Be Reasonable Podcast info stream (Chris Paul)
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Information stream via Chris Paul, host of Be Reasonable: with Your Moderator Chris Paul

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Forwarded from Garrett Ziegler
Send this to every human you know that lives in Wisconsin:
Forwarded from General Flynn ️
#FightBack Foundation is paying attorney’s fees for an important GA election case presently pending in the 11th Circuit. The case is legally solid. It is based on the GA legislature not adopting the 2020 changes in the election procedures. The foundation needs your help. Please consider donating to to help the GA lawfare battle being waged by Mr. Lin Wood and his team of lawyers…winning this important case helps America’s cause for election reforms.
Lin Wood is good!
I love Lin Wood. I also love Steve Bannon. There is no way Steve Bannon is not a patriot. But I wonder what the next move will be.

A passing thought... if WE are confused, I think we know who’s more confused than we are.
Forwarded from The Conspiracy Hole (Brody Hyde)
U.S. Government’s Secret Experiments on Its Citizens

(1931) Cancer: The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations infected human subjects with cancer cells. Dr. Cornelius Rhoads established the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama and began a series of radiation exposure experiments on patients in government and civilian hospitals.

(1932) Syphilis: In the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, two hundred black men diagnosed with syphilis were never told of their illness and were used as human guinea pigs in order to better understand the symptoms of the disease. None of the men received any kind of treatment, and only seventy-four survived.

(1935) Dietary deficiencies: Millions had died of pellagra, a dietary deficiency, in poverty-stricken black populations. The U.S. Public Health Service finally acted to curb the disease and admitted that it had known the causes of pellagra for more than two decades.

(1940) Malaria: In order to gauge the abilities of experimental drugs designed to fight malaria, four hundred prisoners in Chicago were infected with the disease.

(1942) Mustard gas: Four thousand servicemen, mostly Seventh-day Adventists who were conscientious objectors, served as human guinea pigs for mustard gas experiments.

(1947) Radioactive injections: The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission began administering intravenous doses of radioactive materials to human subjects.

(1947) Psychedelics: In its efforts to evaluate LSD as a potential weapon or truth serum, the Central Intelligence Agency administered dosages of the powerful hallucinogenic drug to human subjects, civilian and military, often without their knowledge or consent.

(1950) Radiation: With nuclear weapons still in their infancy, Department of Defense detonated nuclear devices in desert areas and then monitored unsuspecting civilians in cities downwind from the blasts for medical problems and mortality rates.

(1950) Bacteriological warfare: The U.S. Navy sprayed a cloud of bacteria over San Francisco to test how a large city would respond to more lethal biological attacks. Many residents became ill with pneumonia-like symptoms.

(1955) Biological agents: In an experiment to test its ability to infect human populations with biological agents, the Central Intelligence Agency released bacteria in the Tampa, Florida, area.

(1956) Yellow fever: Mosquitoes infected with yellow fever were released over Savannah, Georgia, and Avon Park, Florida. U.S. Army disease specialists, posing as public health officials, test area residents for effects.

(1965) Dioxin: Inmates at Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia were dosed with dioxin, the toxic chemical component of Agent Orange used in Vietnam.

(1966) Germ warfare: More than a million civilians were exposed to germ warfare when U.S. Army scientists dropped light bulbs filled with bacteria onto ventilation grates throughout the New York City subway system.

(1977) Contamination: Senate hearings revealed that between 1949 and 1969, 239 highly populated areas, including San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City (Florida), Minneapolis, and St. Louis, had been contaminated with biological agents.

(1978) Hepatitis B: The Centers for Disease Control asked specifically for promiscuous homosexual males when it tested an experimental hepatitis B vaccine in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Three years later, in those same cities, the first cases of AIDS were confirmed in homosexual men.

(1990) Measles: The Centers for Disease Control inoculated more than 1,500 six-month-old black and Hispanic babies in Los Angeles against measles. Later, the center confessed that the vaccine was experimental.

(1995) Biological agents: Evidence surfaced that the biological agents used during the Gulf War had been manufactured in Houston, Texas, and Boca Raton, Florida, and tested on prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections.
And there you have it. Lin Wood is simply doing what the rest of us do when we have doubts about people, if we care about using our discernment - he gives voice to his doubts and examines them.

He just happens to do it in public, because he's done the work to discern and feel his doubts are legitimate. He may well know more than we do about most of this. The issues are of world-changing importance. He's using the hivemind to aid his discernment. I have done that. Many of us have.

