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🇨🇦 American comedian Rob Schneider has refused to travel to Canada after honoring an SS veteran in the country's parliament.

The actor, who has Jewish roots, wrote in social network X (ex-Twitter) that the incident was "beyond the pale", so he just can't help canceling his visit to Canada.

Schneider also strongly condemned the policies of Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau.

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❗️Canada must bring to justice or extradite a Nazi SS veteran celebrated in the country's parliament - Kremlin says

Kremlin also commented on Zelensky's applause for the Nazi in the Canadian Parliament: We can sympathize with Ukrainian veterans, including his grandfather.

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'Very, very steady:' Insight from 🇮🇳 EAM Jaishankar on Russia-India Relationship

💬 When asked about what New Delhi thinks about the growing ties between Moscow and Beijing, Jaishankar replied that India's ties with Russia have been "very, very steady" and the Modi gov't takes "great care to make sure the relationship is working."

📹Watch our video to learn more!

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It’s about time! 😏 Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus interviewed Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, a transgender former spokesperson for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The jokesters posed as former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

In the first part of the video, "Poroshenko" shares a personal story: his son is on a "transition" path and is looking for an LGBTQ battalion in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Ashton-Cirillo not only knows "some units to contact with," but also states the exact number of LGBTQ people among the Ukrainian militants.

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🇷🇺🪖 Sergey Shoigu inspects production process at Tactical Missile Armament Corporation enterprise

Over the past six months, the output of precision weapons has increased twofold, and for some types, between 3.5 and 5 times.

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It’s about time! 😏 Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus interviewed Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, a transgender former spokesperson for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The jokesters posed as former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. In the first part of the video…
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📹 Sarah Ashton-Cirillo badmouths Daria Dugina who was killed by the Ukrainian secret police

Dugina, daughter of prominent political philosopher Alexander Dugin, was killed on August 20 in a car bomb attack after leaving an event where her father was also present.

Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus interviewed Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, a transgender former spokesperson for Ukrainian forces The jokesters posed as former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

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Geopolitics Live
It’s about time! 😏 Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus interviewed Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, a transgender former spokesperson for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The jokesters posed as former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. In the first part of the video…
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📹 "While I defend them in public, in private I know many of them have very far-right leanings, there’s some Nazi groups"

Ashton-Cirillo spills the beans to Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus problems with foreign mercenaries in Ukraine

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🇰🇵🇺🇸 North Korea expels US soldier after illegal border crossing

The DPRK has decided to expel US serviceman Travis King following an investigation into the circumstances of his illegal entry into its territory, North Korean state media reported.

King said he "felt disgusted by the inhumane bullying and racism in the US military," and because he had lost all “illusions about American society," the report said.

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🇨🇦 Canadian MPs have passed a motion tabled by Yves-François Blanchet, leader of the Bloc Quebecois party, condemning Nazism in all its forms and expressing full solidarity with all victims past and present. The motion also condemns the invitation of a Ukrainian…
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🇨🇦 Canadian Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland, granddaughter of Nazi collaborator, gets visibly uncomfortable after taking a question about the possibility of reopening an investigation into Nazi war criminals living in Canada

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On the one hand, the United States want to support India against China, but on the other hand, they want to keep India destabilized and off-balance so that India doesn't rise too much and achieve its full potential. That's why I believe the Americans are okay with certain kinds of [anti-India] terrorists being sheltered on the territory of their closest allies,” Indian geopolitical analyst Abhijit Chavda told the New Rules podcast, commenting on the US policy towards India.

👉 How Canada is providing safe haven to violent Khalistan separatists and Ukrainian Nazis, and why the US is spearheading a covert, hybrid war against India: You can find the full episode on Rumble
❗️Key points of Russian MoD briefing on progress of special military op in Ukraine

▪️Russian troops repelled 10 attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) in the Donetsk direction; UAF losses amounted to 390 servicemen.

▪️The Russian Armed Forces destroyed a UAF sabotage and reconnaissance group in the Kherson region.

▪️The UAF lost more than 150 servicemen and two armored vehicles in the South Donetsk direction.

▪️Aviation and artillery of Russia’s Battlegroup Zapad destroyed an M777 artillery system and two MSTA-B howitzers;

▪️The Russian Armed Forces intercepted eight HIMARS MLRS missiles and destroyed 19 Ukrainian drones.

▪️Russia’s Battlegroup Zapad struck manpower and equipment of three mechanized brigades of the UAF in the Kupyansk direction.

▪️Russian troops repelled two attacks by the UAF in the Krasny Liman direction. Ukrainian losses amounted to up to 55 servicemen.

▪️Russian troops hit command and observation posts of the UAF in the DPR and Zaporozhye region.

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🇨🇦Why are there so many Nazi war criminals in Canada?

💬"That defense, which we call the ‘superior orders defense’ – in other words, someone of a higher rank gave me an order and that's why I had to do it, has never ever been accepted in any court of law anywhere in the world, except in Canada. Now, once that verdict was approved by the Ontario Supreme Court, if I'm not mistaken, it became clear that Canada could not prosecute any Nazi war criminal, because every single Nazi war criminal would use the same defense," Dr Efraim Zuroff, chief Nazi-hunter of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the director of its Israel Office, answered, why is Canada so popular among the Nazi war criminals.

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💥How laser weapons work?

Laser weapon systems mark an ingenious shift in modern warfare, with continuous research and warfare prospects shaping their deployment. Integrating laser weapons poses challenges, from technical to strategic. Yet progress is evident, as armed forces worldwide are pursuing their development for military integration.

Sputnik explains the laser phenomenon, highlighting what it is made of, how it became weaponized, what makes it different from other weapon systems, and several other pertinent aspects.

👉Follow the link to learn more about laser weapons
Russell "Texas" Bentley came to Donetsk in 2014, served in VOSTOK Battalion, Khan Spetsnaz Battalion, and DPR MVD military police before becoming an accredited war correspondent and human aid volunteer.

For 8 years, he has been bringing the truth about the Donbass War to people in the West. He has been banned and deleted by Twitter, Live Leak, Paypal, Facebook, instagram and Youtube, but articles by and about him have appeared in Newsweek, Rolling Stone, Texas Monthly, BBC, ABC, The Guardian, VICE News, The Greanville Post, Rense Radio, Sputnik, RT, and many other news outlets around the world.

Russell is a citizen of Russia, married and has a small house with a big garden, which he shares with his wife and two cats in the Petrovsky District of Donetsk. Currently, he can be found on Telegram ( and on VK (

He's a very dear friend of our channel. Share & Subscribe.
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💬 "...Women, among them a student by a certain name, were smashing the heads of Jewish children either with boulders, big rocks, or taking babies and smashing their heads together. They didn't want to waste a bullet on the Jewish babies. I found someone with that name – she named the person who committed this horrendous crime, this disgusting murder. I found two people with that name, only the last name, who had emigrated to Canada. And this is one of the cases, for example, that never was prosecuted – although in this case itself, the problem was that she didn't identify the murderer by her full name, but she identified her by her family name," Dr Efraim Zuroff, chief Nazi-hunter of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the director of its Israel Office, comments on impunity for the Nazis in Canada.

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