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Forwarded from Liz Harrington
They’re telling you not to believe your eyes.

And never mind that they hid these documents for 7 months — and there are more forms MISSING that could show that they counted additional ballots that were picked up from USPS AFTER Election Day!

Forwarded from GEORGENEWS
You are not supposed to know about the contents of the laptop computer that Hunter Biden neglected to retrieve from a repair shop in Delaware.

The 2020 election was fixed by the suppression of the evidence on it, and the deep state – in the form of 51 former intelligence officers – saw to it that it was falsely dismissed as Russian disinformation and rendered null and void as a factor in determining a significant number of votes.

A former Trump White House aide named Garrett Ziegler obtained a copy of the hard drive and is speaking out and publishing its contents. A few days ago, the nonprofit he founded, Marco Polo 501c3, published over 10,000 photos from the laptop on a site,, that almost immediately became overwhelmed with traffic.

But I found the almost 22-minute interview that he did with SkyNews Australia far more interesting than what I have seen in the photos (which have what the Brits call the naughty bits covered up, anyway).

No American television network available on cable/satellite systems has so far given him this kind of platform. I hope that changes as this interview gains attention in this country, but you can forget about the alphabet networks. Fox News? I am not holding my breath. Maybe NEWSMAX

Ziegler is obviously an intelligent guy and has done his homework, spending months going over the data and compiling and classifying the content. He makes the point that there is clear evidence of multiple crimes, none of which have been prosecuted. The reason? The laptop data “Implicates people of both parties….It’s really the uniparty that is implicated in this.” A bit later, “The intel agencies are the epicenter of the US uniparty.”


Story here

*Garrett and I, travelled to the Queenstown region for a week of
Speak out when they come for me because they are coming for you next.

New development in my case:

The US DOJ filed new Ex Parte motions under seal in my case today after 8 years of inactivity asking the US Court to make orders in secret without my lawyers being able to respond.

The new National Govt in New Zealand is proudly mean spirited and aggressively sucking up to the US Govt and has likely coordinated with the US DOJ to get new US Court orders that enable them to attack me, again.

It’s not coming as a surprise. This is what I told you would happen after National won the election in New Zealand recently. The new Attorney General, Judith Collins, is as ‘dirty politics’ as they get and many years ago she declared openly in Parliament “I hope that Kim Dotcom will soon be extradited.” The fact that she’s now in a position of power over my case couldn’t be a bigger conflict of interest after that statement. But that’s where we are.

I’m a nuisance to Joe Biden who is personally responsible for the destruction of Megaupload and the anti-terror style raid against my family for his Hollywood donors. Biden appointed his personal lawyer, a copyright lobbyist, to the DOJ to bring the ‘world’s largest criminal copyright case’ against me. Details:

Ever since then I have beaten the US and NZ Govt in Court, exposed illegal spying against me by the NSA and GCSB for which the Prime Minister of New Zealand had to apologize and numerous other unlawful Govt actions like the withholding of documents in my case for which the NZ Govt had to pay damages. To this day New Zealand has not provided me with the documents I’m legally entitled to despite an order from the Highest Court that withholding them was against NZ law.

I frequently expose US Govt lies and malfeasance on X especially when it comes to toxic US foreign policy like the US proxy war in Ukraine. I also educate my followers about the economic disaster that the US Govt is facing because of insurmountable debt and unsustainable money printing. My replies to senior US Govt officials often ratio their own posts and it makes them look like liars and fools (because they are).

So whatever this new action by the US DOJ is it will be malicious, dirty and without substance. I have done nothing wrong. I’m free to speak my mind on X (thanks to Elon) and I will continue to defend my case and expose the corruption that created it.

They want to silence me and take my freedom away. I’m expecting another raid, seizure of my devices and arrest with the goal to get my bail revoked and to stop me from being so successfully loud about the corruption that has ruined the United States and turned New Zealand into a nation that is subverting its on laws to please their US masters.

It won’t be long until they take action. The US Judge will give the DOJ what they are asking for and the New Zealand Govt is ready to act for the evildoers who want to destroy me.

Stay tuned.


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GEORGENEWS pinned «Speak out when they come for me because they are coming for you next. New development in my case: The US DOJ filed new Ex Parte motions under seal in my case today after 8 years of inactivity asking the US Court to make orders in secret without my lawyers…»
What to expect in my case next:

I hear that my co-defendants in the Megaupload case have recently been released after 10 months in what US prisoners would consider a New Zealand Wellness Retreat. They were originally charged with 186 years by the US DOJ for the so called ‘Mega conspiracy” and got off with a 99.5% discount in exchange for false confessions. Obviously they just wanted to move on with their lives after 10 years on bail.

The US Govt concocted a fictitious criminal conspiracy that has no basis in US law according to many copyright experts. A novel, unlawful and corrupt conception created by Joe Biden’s former lawyer and former copyright lobbyist Neil MacBride who was given the job of US DOJ prosecutor by Biden for the purpose of delivering a global copyright victory for their Hollywood donors by destroying our Hong Kong based business Megaupload with 180 million global users.

