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Media is too big
NEW: CNN poll finds 66% of Americans say a Biden victory would either be a "setback" or a "disaster"

“Horrible news, horrible for Joe Biden” says Jake Tapper
Forwarded from /CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global (FRANCISCVS)
🇺🇸 Biden DHS paid $40 MILLION on ‘Anti-Terrorism’ program comparing TPUSA, Heritage, Prager U to Nazis, using Antifa propaganda

One of these grant recipients was the University of Dayton, which MRC stated was "among the most radical grantees," and was awarded $352,109 to create the PREVENT-OHS program, "Which promised to draw on the expertise of the University of Dayton faculty to fight domestic violent extremism and hate movements."

The university’s grant application, approved by the Department of Homeland Security, contained a graphic placing Turning Point USA, the Make America Great Again movement, Quillette, Prager U, and the Heritage Foundation on a "Pyramid of Far-Right Radicalization."

He claimed it was necessary because "hate speech is more than speech. It’s materiality. It’s organizing. It’s mobilization. It’s not an exchange of ideas in the marketplace and the best one wins. It’s something else. it’s the strategic deployment of organizational energy and power."

Upon being sworn in, he and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas overhauled and apparently "replace[d] the Office for Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention" with the Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3) with a new focus of "domestic violent extremism, including violent white supremacy."

The TVTP program was not abolished, but rather, the administration has "reimagined" it, "wielding it as a weapon against conservatives, Christians and the Republican Party under the guise of taking on the scourge of 'white supremacy,’" the MRC report stated.

CNN and NBC are freaking out over the Target boycott

They’re terrified Target will become the next Bud Light

They are afraid other companies may also re-evaluate their left-wing grooming agenda out of fear of similar massive boycotts


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Chris Plante: U-haul ‘Nazi’ ‘White Supremacist’ driver who crashed near White House now all of a sudden gets charges severely downgraded after left-wing media frenzy backfires

“The supposed Nazi-sympathizing ‘White supremacist’ U-haul driver was charged with a laundry list of crimes, most notably perhaps threatening to kill or kidnap the President, VP and their families… had all these federal charges tossed out and replaced with a single count of property degradation.”

“Turns out he’s not even a U.S. citizen. They insisted he was a U.S. citizen from Missouri. Now he’s not a U.S. citizen, now he’s not trying to kill the President… uh, a completely crazy turn around here…”
Another Community Notes W for the people …. and another L for the Tranny brigade

Forwarded from Chief Nerd
You can’t make this up. From the recent FDA funded study published in JAMA Pediatrics:

“A safety signal was identified for only myocarditis or pericarditis. Consistent with other published reports, these results provide additional evidence that COVID-19 vaccines are safe in children.”


CNBC: Chinese state-sponsored hackers infiltrated US naval infrastructure, Navy Secretary says

“Critical communications, maritime and transportation infrastructure in the US and Guam were compromised.”

Forwarded from Goto: @zoomerwaffen08
"Systemic election fraud is built into New York’s electoral process.”

NOW - Biden says U.S. government agencies will take over 100 "bold and unprecedented" actions to "fight hate" and antisemitism. @disclosetv
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Joe Biden is literally taking pages out of The Communist Party Directive playbook

“When certain obstructionists become too irritating, label them, after suitable buildups, as fascist or Nazi or anti-Semitic, and use the prestige of antifascist and tolerance organizations to discredit them… constantly associate those who oppose us with those names which already have a bad smell. The association will after enough repetition become fact in the public mind.”

(Communist Party Directive, 1943)

“The Biden administration is doling out taxpayer money through an anti-terrorism grant initiative to a university program that has explicitly lumped the Republican Party, as well as Christian and conservative groups, into the same category as Nazis.”

(Fox News, May 25, 2023)

“Joe Biden says U.S. government agencies will take over 100 ‘bold and unprecedented’ actions to ‘fight hate’ and ‘antisemitism.’

(Disclose TV, May 25, 2023)
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Far-left Congresswoman Rep. Jayapal (D) tells CNN that their poll finding the vast majority of Americans want Congress to cut spending really means most people want higher taxes
Forwarded from SicilianGorillian
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Klaus Schwab: "The world will no longer be ruled by superpowers like America"

The Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum stated this in an interview with India Today.

🔗 Spriter (@Spriter99880)