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🔰 A JavaScript-based Ethereum trading bot with local execution, advanced configurations, and DEX (MEV-Bot) integration for automated and reliable trading.
Language: JavaScript
#blockchain #bot #btc #crypto_bot #decentralized_exchanges #dex #ethereum #evm #javascript #liquidity_sniping #mempool #mev #mev_bots #nodejs #oneinch #smart_contracts #solidity #sushiswap #uniswap
Stars: 193 Issues: 0 Forks: 131
A powerful Solana MEV bot designed for both browser and local use. It scans transactions in real time, identifies profitable opportunities across Pump.FUN, Jupiter, and Raydium, and executes trades with precision. Fully automated, fast, and optimized for maximum efficiency.
Language: JavaScript
#blockchain #bot #crypto_bot #decentralized_exchanges #dex #ethereum #javascript #liquidity_sniping #mempool #mev #mev_bots #nodejs #smart_contracts #solana #solidity
Stars: 149 Issues: 0 Forks: 109