MacBride personally visited the White House to update Biden’s chief of staff about how he was going to destroy Megaupload. That happened a week before Biden met with the major Hollywood studio executives at the White House to discuss their support for the Democrats. We know this from the publicly available White House visitor logs. Read this if you are interested in the corruption behind the Megaupload case:

This non-existent first-time crime of being criminally liable for the actions of users (secondary copyright infringement) got the New Zealand Govt so excited that they raided my home for the US Govt with 72 cops, some arriving in 2 helicopters meters from our main entrance. Included in the operation was New Zealand’s anti-terror unit with silenced machine guns and attack dogs. Fortunately my security cameras captured the most embarrassing Police operation in New Zealand history:

Fast forward over a decade later it turns out the US Judge who was handpicked by the DOJ and ordered the destruction of Megaupload ex parte (without a hearing) was a long term Disney lawyer before becoming a Judge and an active Disney shareholder while presiding over the Megaupload case. A clear conflict of interest that my legal team uncovered. Judge Liam O’Grady had to recuse himself from the case:

That was a bit of a setback for the US Govt because everything this Judge had done in my case was now tainted and this would have had an impact on the decision by the New Zealand Minister of Justice to extradite me or not. This decision has been pending for over 3 years.

My legal team now knows that the minister of the former Labour Govt hired a US law firm to get an independent opinion about how many years I would spend in a US prison if convicted for a fictitious crime that isn’t even a crime under New Zealand law. The answer was 30+ years. A life sentence. I would die in prison because users (not me) uploaded movies to my website.

It was clear that the Labour Govt was trending towards a decision to end this madness and to stop my extradition. When the US Govt got wind of that that they made an unprecedented offer to my co-defendants. They went from 186 years in jail (as charged) to 10 months, a 99.5% discount, no need for extradition, just a few month in a fenced New Zealand Wellness Retreat. Tell us what we want and you’re free in just a few months.

Of course they took the deal and I don’t blame them after a decade of torture in New Zealand. The US DOJ achieved what they wanted. It would have been a bad look for the Labour Govt not to extradite me given the ‘confessions’ by my former partners. Labour simply made no decision in my case and handed the matter over to the National Govt which is now back in power. They will no doubt continue in complicity with their US masters.

The optics of all of this are extremely bad and embarrassing for New Zealand. My family has been through 12 years of hell in a political case that was designed to secure Hollywood donations for the Democrats.
[Cont'] No doubt the US DOJ and NZ Police will have milked my former friends and partners for every bit of criminal fantasy that they could extract. Before the National Govt and their Justice Minister decide to extradite me they will need some new bad optics: Kim Dotcom bad man.

The US DOJ is currently working on delivering that to the National Govt of New Zealand and I’m sure we will learn about fantastic new tales before the Minister makes his extradition decision.

I’m looking forward to it. I can say with confidence that I have done nothing wrong. My lawyers and independent experts who rubbished the original indictment will do the same with whatever comes next.

The Prosecution will get under pressure in the judicial review proceedings that will follow in New Zealand Courts after the extradition decision. Another 3-5 years in Courts where the New Zealand Govt will have to explain the maliciousness and unlawfulness in my case.

This isn’t the easy prima facie format the Prosecution is used to in the extradition case where defendants had limited legal tools at their disposal. These are real proceedings with discovery. We intent to get deep into the machinations of what really happened and we are well prepared.

No doubt the Attorney General will try to get this in front of selected Judges like they did before. There’s a trail of promotions and titles for those who ruled against us in the past. But it will only add more stains to the New Zealand judiciary if reasonable requests for discovery are declined and approval for unreasonable redactions and secrecy is granted.

One thing is sure. We will fight to the very end. If I am eventually extradited to the United States it will happen at a great cost to New Zealand. Something I’m sure the perpetrators who have subverted New Zealand law for the US Govt will care little about.

My wife may also enter New Zealand politics at the next election. She has some pretty good ideas about how to provide New Zealanders with sovereignty and decency instead of the dirty politics that we have all become accustomed to. It would be my honor to assist her 😉

- via KDC
If you're a GOT fan, you'll recall the phrase "A Lannister always pays his debts".

It's meant to appeal to the greedy and to sway them to overlook the reputation of being deceitful (that the Lannister's may have when it comes to bribery and making deals).

House Lannister is very similar to the Biden Crime Family -except for one thing...

Read about it HERE:
Forwarded from Garrett Ziegler
Transcript from previous post ⬆️

“A couple of thoughts on the threatened lawsuit to Fox News, Hunter's lawsuit against Patrick Byrne, and Robert Savage's lawsuit against the Daily Mail and New York Post. First of all, Congress could subpoena the number, which we know was associated with Rob. He's lying, but they could aid this effort very quickly. It's a matter of intelligence and will for the Congress. Additionally, Morris, as you all know, holds the 10% shares in BHR. That is going to be worth $6 million to $12 million, but Hunter knows that he's not going to pay a dime of liquid cash based on his current income streams back to Morris. So that's partly what the lawsuits against Byrne and planned against Fox News are. Hunter doesn't want to have to pay this money back to Morris. It would be best if he gets one of these big corporations' pussies out and settles. That's what the plan is. That's what Hunter wants to do. He wants to get a big, punitive $200 million payout from Fox News and then cut a check to Morris. for all of the back pay. I'm usually not first on things. I like to mull things over and think deeply about them, but that's the initial thing I'll put my name behind.”

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