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SEPTEMBER 30, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

The Immigration Reform Law Institute is fighting for you and me. They fought in the courts against the left to defend my immigration policies that Make America Great. Now they are pushing back against Biden’s destructive immigration agenda that weakens our great Country and puts all of us at risk. I strongly encourage people to support the Immigration Reform Law Institute in their mission to protect our Borders, our Nation, and our people.

Biden's Masked Booster Shot, was indeed Performance Art 🎭
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Australian NSW premier who warned unvaccinated face “difficult life indefinitely” RESIGNS ahead of corruption probe.

Gladys Berejiklian has jumped ship as Premier of Australia's New South Wales before a probe could be launched by the state's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), despite insisting she has "always acted with the highest level of integrity".

"My only regret is not being able to finish the job to ensure that NSW residents transition to living freely with Covid," she said.

Her "secret" personal relationship with former NSW legislator Daryl Maguire - who resigned in 2018 over separate corruption allegations - sparked the probe, after he alleged Berejiklian had funneled millions of govt grant dollars into his district.

Berejiklian has been making headlines as a supporter of tough Covid restrictions, just this week warning “life for the unvaccinated will be difficult indefinitely” as she unveiled the Covid roadmap for Sydney’s state.

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Meanwhile, in Australia:

"Gladys controlled by pharma lobbyist over ICAC inquiry. Clive Palmer says the Premier of NSW is controlled by pharmaceutical lobbyists over the ICAC inquiry. He confirmed he is willing to make a police statement so the allegations can be investigated.

Clive Palmer press conference

United Australia Party
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Today's message, is brought to you by the number 666, and by the letter B (BB)

Bumbling Beijing Basement Biden, says it doesn't matter when the infrastructure bill goes through..

It could be "six minutes, six days, or six weeks - we're going to get it done."

Build Back Better, the number of the beast?

OCTOBER 1, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Just heard Patriots are moving the Texas Audit Bill forward. Texas State Senator Paul Bettencourt filed Senate Bill 47, legislation that authorizes Texans to initiate a strong and real Forensic Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election Scam—not a weak risk-limiting audit that is being slow-walked through the Secretary of State's office. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, a great guy, sent the bill to the State Affairs Committee the very same day, and it should quickly pass through the Senate. There is still time for the House to take up the issue in the Third Special session with House Bill 16.

I'd like to thank Dan and Paul for their bold leadership, and for listening to Texans who are demanding answers about Nov. 3. Everyone feels certain Governor Abbott will follow suit. This will have a big impact on the upcoming 2022 and 2024 elections in Texas. Texas will always be red, but we must stop the cheating.

Keep it up and get this bill over the finish line. Passing the audit bill will be a Big Win for Texas! Let's make sure the great people of Texas believe and trust their elections.

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09/17/2021 at 8:33AM ET - Virtual Meeting of the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate, Via Teleconference, South Court Auditorium
GEORGENEWS pinned «Biden's Masked Booster Shot, was indeed Performance Art 🎭»
OCTOBER 1, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

The Progressives gain far more power with the legislation being currently talked about by failing than if it passes. It makes them a true powerhouse. Next up, AOC running against Chuck Schumer for his US Senate Seat!

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Calling into radio stations across the country and letting them know that Part 4 of Project Veritas’ #CovidVaxExposed series comes out Monday night and it’s going to expose Pfizer scientists is a HORRIBLE IDEA and we would never, ever, ever recommend you to do something like this…
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APRIL 8, 2021

Endorsement of Senator Ron Johnson.

Even though he has not yet announced that he is running, and I certainly hope he does, I am giving my Complete and Total Endorsement to Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. He is brave, he is bold, he loves our Country, our Military, and our Vets. He will protect our Second Amendment, and everything else we stand for. It is the kind of courage we need in the U.S. Senate. He has no idea how popular he is. Run, Ron, Run!

- President Donald J. Trump
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Ron Johnson.

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Every 3 minutes at a Melbourne Hospital Emergency Room - vax adverse reactions.

3AW Afternoons with Dee Dee, Oct 1, 2021

OCTOBER 3, 2021

Letter to the Pulitzer Prizes

Re: Demand for Revocation of the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting.

Dear Mr. Kliment:

I call on the Pulitzer Prize Board to immediately rescind the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting awarded to the staffs of The New York Times and The Washington Post, which was based on false reporting of a non-existent link between the Kremlin and the Trump Campaign. As has been widely publicized, the coverage was no more than a politically motivated farce which attempted to spin a false narrative that my campaign supposedly colluded with Russia despite a complete lack of evidence underpinning this allegation.

When the Board announced the prize, it lauded the recipients “for deeply sourced, relentlessly reported coverage in the public interest that dramatically furthered the nations’ understanding of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and its connections to the Trump campaign, the President-elect’s transition team, and his eventual administration.” Specifically, the prize was awarded for a series of articles centered around the now-debunked Russia collusion conspiracy theory. The headlines themselves were extremely sensational and leaned heavily on unsubstantiated anonymous sources. For example, much of the information contained in these articles were credited to “people with knowledge,” “current and former officials,” “some senior U.S. officials,” and other vaguely defined individuals. As a result, the public was deprived of an independent means of assessing their credibility, their potential for political bias, and the source of their knowledge.

For two years, these institutions feverishly pushed one Russia story after another and – despite lacking any credible evidence – attempted to persuade the public that my campaign had colluded with the Russian government. Contemporaneously with that reporting, numerous conservative news outlets and commentators questioned the legitimacy of these reports, exposing the clear logical fallacies contained in their narratives and pointing to the clear lack of evidence underpinning them.

It has since been confirmed that the allegations were false and I have been exonerated of these charges. Most recently, John Durham’s indictment of former cybersecurity attorney and Hillary Clinton Campaign attorney, Michael Sussman, serves as a damning repudiation of the media’s obsession with the collusion story. The indictment pointedly accuses Mr. Sussman of making false statements to the FBI when he presented “evidence” purporting to show secret communications between my organization and the Russia-based Alfa Bank. At the time, Mr. Sussman assured the FBI that he was providing this information of his own accord, and not at the behest of any particular individual or entity. The indictment reveals, however, that Mr. Sussman was working with other Democrats and billing his time to the Clinton campaign. Importantly, the indictment reinforces the falsehood of the Alfa Bank connection, stating that “the FBI’s investigation revealed that the e-mail server at issue was not owned or operated by the Trump Organization but, rather, had been administered by a mass marketing email company that send advertisements for Trump hotels and hundreds of other clients.”

For over a century, the Pulitzer Prize has been widely recognized as a significant achievement in the field of journalism. It has been viewed by many as an honor that is meant to be bestowed upon well-deserving recipients in recognition of their groundbreaking journalistic efforts. This level of reverence carries with it a very important connotation, namely that the reporting itself is inherently deemed credible, well-sourced and trustworthy. Given this powerful presumption, there is a heavy burden to ensure that these works are continuously and closely examined as to the veracity of the information contained therein.


When it becomes apparent that a Pulitzer Prize-winning work was based on shoddy, dubious and manifestly false reporting – as is the case here – the Pulitzer Prize Board must react accordingly.

Ultimately, my hope is that the recipients of the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting, The New York Times and The Washington Post, will voluntarily surrender this award in light of recent revelations. However, should they fail to do so, I would expect that you will take the necessary steps to rectify the situation, including stripping the recipients of their prize and retracting the false statements which remain on the Pulitzer website. Without holding the recipients to such a high standard of accountability, the integrity of the Pulitzer Prize namesake stands to be wholly compromised.

Donald J. Trump