Minter Network
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Minter is an ultra-fast and robust cross-chain DEX with in-core AMM and order book powered by its own Layer-1 Blockchain.
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Last month, Minter kicked off new farming programs with payouts in stablecoins, ran multiple promo campaigns for a pool on Uniswap, rolled out a couple of new landing pages, and tested products to be introduced later this fall.
BIPx Live on BSC

A BEP-20 token BIPx has been launched on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network. Earlier, 1,042 Minter network users sent in 73,551,437 BIP. They all got extra bonuses totaling at 15,462,150 BIP.

You can claim your BIPx here:

For that:
1. Open your MetaMask (it’s preferred) and choose Binance Smart Chain Mainnet from the Networks menu
2. Go to and sign in using MetaMask
3. Once in, you’ll see the amount of BIPX available for claim
4. Press Claim (to make transactions on the BSC network, you need to hold BNB coins on your address in order to pay fees)

To add BIPx into MetaMask, TrustWallet, or any other wallet, use its smart contract address (Symbol: BIPX, Decimal: 18):

Cross-chain transfers between Minter and BSC will follow soon, so stay tuned. To learn more about BIPx and how it will help unlock some of the hottest deals in DeFi, read this article.

🍁 Farming in September

The list below shows farming programs that last through October 1, 2021 (except HUB-BIP, which expires on May 10, 2022). Among them are both prolonged and brand new programs.

Provide liquidity for 0.1% on total volume daily to the following pools:

USDTE-MUSD, rewards in USDTE (details)
USDTE-MUSD, rewards in MUSD (details)
BIP-USDTE, rewards in BIP (details)
HUB-USDTE, rewards in HUB (details)
HUB-BIP, rewards in BIP (details)
ETH-MUSD, rewards in MUSD (details)
BEE-MUSD, rewards in BEE (details)
USDTE-USDCE, rewards in BIP (details)

To join, simply supply liquidity via Minter Console into the pool of your choice (guide).

💬 Which farming programs do you participate in?
The fall season will be marked by the release of the debut large-scale upgrade for Minter Hub.

Quick take on the pending changes:
• Cash back on transfers to Ethereum
• Up to 60 percent in discounts on all operations carried out via the bridge
• No more ETH wrapping for both deposits and withdrawals
• Cross-chain token swaps (e.g., BTC from Minter for USDT from Uniswap)
• Interoperability with BSC and its DeFi ecosystem
🗓 The launch of HONEE has been listed on CoinMarketCal.

If you want to help this event reach the top, press the Real button. Thanks in advance for your support!

👍 Upvote Now »
Forwarded from Honee — Crypto Wallet
🚀 Honee Is Now in Alpha

We are inviting you to take part in the alpha testing of the Honee crypto wallet. One of the main features is cards that let you make complex operations in a single click. The first seven cards are already available in the wallet, and others will be rolled out gradually.

Remember that this is an alpha version. If you spot any bugs or simply want to share your opinion and ideas, please join a special chat:

Although Honee does not store user seed phrases, we strongly advise you against logging in with your main wallet at this stage. It is recommended that you generate a separate seed phrase for testing purposes.

🍯 Go to Honee »
🍭 Farming in October

The list below shows farming programs that last through October 31, 2021 (except HUB-BIP, which expires on May 10, 2022).

Everyday payouts are calculated based on the volume of liquidity you provide to the following pools:
BEE-MUSD, 100% yearly, rewards in BEE (details)
USDTE-MUSD, 36.5% yearly, rewards in MUSD (details)
USDTE-USDCE, 36.5% yearly, rewards in BIP (details)
HUB-USDTE, 36.5% yearly, rewards in HUB (details)
HUB-BIP, 36.5% yearly, rewards in BIP (details)
ETH-MUSD, 36.5% yearly, rewards in BIP (details)

🍀 This month’s giveaway will be for the BEE-MUSD pool:
• Prize: 10% on the winner address’ liquidity in BEE, but not more than 1% of the pool’s total liquidity
• The top 1 provider of the pool does not participate in the draw so as not to impact other participants’ chances
• Details:

To join, simply supply liquidity via Minter Console into the pool of your choice (guide).
🍁 Minter’s Month in Review—September 2021

Last month, the Minter team kicked off the Honee crypto wallet into alpha testing, updated the Minter blockchain, launched new farming programs, and did a huge amount of work on the new Taconet functionality and the upcoming Minter Hub upgrade.
Minter Hub 2

By the end of 2021, the Minter Hub blockchain will undergo a major upgrade.

