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Microbes working together увеличивают biomass преобразования possibilities

Fungal biofilm growing on an oxygen проницаемой, helically свёрнутой в спираль tubular membrane in an otherwise anaerobic bioreactor. The biofilm is removed from the reactor at the end of a fermentation run.

With the race for renewable energy sources in full swing, plants offer one of the most promising candidates for replacing сырой oil.

Lignocellulose in particular—biomass from несъедобных plants like grass, leaves, and wood that don't compete with food crops—is abundant and renewable and offers a great alternative source to petroleum for a whole range of chemicals.


159.To multiply - увеличивать, множить

160.Conversion - преобразование, превращение

161.Permeable - [ˈpɜːmɪəb(ə)l] - проницаемый, пропускающий жидкость

162.To coil - свёртывать кольцом, спиралью

163.Crude - сырой, необработанный

164.Non-edible - несъедобный

In order to extract useful chemicals from it, lignocellulose is first предварительно обрабатывается to "break it up" and make it easier to further process. Then it's подвергается воздействию to enzymes that solubilize cellulose, which is a chain of linked up sugars (glucose).

This step can be done by adding to the pre-treated lignocellulose a microorganism that naturally produces the necessary, cellulose-расщепляющих enzymes, e.g. a гриб, грибок.

The enzymes "crack" the cellulose and turn it into its individual sugars, which can be further processed to produce a key chemical: молочная кислота.

This second step is also accomplished with a microorganism, a bacterium that "eats" the sugars and produces lactic acid when there's no oxygen around.

In the final step of this microbial конвейера the lactic acid can then be processed to make a whole host of useful chemicals.

A team of scientists from the Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH), the University of Cambridge, and EPFL have made this assembly chain possible in a single setup and demonstrated this conversion can be made more универсальным and modular. By easily swapping out the microorganisms in the final, lactic-acid processing, step, they can produce a whole range of useful chemicals.


165.To pretreat - предварительно обрабатывать

166.To expose - подвергать действию, воздействию (чего-либо)

167.To cleave - расщеплять, раскалывать

168.Fungus - [ˈfʌŋgəs] - гриб, грибок

169.Lactic acid - молочная кислота

170.Assembly line - сборочная линия, конвейер

171.Versatile - [ˈvɜːsətaɪl] - универсальный, многофункциональный

The прорыв (научный) study is published in Science, and was carried out by Robert Shahab, an EPFL Ph.D. student in Professor Jeremy Luterbacher's lab, while working gat the lab of Professor Michael Studer at the BFH, who led the study.

An illustration of the different chemicals that can be produced from бука using the lactate platform.

The researchers present what they refer to as a 'lactate platform,' which is essentially a пространственно разделённый, изолированный bioreactor that allows multiple different microorganisms to co-exist, each performing one of the three steps of lignocellulose processing.

The platform consists of a tubular membrane that lets a defined amount of oxygen to go through it. On the tube's surface can be grown the fungus that consumes all oxygen that passes through the membrane, and provides the enzymes that will break up cellulose into sugars. Further away from the membrane, and therefore in an atmosphere without oxygen, grow the bacteria that will 'eat' the sugars and turn them into lactic acid.

But the innovation that Shahab made was in the last step. By using different lactic acid-fermenting microorganisms, he was able to produce different useful chemicals. One example was butyric acid, which can be used in bioplastics, while Luterbacher's lab recently showed that it can even be turned into a jet fuel.

The work demonstrates the benefits of mixed microbial cultures in lignocellulose biomass processing: modularity and the ability to convert complex substrates to valuable platform chemicals.
"The results achieved with the lactate platform nicely show the advantages of artificial microbial объединений, консорциумов to form new products from lignocellulose," says Michael Studer. "The creation of niches in otherwise homogeneous bioreactors is a valuable tool to co-cultivate different microorganisms."

"Fermenting lignocellulose to a lot of different products was a significant amount of work but it was important to show how versatile the lactate platform is," says Robert Shahab. "To see the formation of lactate and the conversion into target products was a great experience as it showed that the concept of the lactate platform worked in practice."

Jeremy Luterbacher adds, "The ultimate goal is to rebuild a green manufacturing sector to replace one that produces many products from crude oil. A method that introduces flexibility and modularity is an important step in that direction."


172.Breakthrough - прорыв (научный)

173.Beechwood - бук (дерево)

174.Spatially - пространственно, в пространственном отношении

175.To segregate - отделять, изолировать

176.Consortium (ед.ч) - cosortia (мн.ч) - консорциум, ассоциация, объединение

🕯Article 9

To recreate ancient recipes, check out the следы, остатки of clay pots

Seven La Chamba неглазурированных, неглазированных ceramic pots used in a yearlong cooking experiment that analyzed the chemical остатки, осадки of meals prepared.

Archaeologists find that unglazed ceramic cookware absorbs the chemical residue of present and past meals

If you happen to dig up an ancient ceramic cooking pot, don't clean it. Chances are, it contains the culinary secrets of the past.

A research team led by University of California, Berkeley, archaeologists has discovered that unglazed ceramic cookware can удерживать the residue of not just the last supper cooked, but, potentially, earlier dishes cooked across a pot's lifetime, opening a window onto the past.

The findings, reported in the journal Scientific Reports, suggest that gastronomic practices going back millennia -- say, to cook Aztec turkey, hominy pozole or the bean stew likely served at the Last Supper -- can be reconstructed by analyzing the chemical compounds прилипших to and absorbed by the керамической посуде in which they were prepared.

