Theres also the notion of shrinking down a fussion reactor into a battery to fit in a phone, or car ext... unlike radio active nuclear fission batteries fussion is not toxic or radio active... so... crazy times ahead it reminds me of
Major breakthrough on nuclear fusion energy - BBC News
European scientists say they have made a major breakthrough in their quest to develop practical nuclear fusion - the energy process that powers the stars.The...
reminds me of Galen Winsor who would eat Uranium, something he did hundreds of times to show it is safe and fears are exaggerated by the energy industry.
Witness the nuclear fear scam. Scientist eats uranium.
This video shows Galen Winsor eating uranium, something he did hundreds of times to show it is safe and fears are exaggerated by the energy industry.
Bill gates introduces the GERM team
Meet the GERM team
At the beginning of the movie Outbreak, there’s a scene where three government virologists arrive by helicopter at a remote village. Most of the village has recently died from Ebola-like symptoms.