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77.Subsistence - пропитание

78.Bedding - подстилка

79.Regalia - [rɪˈgeɪlɪə] - одежда, традиционное облачение

80.Urchin - морской ёж

81.Invertibrate - [ɪnˈvɜːtɪbrət] - беспозвоночный

82.Telltale signature - явный признак

Working with the Sealaska Heritage Institute, Moss also observed the process of skinning the otters for pelts and разделывание (туши) by to day's Tlingit, and she interviewed tribe members about their understanding of ancient practices from before sea otters went extinct. She found little evidence of human consumption but some for the Tlingit dogs eating otter meat.

Moss раскопал the two sites in the 1980s when she was studying fish and моллюсков remains as part of her research on subsistence economies of the Angoon Tlingit. While working on her dissertation she visited the UC Berkeley Museum, where she had obtained a handwritten catalog made by earlier researchers at the two sites. She had for years wanted to study the bones in the collection, she said.

"It was particularly порадовало to come up with a research question that allowed me to do that and be of interest to my Tlingit colleagues," Moss said. "They have been genuinely interested in and supporting this research for several years. When I presented these results in Juneau at the Sealaska Heritage Institute this past summer, there was a large crowd of listeners, including people who said they would never eat sea otter, and others who liked the meat."

Efforts to reintroduce sea otters to the Oregon coast failed in the 1970s, but amid fresh calls to try again, a current UO project could prove to be helpful. Sea otter sightings on the coast are rare and are thought to reflect temporary visits rather than residence.

Sea otters were decimated by Euro-American fur traders. By 1911, the otters had disappeared from Oregon, said UO doctoral candidate Hannah Wellman. She is studying the historical ecology of sea otters and китовых —whales, dolphins and морских свиней (дельфинов) —along the coast.


83.To butcher - [ˈbʊʧə] -  разделывать (мясную тушу или рыбу)

84.To excavate - раскапывать, производить раскопки

85.Shellfish - моллюск

86.To gratify - доставлять удовольствие, радовать

87.Ceatcean - [sɪˈteɪʃn] - китовый

88.Porpoise - [ˈpɔːpəs] - морская свинья, дельфин

Wellman is exploring the past practices of the state's indigenous populations by studying ancient DNA and cut marks on remains unearthed at two large archaeological sites near Seaside in the 1960s and '70s. The remains are at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and the UO's Museum of Natural and Cultural History.

"The excavations выявили, извлекли из земли a lot of material, and researchers like me are slowly working through analyzing the animal bone that was collected," said Wellman, whose research контролировался by Moss. "The preservation was really исключительным ."

DNA from the Oregon sea otters is being compared to modern California otters, as well as sea otter remains dated from 1857 to 1983 from Russia, Alaska, British Columbia and Washington.

Previous research, Wellman said, suggested that Oregon's ancient otters were genetically linked with those in California, which may explain why Alaskan otters used in the 1970s' effort failed. She is using a more надёжный в использовании DNA-sequencing technology in hopes of getting definitive results.

"The cut marks on the bones should give me a good idea of use patterns," Wellman said. "We know from archaeology, tribal knowledge, oral histories and ethnographies that sea otters were extremely important to indigenous groups along the Northwest Coast. I hope to provide a really specific insight into that use. Did they skin them for their pelts, eat the meat, or both?"

A return of sea otters could изменить marine habitats and рыболовство in Oregon, as has been the case in Alaska. The animal remains now being studied can inform present-day ecological issues, said Wellman, who grew up near Boston and earned a bachelor's degree from Tufts University.

"Our goal is to provide an additional source of deep-time data to wildlife managers and biologists as they debate reintroducing sea otters to Oregon," she said. "We'll be sharing our results with the Elakha Alliance, which is investigating the feasibility of reintroductions to Oregon, as well as the Oregon tribes.


89.To unearth - выкапывать, извлекать из земли

90.To supervise - контролировать, руководить

91.Exceptional - исключительный, выше среднего уровня

92.Robust - надёжный в эксплуатации, устойчивый

93.To alter - [ˈɔːltə] - изменять

94.Fishery - рыболовство

🕯Article 5

Locusts swarm on a tree south of Lodwar town in Turkana county, northern Kenya Tuesday, June 23, 2020. The worst outbreak of the voracious insects in Kenya in 70 years is far from over, and their newest generation is now finding its wings for proper flight. (AP Photo/Boris Polo)

The crunch of young саранчи comes with nearly every step. The worst массовое появление вредителей of the прожорливых insects in Kenya in 70 years is far from over, and their newest generation is now finding its wings for proper flight.