"Our data can help us better reconstruct the meals and specific ingredients that people consumed in the past which, in turn, can shed light on social, political and environmental relationships within ancient communities," said study co-lead author Melanie Miller, a researcher at Berkeley's Archaeological Research Facility and a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Otago in New Zealand.


177.Vestige - след, остаток

178.Unglazed - неглазурованный, неглазированный

179.Residue - осадок, остаток

180.To retain - удерживать, сохранять

181.To adhere - приставать, прилепляться, приклеиваться

182.Earhtenware - керамическая посуда, фаянс

In a yearlong cooking experiment led by Miller and Berkeley archaeologist Christine Hastorf, seven chefs each prepared 50 meals made from combinations of оленины, maize (corn) and wheat flour in newly purchased La Chamba ceramic pots. This robust, полированная black clay cookware dates back to pre-Columbian South America, and the handcrafted vessels remain popular for preparing and serving traditional foods today.

The group came up with the idea in Hastorf's Archaeology of Food graduate seminar at Berkeley. By analyzing the chemical residues of the meals cooked in each pot, the researchers sought to learn whether the deposits found in ancient cooking vessels would reflect the remains of only the last dish cooked, or previous meals, as well.

In addition to receiving donated deer roadkill, they purchased large quantities of whole grains and a mill, which Hastorf set up in her garage, измельчить, перемолоть them. The group then developed a repertoire of six recipes using deer meat and whole and milled grain.

They picked основные ingredients that could be found in many parts of the world. For example, two recipes focused on hominy, which is made from вымоченной, замоченной maize in an alkaline solution, while two others used wheat flour.


183.Venison - оленина

184.To burnish - полировать, отшлифовывать

185.To grind - перемалывать, измельчать

186.Staple - основной, составляющий важнейшую часть (часто для предметов торговли и производства)

187.To soak - мочить, замачивать, пропитывать

"We chose the food based on how easy it would be to отличить, различить the chemicals in the food from one another and how the pots would react to the isotopic and chemical values of the food," said Hastorf, a Berkeley professor of anthropology who studies food archaeology, among other things.

Each of the seven chefs cooked an experimental meal weekly in a La Chamba pot using the group's указанные ingredients. "The мягкие, кашицеобразные meals were безвкусные, and we didn't eat them," Miller noted.

Every eighth meal was обожжён, обуглен воспроизвести the kinds of carbonized residues that archaeologists often встречают in ancient pots and to mimic what would normally happen in a pot's lifetime. Between each meal, the pots were cleaned with water and a branch from an apple tree. Surprisingly, none of them broke during the course of the study.


188.To distinguish - различать, отличать, проводить различие

189.To designate - указывать, обозначать

190.Mushy - мягкий, кашицеобразный

191.Bland - безвкусный

192.To char - обжигать, обугливать

193.To replicate - воспроизводить, копировать

194.To encounter - встретить, столкнуться

At Berkeley's Center for Stable Isotope Biogeochemisty, the team провели an analysis of the charred remains and the carbonized patinas that developed on the pots.

Stable isotopes are atoms whose composition does not распадается, разлагается over time, which is useful for archaeological studies. An analysis of the fatty lipids absorbed into the clay cookware was performed at the University of Bristol in England.

Overall, chemical analyses of the food residues showed that different meal time scales were represented in different residues. For example, the charred bits at the bottom of a pot contained evidence of the latest meal cooked, while the remnants of prior meals could be found in патине that built up elsewhere on the pot's interior and in the lipid residue that was absorbed into the pottery itself.

These results give scientists a new tool to study long-ago diets and also provide clues to food production, supply and distribution chains of past eras.
"We've flung open the door for others to take this experiment to the next level and record even longer timelines in which food residues can be identified," Miller said.

In addition to Miller and Hastorf, co-authors of the study are Alexandra McCleary and Geoffrey Taylor at UC Berkeley; Helen Whelton, Simon Hammann, Lucy Cramp and Richard Evershed at the University of Bristol; Jillian Swift at the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum in Hawai'i; Sophia Maline at the University of Southern California; Kirsten Vacca at the University of Hawai'i-West O'ahu and independent учёный Fanya Becks.


195.To conduct - проводить (анализ, исследование и т.п.)

196.To decay - распадаться, разлагаться

197.Patina - налёт зеленоватого цвета (на бронзе и других материалах, признак их древности)

198.Scholar - учёный (особенно в гуманитарных науках)

🕯Article 10

Florida продвигается вперёд in lifting ограничений amid virus concerns

Постоянные посетители dine at a restaurant Friday, Oct. 2, 2020, in Winter Park, Fla. In his drive to return the state to normalcy, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis lifted limits on indoor seating at restaurants, saying they can operate at 100% in municipalities with no restrictions and that other local governments can't restrict indoor seating by more than 50%.

As the summer coronavirus spike in Sunbelt states утихает, Florida has gone the furthest in lifting restrictions, especially on restaurants where the ноша of ensuring safety has shifted to business owners and residents—raising concerns of a возрождении.

In his drive to return the state to normalcy, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis lifted limits on indoor seating at restaurants, saying they can operate at 100% in cities and counties with no restrictions and that other local governments with some restrictions can't limit indoor seating by more than 50%.
