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Forwarded from Donald J. Trump
RFK Jr. is a Democrat “Plant,” a Radical Left Liberal who’s been put in place in order to help Crooked Joe Biden, the Worst President in the History of the United States, get Re-Elected. A Vote for Junior’ would essentially be a WASTED PROTEST VOTE, that could swing either way, but would only swing against the Democrats if Republicans knew the true story about him. Junior’ is totally Anti-Gun, an Extreme Environmentalist who makes the Green New Scammers look Conservative, a Big Time Taxer and Open Border Advocate, and Anti-Military/Vet.

His Radicalized Family will never allow him to be a Republican, and his Chief “Funder” is the V.P. Candidate that nobody ever heard of, except her ex-husband, who’s been stripped of a big chunk of cash. She puts herself down as a businesswoman, or maybe a doctor, and actually, I guess you could say that she’s right. Her business was doing surgery on her husband’s wallet! She’s more Liberal than Junior’ by far, not a serious person, and only a Pot of Cash to help get her No Chance Candidate on the Ballot.

I lived with RFK Jr. in New York and watched him convince Governor Cuomo to make Environmental moves that were outright NASTY. Upstate New York was not allowed to drill or frack as Ohio, Pennsylvania, and others ripped off New York Energy. Because of this, prices have skyrocketed all over that part of the Country, but especially Upstate New York and New England. Their Energy Costs are the highest in the U.S., with the exception of California, run by Gavin Newscum, the Worst Governor in the State’s History. I’d even take Biden over Junior’, because our Country would last a year or two longer prior to collapse - But it would be dead either way. His Views on Vaccines are FAKE, as is everything else about his Candidacy. Let the Democrats have RFK Jr. They deserve him!
Forwarded from Donald J. Trump
LETTER TO JOE: Dear Joe, now that you’ve committed to Debate on the now dying Howard Stern Show, no less, let’s set it up right now. I’m ready to go anywhere that you are. We could do it in D.C., even pinpoint the White House, or in New York when your Radical Left Fascists are finished with ELECTION INTERFERENCE against your Political Opponent, ME. In any event, let’s get it done - The People of our Country deserve to know why you have allowed 15 Million People, many from Prisons and Mental Institutions, to invade our Country at our now very OPEN Southern Border, or why you want everybody to foolishly have, in 5 years, an All Electric Car, which won’t go far, is very expensive, and will be Made in China, or why you are allowing Energy Prices to skyrocket, our Economy to crash, and Inflation to reach levels that we have never seen before. Maybe you have a reason for this, & you’ll have a chance to talk about it, but let’s get the Debate going, the American People have the right to know!
Forwarded from Donald J. Trump
Gavin Newscum, the failed Governor of California, who is allowing his once beautiful State to go to Hell, refuses to recognize that Republicans are the Leaders on I.V.F. (Fertilization) - We are the ones taking care of Women, and now, after 53 years, where both Parties and all Legal Scholars and Experts wanted the always difficult and contentious subject of Abortion to go back to the States, we got it done, and now the States are setting their own Rules and Regulations - and it’s really working! We’ve given the Abortion Issue back to the Voters. It’s clean, it’s decisive, and we’ve taken Radicalization by Democrats, the killing of a Child in the 8th Month, 9th Month, or even after Birth, off the table. It now seems probable that our Country can start to pull together on the always difficult and controversial Issue of Abortion. IT’S UP TO THE STATES NOW, WHERE EVERYBODY WANTS IT, AND WHERE IT ALWAYS SHOULD HAVE BEEN!
Forwarded from Donald J. Trump
The White House Correspondents’ Dinner was really bad. Colin Jost BOMBED, and Crooked Joe was an absolute disaster! Doesn’t get much worse than this!
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