Judge Lin Wood by what Lin Wood does. Disagree with him if you want. But don't assume that he's some sort of loon, or shill, or traitor because he says something doubtful about someone you like.

Discernment is active. The good/evil dichotomy isn't sufficient for discernment because it could be tribal and people can change. The Manichaean thing turns discernment off completely.

We point out things our frens miss. Sometimes we point out things our frens miss to our frens, and about themselves. That makes us better frens. It doesn't make us enemies, and it doesn't make one of us a bad guy.
Forwarded from GEORGENEWS

*UPDATED* 7:53PM ET📎 ⬅️

Here is the 'Official WH Transcript as transcribed by the WH Press Office: (Remarks on Supply Chain Bottlenecks, East Room)

"And today, we have an important announcement that will get things you buy to you, to the shelves faster. I'm joined by the executive directors of the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, Gene Seroka and Mari- -- Mario Cordono [Cordero]. I miss- -- I apologize, Mario. That the -- and the president of the International Longshoremen's Union, Willie Adams". ~ Biden

"And I especially want to thank Joe [John] Porcari. And I think Joe [John] has done one heck of job -- my special envoy, specifically on ports, who has been working this issue with all of the stakeholders for the past several weeks". ~ Biden

This is what Psaki's Press Office does, ALL THE TIME!

They ban questions from the Press, pre-screen and pre-select who gets to ask a 'meaningless' question when called on; to actually changing the SPOKEN WORDS of a (P)resident and recording it as such in Official records!

One thing is certain for this joke of an 'admin'.

BRING BACK BETTER... font on the damn teleprompter for this clown!

### | @GeorgeChat
Joe Oltmann is absolutely kicking ass. This is amazing. Here's an example of what it actually looks like to not give a fuck.

This is the most punk rock movement of all time.

'Fuck you money' means nothing without the 'fuck you'. Zuckerberg, et al are about to learn that the hard way, and they'll be taught it by guys who knew which side of that equation mattered.
Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17)
Media is too big
President Trump just called into the rally in Virginia. He is the full exchange 🇺🇸
Forwarded from Natalie Fox (FJB/LGB)
Forwarded from Joe Oltmann (Joe Oltmann)
Qanon. I really don’t know much about it… but the Coomer lawyers wrote in their brief some of the most slanderous parts of all of this. That the reason we called Dominion what they are is because of some Qanon conspiracy.

First of all… I have no clue what that means. I like to keep my information and assessment of information simple. Meaning I call evil, evil. I call wrong, wrong. I love to play chess and I have exactly zero fear, especially when you are evil. Defeating evil crapbags does not take an elaborate plan. It takes soap and elbow grease. It takes courage. It takes character and it takes commitment to standing together and being loyal to each other. That is all.

Liars cannot thrive when good men and women stand together in truth. I don’t know if Q is real, or not… and frankly I don’t care. I simply break it down to getting back to basics. I’m not going to wait for someone else to save me or you. I’m going to step out and stand shoulder to shoulder with you and accept you where you are, not necessarily where I may want you to be.

If Q turns out to be real, I won’t offend anyone. If it is not, I won’t offend anyone. Because at the end of the day, all I care about is you. What is a lie though is what the lawyers said. They lied, and therefore they are liars by definition. If the truth is offensive, I cannot help you. You will never find a place where I have ever referred to Q, because frankly I don’t have enough about it. Does not mean I would disrespect you nor judge you, either way. I have all my faith in Jesus and doing the right thing… it does however mean, since they are calling me Q, I suppose I should learn a little about it.

So accept me, stand with me, invite others to stand with you…. And sooner or later we will be the most powerful group of people in the country… Americans, holding these other evil asshats accountable.

Disclaimer: not pointing out any particular asshats. Just asshats who hate our nation, or lie and cheat or who disgrace our nation. You know… like the radical leftist terrorists. 😎
Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17)
Media is too big
Marc Elias, longtime Democrat scumbag attorney (Hillary Clinton, John Kerry), appeared on the Rachel Maddow show tonight.

Here he is discussing how the Republicans are going to steal the next election. Define projection.

Sure seems like he knows Durham is coming.

Keep in mind, this dude jumped ship from Perkins Coie right before his buddy Michael Sussmann was indicted by Durham.

He is either running scared, or he is cooperating with Durham. Either way, we win and Hillary is going to jail.
Forwarded from
JUST IN - Germany: State election administration to appeal #Berlin election. Every 11th polling station in the federal state had irregularities. Social Democrats and the Green Party had won the election.

Today is a great day to check out my podcast with Kash Patel!

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