Forwarded from Alexandra
#вакансия #Москва м. Парк Культуры #Полнаязанятость #офис
#вилка 90 000-150 000 руб.
#Fullstack #JavaScript #Developer for a #blockchain platform
Who fits: Experience in JavaScript: 2+ years
Experience in development: 3+ years
Knownledge of best practicies: patterns, classes naming, projects structure
Self-motivated and really passionate about creating interesting, complex, world-changing solutions
JavaScript:Сlosures, prototype chains, good practices of optimizations DOM tree, VDOM, Event loop, jQuery/VanillaJS
jQuery, junior skills in one of advanced frameworks: React/Angular
Markup:HTML5, semantics SASS/LESS/Stylus
Builders - Gulp/Grunt/Webpack/Babel/HMR/CRA
Mobile layouts – media queries, features detection, graceful degradations
To do: Develop the main sites of the most advanced blockchain cryptocurrency-based exchange for tokenized assets
Develop new blocks, animations, functionalities for this sites Support mobile layouts for all our products
#вилка 90 000-150 000 руб.
#Fullstack #JavaScript #Developer for a #blockchain platform
Who fits: Experience in JavaScript: 2+ years
Experience in development: 3+ years
Knownledge of best practicies: patterns, classes naming, projects structure
Self-motivated and really passionate about creating interesting, complex, world-changing solutions
JavaScript:Сlosures, prototype chains, good practices of optimizations DOM tree, VDOM, Event loop, jQuery/VanillaJS
jQuery, junior skills in one of advanced frameworks: React/Angular
Markup:HTML5, semantics SASS/LESS/Stylus
Builders - Gulp/Grunt/Webpack/Babel/HMR/CRA
Mobile layouts – media queries, features detection, graceful degradations
To do: Develop the main sites of the most advanced blockchain cryptocurrency-based exchange for tokenized assets
Develop new blocks, animations, functionalities for this sites Support mobile layouts for all our products