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GEORGENEWS pinned Deleted message
JULY 22, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Republican Arizona State Senator Paul Boyer, a RINO if there ever was one, is doing everything in his power to hold up the damning Forensic Audit of Maricopa County which has been taking place over the last 90 days. The people of Arizona are demanding it. Boyer has been nothing but trouble, and nobody knows why. All we demand is Voter Integrity! He is being primaried by a strong and highly respected challenger, former Arizona State Representative Anthony Kern.

JULY 22, 2021

45th President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks at Turning Point Action

I am looking forward to speaking at Turning Point Action on Saturday afternoon, in the Great State of Arizona, at the Arizona Federal Theatre. We will be broadcasting at approximately 6:00PM EST. Big crowd, see you there!

Joe Biden's wife in Hawaii.

The East Wing sends this along: (07/25/2021, 5:53PM ET)

"The First Lady will tour a pop-up COVID-19 vaccination clinic at Waipahu High School in Waipahu, Hawaii, and encourage Hawaiians to get vaccinated. Hawaii Pacific Health will be administering the vaccines. Her visit is part of the Administration’s nationwide effort to reach millions of Americans who still need protection against the virus and highlight the ease of getting vaccinated.

The clinic will be open from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Hawaiian residents ages 18 years or older who receive the vaccine will be eligible to participate in the state-run #HiGotVaccinated incentive program, which includes $5,000 checks, holiday packages, and gift cards among other prizes. The clinic will offer Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. Those getting their first shot will be able to receive their second dose at the same location in three weeks."

Update from travel pool: 7:16PM ET

"Outside the school about 20 Trump supporters were gathered with large flags and signs. One man had a black and white flag that said “All Lives Matter” Another man wore a t-shirt that said “Trump won.” One homemade sign said “no shots for tots.” Another woman had a sign that had an x with a circle through the words “vaccine passport.”

Update from travel pool: 7:37M ET

One of the medical assistants gave a teenage boy his second shot.

“That’s good news, no reaction from the first dose,” Biden said as the teen told that to the shot administrator.

“If you don’t look, it’ll be OK. I know that as a mother,” Biden said to the teen’s mom.

“Did you see how quick that was?” Biden said after the shot was administered. She and other people in the room clapped.

The Pfizer shot was given.

Another teen, a girl, who looks to be the sister of the first, was given her dose as well.

“Ahhh,” Biden cooed as the mom and brother both held her hand.

“What a wonderful support system here,” Biden said.

Biden moved to the front of the gym at 1:25 p.m. as people who had just received their shots looked on. Pool it out of earshot now.

Biden is touring the clinic with Gov. David Ige and his wife, among others."


#TheReturnOfTheMAGA #T45 #SoonerThanYouThink
TED CRUZ, 07/25/2021

"Enough is enough – the heavy-handed government overreach we've seen over the past 15 months has DESTROYED countless livelihoods.

I've officially introduced legislation to BAN a federal vaccine passport system.

People should be free to decide whether they get the vaccine or not, period. Taking the COVID-19 vaccine is a personal choice. Nobody should be forced to do it.

The bottom line is people should be free to make the decision that is right for them.

I'm already being attacked over this legislation. That's fine - this is a battle we MUST fight to stop the government overreach we've seen take hold."


“And so yesterday I got to see four events, I got to see women’s softball, which we won, I got to see this great sport that I’ve never seen – 3x3 basketball … and we won. And then I got to go to the soccer game against the Netherlands and we won,” she said.

(FACT CHECK: the match was against New Zealand.)

Whatever Sleepy has, it seems to have 'spread'...
JULY 26, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Who are these RINO Republicans that are so dedicated to giving the Radical Left Democrats a big and beautiful win on Infrastructure? Republican voters will never forget their name, nor will the people of our Country!

JULY 26, 2021

Endorsement of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton

Attorney General Ken Paxton has been bravely on the front line in the fight for Texas, and America, against the vicious and very dangerous Radical Left Democrats, and the foolish and unsuspecting RINOs that are destroying our Country. Ken is strong on Crime, Border Security, the Second Amendment, Election Integrity and, above all, our Constitution. He loves our Military and our Vets. It is going to take a PATRIOT like Ken Paxton to advance America First policies in order to Make America Great Again. Ken has my Complete and Total Endorsement for another term as Attorney General of Texas. He is a true Texan who will keep Texas safe—and will never let you down!

JULY 26, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Nancy Pelosi is spending a great deal of time, effort, and money on the formulation of a Fake and highly partisan January 6 Committee to ask, “what happened?”