In this series of short posts, we want to tell you the details of the upcoming changes and the new opportunities coming with them.

⚙️ Architectural feature #1:
Easy modular connection of other chains

Thanks to its new architecture, Minter Hub 2 will make it possible to interconnect any blockchain that supports advanced multisig addresses or smart contracts.

When a new chain is integrated, Minter Hub will require no modification. The only thing needed is a connector enabling the data to be broadcast from a blockchain being integrated onto Minter Hub 2 and the other way around.

🔥 This will allow Minter Hub to easily onboard other networks and unlock access to their assets, liquidity, and DeFi tools via Minter Console or Honee crypto wallet. The new release will already have BSC integrated.

Candidates to be connected soon: Solana, Polkadot, Cardano, Polygon, Terra, Tron, EOS.
Minter Hub 2

⚙️ Architectural feature #2:
“Revamped Mechanism for Charging Withdraw-to-Ethereum Fees”

When truly decentralized, processing requires large fees. On Ethereum, cross-chain commission is charged for each oracle’s signature. Moreover, fees on the Ethereum network are not constant. A transaction may cost more than the fee set by the user.

To address that, we’ll be accounting for the possible fee increase in advance so that the transaction could go through should the Ether gas price go up.

The new algorithm will allow users to get “cashback” in cases when the send fee turns out to be less than what the user has already paid. The remainder will be returned to your balance if the increase does not happen. The cashback will arrive into your Minter wallet.

💵 This move is expected to decrease the cost of sending by two times and more.
Forwarded from Minter Dev Notifications
🔗 Minter 2.6 Tests

The long-awaited Minter v2.6 with on-chain orders (On-Chain Automated Market Maker with Order Book) is ready for public testing!

Traders can now place orders at fixed rates in the AMM liquidity pools. Compared to the traditional pools, AMMOBs have better liquidity, while LPs get an extra fee on filled orders boosting their overall earnings. Learn more about AMMOB.

• To open a limit order, go to the corresponding section and fill out the form
• To cancel your order, use another form on the same page
• The order may be filled partially
• Orders that have not been filled are automatically removed after ≈30 days since being placed (on the testnet, this period is reduced to 3 days)

Node Binary:
Test coins faucet: @MinterTacoNetTapBot

Launching node on testnet:
node --testnet --genesis "" --persistent-peers "[email protected]:26656"

Alert: do not sign in with your mainnet wallet’s seed phrase as you might lose all of your funds.

We’d like to also remind you that Minter has an ongoing 🪲 Bug Bounty program. Please report any issues you come across in the @MinterDevChat using the #bugbounty hashtag.
Minter Hub 2

⚙️ Architectural feature #3:
“Support for Native ETH Token”

In the upgraded Minter Hub, you will no longer need to wrap ETH to make a deposit.

Withdrawals will also be made in the Ethereum's native token (instead of wETH).

This will free holders of the native Ether from the need to take extra steps when depositing, withdrawing, or transiting ETH through Minter HUB.

💵 The new Minter Hub will improve user experience and make all operations with ETH cost-efficient.
Minter Hub 2

⚙️ Architectural feature #4:
“Discount on Transfers for HUB Holders”

The HUB token will allow its holders to enjoy reduced cross-chain fees on transfers across Minter, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and other integrated networks (candidates: Solana, Polkadot, Cardano, Polygon, Terra, Tron, EOS).

By default, the fee is 1% for any transfer between the networks, but the regular HODLing will give you the following discounts:

1 HUB -10%
2 HUB -20%
4 HUB -30%
8 HUB -40%
16 HUB -50%
32 HUB -60%

💵 For example, you have 16 HUB. When transferring USDT from the Minter network to Ethereum, the fee you'll pay will be not 1% but 50% less—that is, 0.5%.

