FrontEnd Development
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Полезные ссылки иHTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, React, Vue, Node.js, Mobile и многое другое.

Администратор: @andrey2019
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Vue 3 Velocity: The Cache Busting Blueprint

Browser caching is a powerful optimization technique employed to enhance the performance of web applications. The term “cache-busting” refers to the intentional invalidation or versioning of static assets, compelling the browser to fetch fresh resources when changes occur. In this article, the author introduces cache-busting and provides detailed knowledge on you can implement cache-busting in a Vue 3 project. -

More secure Vue & Nuxt apps -> by default️

Making your web application more secure is not an easy process. In this article, the author introduces the Nuxt Security module, what it does, and how you can customize its functionality and behavior to match your security needs better. -

Why You Should Say Goodbye to Mixins and Embrace Composables

Vuejs 3 introduced composables as the new way to define logic that is shared and re-used among components. In this article, the author outlines the missing pieces offered composables as an excellent replacement for mixins. -

Vue Query vs. Pinia: A Clarity Comparison

This article will delve into the comparison between Vue Query and Pinia in Vue.js, focusing on clarity and why Vue Query might be a better choice for managing server state. -

Vue Templates: Should They Start from the Top or the Bottom?

A question arises: "Some people and projects write SFCs differently, especially the order of template, script and style tags.”. This blog post shares an opinionated view on the best way to structure your Single File Components. -

How to Use Vue Router: A Complete Tutorial

One of the most powerful features of modern single-page web applications (SPA) is routing. Vue Router is the official library for page navigation in Vue applications. This article will go over everything you need to know to use Vue Router comfortably. -

A Better Frontend Component Structure: Component Trees

As we create large applications, deducing how components are connected and interact becomes a challenge. In this article, the author provides a solution to easily avoid frontend component directories with high cognitive load. -

Stateful Logic Reuse ft. Composables

Code reuse is arguably one of the most satisfying experiences of a developer's life. Since it leads to lesser code to manage. This blogpost provides insight into what the term "Stateful” means. -

How to Migrate Large Applications Efficiently from Vue.js To Nuxt.js

This post guides you in migrating a Vue.js app to Nuxt.js, covering key topics for a smoother transition. Whether for SEO, performance, or improved workflows, gain valuable insights to make the process seamless. -

The BEST way to proxy your API in Nuxt

Proxying routes to your back-end or third party APIs is a common practice! Over the last two years, various strategies came up in Nuxt. But not all of them work equally well. To figure out which two strategies are the recommended ones, in this video take a look at the four most common strategies, and their shortcomings. -

Real-time updates in Vue apps with Polling

In polling, client makes the request to the server repeatedly in hope for updated/new data. In this article, the author introduces you to the concept of Frontend Polling in Vue.js apps. -
