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Software Developer (Floating License Server)

Вакансия: #java #jvm #kotlin
Компания: #jetbrains
Локация: #спб #санкт-петербург
З/п: от 180 000 руб.
Контакты: [email protected] или @kieraweed

Мы делаем Floating License Server ( — продукт для управления лицензиями внутри компании-клиента: выдача лицензий продуктам Jetbrains, фильтрация доступа к лицензиям, мониторинг использования на модном стеке (Kotlin + Ktor + React + Exposed) с нуля.

Мы пишем код на чистом Kotlin в Intellij IDEA, код храним в Space (в git-репозиториях), а собираем всё на TeamCity. Приложение должно будет уметь работать с различными СУБД (MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, дальше по желанию). В планах предоставлять Floating License Server как SaaS решение в AWS.

Мы хотели бы видеть тебя в своей команде, если ты:
- Разрабатывал высоконагруженные веб-приложения на Java или Kotlin.
- Сталкивался в работе с многопоточностью, понимаешь как устроена JMM.
- Писал сложные запросы и оптимизировал их, сталкивался с дедлоками и понимаешь как с ними бороться в реляционных базах данных.
- Пишешь простой и понятный код, который легко поддерживать.

Будет плюсом, если ты:
- Программируешь на Kotlin.
- Использовал React в разработке.
- Имеешь представление о Docker и облачных сервисах.
#vacancy #вакансия #java #jvm #relocation #office #fulltime #Tallinn

Twilio is growing rapidly and now looking for a Senior Software Engineer
Our office is based in #Tallinn, Veerenni
🌏We will provide relocation assistance.

Twilio is a cloud communications platform as a service company with HQ in San Francisco. Twilio allows software developers to programmatically make and receive phone calls, send and receive text messages, and perform other communication functions using its web service APIs.

What does the team do?
When a message (ex SMS, WhatsApp, push notification, etc) is sent or received using Twilio, the Messaging stack transports and stores (where applicable) critical events for functional, billing and telemetry purposes. Data Infrastructure team provides the services that are the backbone for such events. The Data Infrastructure services are required to be scalable and highly available due to the criticality of its role for our business.

Who are we looking for?
📍 We are especially looking for experience in (not limited to!) ElasticSearch, Cassandra storages, Spark processing, Kafka data pipelining.
📍 You understand scalability challenges and the performance of server-side code. You can design and develop horizontally-scalable, resilient and performing-under-load systems.
📍 You are a Java enthusiast and professional. There is at least one framework in which you can be called an expert. If you are a professional in other languages and are interested in working on JVM stack, do not hesitate to sign up!
📍 You are passionate about quality and can engineer it at all stages of software development.
📍 You have strong communication skills and desire to make an impact and thrive in small, collaborative, energetic teams.

🦉 As a software engineer in the Messaging Data Infrastructure team, you will design, implement and operate a data pipeline and storage solutions that can serve hundreds of millions of events daily, consumed by external and internal customers.
🚀 You will primarily collaborate with other Messaging teams based in Tallinn and San Francisco and, of course, rest of the Twilio engineering globally.
🎁 All the perks that go with a world-changing tech company
💶 Salary around 2.500-4000 eur net + and something else :3
🌏 Help with relocation

You can simply apply via this link:
Or ask me questions here @Life1over

We can’t wait to see what you build.