Cezar's Projects
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Sorry, i can't reply to all fans at the moment
⚠️ @silentcbot under maintenance
Cezar's Projects
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New channels: @ttopics and @ttopicsbr
⚠️ The whitelist feature on @silentcbot is bugged and will probably be fixed only when i release the python version
Btw if you clone the bot it will work fine because the error is happening due to too much calls to getChatAdministrators from @silentcbot
Cezar's Projects
Btw if you clone the bot it will work fine because the error is happening due to too much calls to getChatAdministrators from @silentcbot
The same is happening with getChat i.e. you can't add channel by its username

Instead, forward to the bot a message from the channel
☑️ Bug fixed: now you can connect channels again in SilentC, but only by forwarding a message from the channel
In some hours i'll be without phone (i'm already without pc) so i'll lose all ways of contact

I'll probably be back soon
🇧🇷 Considere fazer uma doação para ajudar um pobre gatinho a conseguir um celular melhor: picpay.me/usernein
Forwarded from Cezar H.
Hoje é meu último dia com internet antes de me mudar
Forwarded from Cezar H.
Estou indo na sexta à noite
Forwarded from Cezar H.
Chego no sábado pela manhã
(moving to another state with my family)
the screen of my new phone broke right now
but not that serious