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MAY 31, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

On this Memorial Day, we remember the fallen heroes who took their last breaths in defense of our Nation, our families, our citizens, and our sacred freedoms. The depth of their devotion, the steel of their resolve, and the purity of their patriotism has no equal in human history. On distant battlefields, in far-off oceans, and high in the skies above, they faced down our enemies and gave their lives so that America would prevail. They made the supreme sacrifice so that our people can live in safety and our Nation can thrive in peace. It is because of their gallantry that we can together, as one people, continue our pursuit of America’s glorious destiny.

We owe all that we are, and everything we ever hope to be, to these unrivaled heroes. Their memory and their legacy is immortal. Our loyalty to them and to their families is eternal and everlasting.

America’s warriors are the single greatest force for justice, peace, liberty, and security among all the nations ever to exist on earth. God bless our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Coast Guardsmen, Airmen, and Marines. We honor them today, forever, and always.

MAY 31, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

“BREAKING: Alarm Went Off at Secure Building in Fulton County Georgia Where Ballots Are Kept – Building Found Wide Open”

Great work is being done in Georgia revealing the Election Fraud of the 2020 Presidential Election. But, we must not allow ANYONE to compromise these ballots by leaving the building unsecured, which was done late Friday. Republicans and Patriots must protect this site and the Absentee Ballots. The Left talks about election security but they do not practice what they preach because they are afraid of what might be found. Fulton County Leadership—do the right thing and protect these ballots. Our Country is at stake!

MAY 31, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

Wow! I hear they have thousands and thousands of boats parading in Jupiter, despite the fact that they tried to cancel us. Everyone is having an incredible time. On this day, we especially appreciate everyone who served and fought for our great Country. I love you all!

GEORGENEWS pinned «MAY 31, 2021 BEDMINSTER, NJ Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America. On this Memorial Day, we remember the fallen heroes who took their last breaths in defense of our Nation, our families, our citizens, and our sacred…»

"You did what you had to do and you kept on going. When these troops swept across the French countryside and into the forests of Belgium and Luxemburg they came not to take but to return what had been wrongly seized. When our forces marched into Germany they came not to prey on a brave and the defeated people but to nurture the seeds of democracy among those who yearn to be free again. We salute them today. This land is secure. We are free. These things are worth fighting and dying for."
GeorgeTB. One Year ago today, 06/01/2020

Image 1, 6:42PM ET
Image 2, 7:00PM ET
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#TheReturnOfTheMAGA #GeorgeThrowback #CircleBackToTheWH
#GeorgeTB. One Year ago today, 06/01/2020

A few more images.. these ones, you've probably seen before.

Image 5, 7:01PM ET
Image 6, 7:03PM ET
Image 7, 7:06PM ET
Image 8, 7:07PM ET

JUNE 1, 2021

Endorsement of Governor Greg Abbott.

Greg Abbott is a fighter and a Great Governor for the incredible people of Texas. No Governor has done more to secure the Border and keep our communities safe than Governor Abbott. Greg is a staunch defender of the Second Amendment and has made Texas a Second Amendment Sanctuary State. Texas has become a job-creating machine, and our partnership helped restore America’s economic power and success. Greg is also very tough on crime, fully supports the brave men and women of Law Enforcement, and is all in on Election Integrity. Governor Greg Abbott will continue to be a great leader for the Lone Star State, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement for re-election. He will never let you down!

GEORGENEWS pinned «SAVE AMERICA PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP JUNE 1, 2021 BEDMINSTER, NJ Endorsement of Governor Greg Abbott. Greg Abbott is a fighter and a Great Governor for the incredible people of Texas. No Governor has done more to secure the Border and keep our communities…»
JUNE 1, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

RINO Former Congresswoman Barbara Comstock of Virginia, who lost her race conclusively to someone she should have easily beaten, now goes around telling Republicans how to get elected. She had no problems being with me while in the Oval Office, or when she needed something. She and other RINO losers like Mitt Romney, Little Ben Sasse, Lisa Murkowski, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and Karl Rove are what’s really wrong with the Republican Party, not the great MAGA Republicans, Conservatives, and Patriots!

JUNE 2, 2021

Endorsement of Senator John Kennedy.

Fantastic news for Louisiana and the U.S.A.—Senator John Kennedy will be seeking re-election! John is strong on Crime, the Border, our Military, our Veterans, Pro-Life, Energy and the Economy, and our very much under siege Second Amendment. Unlike Louisiana’s other Senator, Bill Cassidy, who used my name in ads and all over the place in order to get re-elected, and then went “stupid,” John Kennedy is the real deal—a brilliant and highly educated man who will never let you down. He has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

JUNE 2, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

Incredible to see that RINO Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona just vetoed a bill that would have outlawed Critical Race Theory training for State employees, and another that would have banned the mailing of ballots to citizens who never requested them. He did this under the guise of passing a budget. For those of you who think Doug Ducey is good for Arizona, you are wrong. Our Country needs Attorney General Mark Brnovich, who has done little so far on Voter Integrity and the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, to step it up—but patriotic Republicans in the State Senate are making up for unelectable RINOs.
