The ###humpbacks are here! 🐋
With an annual migration of up to 10,000 kilometres, humpback #whales spend summer in the Antarctic feeding on krill before travelling north during winter to #breed. ###humpbacks are here! 🐋
With an annual migration of up to 10,000 kilometres, humpback #whales 6393707 The ###humpbacks are here! 🐋
With an annual migration of up to 10,000 kilometres, humpback #whales spend
With an annual migration of up to 10,000 kilometres, humpback #whales spend summer in the Antarctic feeding on krill before travelling north during winter to #breed. ###humpbacks are here! 🐋
With an annual migration of up to 10,000 kilometres, humpback #whales 6393707 The ###humpbacks are here! 🐋
With an annual migration of up to 10,000 kilometres, humpback #whales spend