The средства к существованию of millions of already уязвимых people in East Africa are at stake, and people like Boris Polo are working to limit the damage. The logistician with a helicopter firm is on contract with the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, helping to find and mark locust рой for the targeted pesticide spraying that has been called the only effective control.

"It sounds grim because there's no way you're gonna kill all of them because the areas are so vast," he told The Associated Press from the field in northwestern Kenya on Thursday. "But the key of the project is to minimize" the damage, and the work is definitely having an effect, he said.


95.Locust - [ˈləʊkəst] - саранча

96.Outbreak - массовое появление вредителей (с/х), вспышка

97.Voracious - [vəˈreɪʃəs] - прожорливый

98.Livelihood - средства к существованию

99.Vulnerable - уязвимый, ранимый

100.Swarm - рой

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For months, a large part of East Africa has been caught in a cycle with no end in sight as millions of locusts became billions, обгрызая the leaves of both crops and the brush that поддерживают the домашний скот, поголовье скота so important to many families.

"The risk of significant impact to both crops and природные неогороженные пастбища is very high," the regional IGAD Climate Prediction & Applications Center said Wednesday in a statement.

For now, the young yellow locusts cover the ground and tree trunks like a подёргивающийся carpet, sometimes drifting over the dust like giant grains of sand.

In the past week and a half, Polo said, the locusts have transformed from hoppers to more mature flying swarms that in the next couple of weeks will take to long-distance flight, creating the vast swarms that can largely заслонять, затмевать the horizon. A single swarm can be the size of a large city.

Once airborne, the locusts will be harder to contain, flying up to 200 kilometers (124 miles) a day.

"They follow prevailing winds," Polo said. "So they'll start entering Sudan, Ethiopia and eventually come around toward Somalia." By then, the winds will have shifted and whatever swarms are left will come back into Kenya.

"By February, March of next year they'll be laying eggs in Kenya again," he said. The next generation could be up to 20 times the size of the previous one.

The trouble is, only Kenya and Ethiopia are doing the pesticide control work. "In places like Sudan, South Sudan, especially Somalia, there's no way, people can't go there because of the issues those countries are having," Polo said.


101.To nibble - обгрызать, обкусывать

102.To sustain - поддерживать

103.Livestock - домашний скот, поголовье скота

104.Rangeland - природное неогороженное пастбище

105.To twitch - дёргаться, подёргиваться

106.To blot out - закрывать, заслонять (про небо, тучи, туман и т.д.)

"The limited financial capacity of some of the affected countries and the lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic have further затруднили control efforts. Additionally, armed conflict in Somalia rendered some of the locust breeding areas недоступными," ICPAC expert Abubakr Salih Babiker and colleagues wrote in correspondence published in the journal Nature Climate Change this month.

Since "more extreme climate variability could increase the вероятность of pest outbreaks and spread," they called for a better early warning system for the region and urged developing countries to help.
The World Bank earlier this year announced a $500 million program for countries affected by the historic desert locust swarms, while the FAO has sought more than $300 million.

The pesticide spraying in Kenya "has definitely borne fruit," said Kenneth Mwangi, a satellite information analyst with ICPAC. There's been a sharp decline from the first wave of locusts, and a few административных округов that had seen "huge and multiple swarms" now report little to none. Areas experiencing the second wave are notably the farthest from control centers, he said.

It's been more challenging in Ethiopia, where despite the spraying, new locust swarms arrived from Somalia and parts of northern Kenya. "Unfortunately both waves have found crops in the field," Mwangi said.
But without the control work, Polo said, the already dramatic swarms would be even more massive.

He and colleagues target the locusts in the early mornings before they leave their места для ночлега and start flying in the heat of the day. The work has gone on since March.

"These plagues are part of nature," Polo said. "They actually производят омоложение, восстанавливают the areas. They don't kill the plants, they eat the leaves. Everything grows back.
"They don't harm the natural world, they harm what humans need in the natural world


107.To hamper - затруднять, препятствовать

108.Inaccessible - недоступный

109.Likelihood - вероятность

110.County - административный округ

111.Roosting spot - место для ночлега

112.To rejuvenate - производить омоложение, восстанавливать