For discount to be applied, the necessary amount of HUB needs to be on the balance of the address (that's making a cross-chain transfer) on any of the connected networks.

Example: if you hold 32 HUB on your Minter balance, you may use discount when depositing from the same address on Ethereum. The coins that are locked in pools count as well.
Minter Hub 2

⚙️ Architectural feature #5:
“Cross-Chain DeFi”

The new Minter Hub will support not only transfers, but all operations on other chains.

With the upcoming release of Minter Hub, you'll be able to exchange, for example, BTC for USDT on Uniswap right from Minter. You won't need to make several deposits and withdrawals for that. And you can still pay the fee with any liquid coin of the Minter network.

Minter Hub's following updates will let users carry out any operations on the connected networks (Ethereum, BSC, Solana, Cardano, Polygon, Terra, Tron, EOS, and others):

— Take part in high-yield farming programs
— Take part in staking
— Try their luck on lotteries
— Lend and borrow
— Hedge against risky deals
— Arbitrage between the networks
— Engage in anonymous transactions
— Exchange anonymous messages
— All decentralized, with no KYC

🍯 For example, using simple cards of Honee crypto wallet, the user will be able to anonymize their assets via TORN protocol on Ethereum network, buy the needed crypto at the best swap route found by 1INCH protocol, and then move part of that amount to BSC in order to lend it using Alpaca protocol after it's been insured at InsurAce (or somewhere else), of course.

💵 Above is an example of cross-chain DeFi for just two networks—Ethereum and BSC. As more candidate blockchains are integrated, the arsenal of earning and transactional opportunities will only grow.

And it will all be possible thanks to the upcoming upgrades of Minter and Minter Hub.

The Internet of Money is coming! In the meantime, Minter is constantly working on the implementation of its vision.

Minter, Internet of Money with Love
♨️ December 1st: The Winter Will Be Hot!

On December 1, Minter starts rolling out major upgrades that will bring us closer to reaching our ideological goal, which is the Internet of Money.

🥛 Minter 2.6 (December 1)
BIP coin

Long-awaited on-chain order books enabling you to place limit orders right in liquidity pools. This means that any user can request to buy or sell any digital asset at the price they need. What’s interesting, providers supplying liquidity into pools will make an extra fee on each order filled, boosting their total earnings. The functionality is now being publicly tested, you’re more than welcome to join!

🧃 Minter Hub 2 (December 2)
HUB token

Feature #1: Easy modular connection will unlock access to assets, liquidity, and DeFi tools on other blockchains without the need to re-write the code. The new release will already have BSC integrated.
Feature #2: Revamped cross-chain fees mechanism will allow you to get cashback in cases when the actual fee turns out to be less than what you have already paid.
Feature #3: Support for native ETH will allow you to forget about converting into wETH.
Feature #4: Discounts for HUB holders. It’s as simple as it gets—hold the HUB token on your balance and move your tokens between the networks at a smaller fee.
Feature #5: Cross-chain DeFi. The full-fledged interoperability with other chains will allow you to make not only transfers, but also any other operations—including farming, staking, lotteries, loans, etc. And you can still pay the fee in any liquid coin on Minter Network.

🍯 Honee Beta (December)
BEE token

Honee is currently in alpha and constantly improved. In December, we plan to introduce the pre-release version of the app, which will feature unique functionality for earning crypto. The new opportunities presented by Minter and Minter Hub will let us implement many interesting money-making mechanics, programs, and instruments into Honee.

To conclude, we are also preparing several marketing activities, integrations with other interesting blockchains, and contests for the community. Oh, what a hot winter awaits us. No room for boredom!

Minter, Internet of Money with Love ❤️
🍬 Farming in November

Below you can find farming programs that last through November 30, 2021 (except HUB-BIP, which expires on May 10, 2022).

Everyday payouts are calculated based on the volume of liquidity you provide to the following pools:

BEE-MUSD: 100% APR, payouts in BEE (details)
USDTE-USDCE: 36.5% APR, payouts in BIP (details)
HUB-BIP: 36.5% APR, payouts in BIP (details)

To join, simply supply liquidity via Minter Console into the pool of your choice (guide).