Will Nancy investigate herself and those on Capitol Hill who didn’t want additional protection, including more police and National Guard, therefore being unprepared despite the large crowd of people that everyone knew was coming?

Will Nancy and her Committee study the massive Voter Fraud that took place during the 2020 Presidential Election, particularly in swing states, that was the reason hundreds of thousands of people came pouring into Washington and, therefore, must be a big factor in the final Committee Report? Now would be a very good time to study the large scale Voter Fraud in our Presidential Election.

Will Nancy release the thousands of hours of tapes so we can see the extent to which ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter played a role, while also revealing “who killed Ashli Babbitt?” A real and thorough investigation of this must be done—and what about all of the violence, murders, riots, and fires that took place in Democrat run cities throughout the United States by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter, with virtually no consequence for this death and destruction?

Will Nancy look into the vicious partisan investigations of Conservatives and Republicans that are taking place by prosecutors all over the Country? The five-year investigation of me, and all that so many have been through, including the fake Russia Russia Russia charge, and including the local Democrat-controlled New York prosecutors who work around the clock to get President Donald Trump, while murderers, drug dealers, and human traffickers go free!

GEORGENEWS pinned «SAVE AMERICA PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP JULY 26, 2021 BEDMINSTER, NJ Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America Nancy Pelosi is spending a great deal of time, effort, and money on the formulation of a Fake and highly partisan…»
GeorgeTB, A Year Ago Today, 07/27/2020

Image 1, 1:41PM ET
Image 2, 3:55PM ET
Image 3, 5:43PM ET
Image 4, 5:49PM ET

#TheReturnOfTheMAGA #T45 #NewOldImages
Press Release
Broward County, FL: July 27, 2021

Florida Has Enough Proof of Fraud to De-Certify the 2020 Election Without Wasting Millions on a Forensic Audit

Why waste millions of taxpayer dollars on a forensic audit when there is enough indisputable evidence of election fraud and misconduct for FL’s State Legislature to de-certify the 2020 election and hold it anew?

There was so much wrongdoing in Florida’s 2020 election cycle that the results must be set aside.

It appears Secretary of State, Laurel Lee, violated the Sunshine Law’s transparency mandate by obtaining an FBI security clearance so she could act as it’s middleman giving daily briefings to state and local law enforcement regarding Florida’s state elections. Even if Florida’s law enforcement could do things behind closed doors, Secretary Lee is not law enforcement and had no right to take direction regarding elections from the FBI.

If that’s not bad enough, Secretary Lee bragged to the FL House during a hearing on Public Integrity and Elections, held on Feb. 9, 2020, that she not only accepted $200K ‘Zuckerbucks’ (CTCL) but went on to encourage the 501(c)(3) - funded largely by big tech and far-left organizations, such as Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Google, Rockerfeller Brothers Fund and the Knight Foundation - to solicit itself to election supervisors throughout the state. Eleven Florida county supervisors accepted a combined $17M. Since CTCL is a 501(c)(3), it has an obligation to remain non-partisan or file lobbying paperwork, neither of which it did.

There’s more! It appears the Dominion and ES&S voting software used throughout the State of Florida were not federally certified versions, in accordance with EAC, violating the State’s obligation to both the federal government and the voters of Florida.

If that’s not enough, there appears to be proof that at least 50-70% of the votes throughout Florida were never counted, with a very high likelihood that none were counted but rather an online algorithm determined the outcome. The apparently uncertified election software appears to have never calculated or tabulated the actual votes. Instead, it looks as though the total number of voters, per county, were used to predetermine precinct result which were then used to determine countywide results. The pattern is consistent throughout both the Primary and the General 2020 Elections.

“This means an outside entity, instead of Florida voters, chose who won US House seats, County Commissioner seats and School Board seats” explains US House Candidate Christine Scott who is running in Palm Beach County and Broward County’s Congressional District 22.

“Only Florida voters have the right to pick their representatives. The 2020 election must be held anew and counted manually. Fair elections is a non-partisan issue because it affects every voter. Votes were not counted on both sides of the isle.” Scott continues, “This is about the People and having their voice heard. The results were not free or fair.” Scott concludes that ‘Florida’s election must be held anew. Due to the extensive evidence of fraud and misconduct there is reasonable doubt that the certified election expressed the will of the voters.’

(see graph in next message below. The three columns of zeros seem to represent Vote-By-Mail, Early Voting and Election Day results. This pattern of all zeros is consistent in every county for both the Primary and General elections.

(Below: Source:

Christine Scott
Candidate for US House, District 22, Florida