hub unlocks access to the assets, liquidity, and DeFi tools of third-party networks.

On the technical side, the process of connecting is not complex, but economically, oracles need to consider all integration-related aspects. For one, setting up and running nodes on external chains—which a Minter Hub oracle requires—will increase one’s expenses.

In 2021, Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain have been connected. Potential candidates for 2022: Tron, Solana, Polkadot, Cardano, Polygon, and Terra. Oracles assess whether it’s reasonable to onboard a given network and offer their suggestions.

Minter 2021 Achievements. #6: Listing of popular cryptos on Minter

Launch of the Minter Hub bridge has made it possible to move tokens between the networks. As of the end of 2021, support has been added for the following top coins:
— USDT, USDC, BUSD, and other stablecoins

Other tokens have been listed, too. All of them are not only trading freely on Minter, but can also be transferred across Minter, Ethereum, and Binance Smart Chain.

More cryptocurrencies—those of both recognized and niche projects—are coming to Minter Hub in 2022.

Always double-check the token’s ticker before making any operation. Approved cross-chain tokens are displayed on the Deposit & Withdraw page in Minter Console and have the verified blue badge.

Minter 2021 Achievements. #7: AMM liquidity pools

The most important feature introduced this year is liquidity pools. A liquidity pool is a trading pair of coins/tokens with locked funds of providers who guarantee swappability.

Minter pools have several major competitive advantages over popular DEXes:
— Swaps are final in 5 seconds (1 block)
— The fee = $0.03 + 0.2%

Buying or selling through a liquidity pool, traders use funds that have been previously locked into it, while liquidity providers earn 0.2% on each trade. The process is carried out using Automated Market Maker (AMM).


If the user needs to swap two tokens that do not have a common pool for direct exchange, the conversion can take place through a chain of pools (up to 5 tokens). This means that when token A is swapped for token E and there is a chain allowing them to “connect,” the route will look like this:

A ⇢ B ⇢ C ⇢ D ⇢ E

In the example above, token A is swapped for token E through a chain of up to 4 liquidity pools.

Pools in Explorer
Pools in Chainik

💡 Guide

Minter 2021 Achievements. #8: Limit orders in liquidity pools

In 2021, Minter has revolutionized DeFi protocols by introducing On-Chain Automated Market Maker with Order Book (AMMOB).

Being a decentralized assets marketplace, Minter now lets its users place and execute limit orders in order to buy or sell any crypto at a pre-determined rate. Limit orders are located inside the liquidity pools themselves.

One of the features of this approach is that part of the volume may be automatically filled through a limit order, while the remaining part, via regular AMM inside the pool.

AMMOB solves three major problems of traditional AMM pools:
1. Traders can buy or sell at a fixed price without giving up the liquidity benefits of AMM pools;
2. AMMOB pools are suitable for exchanging stablecoins, for example, USDT for USDC. One will have an opportunity to create an order to buy $1,000,000 worth of USDT for USDC at 1% below and later sell it at 1% above the market;
3. An AMMOB pool is more liquid than a traditional AMM one: in some areas, the price curve becomes a straight line.

Create limit order
Learn more about AMMOB

💡 Guide:
How to use limit orders
