The State of JS 2021 Results
Despite saying 2021, the survey took place this January, so the results are up to date and represent the answers given by the 16,085 respondents. -
Despite saying 2021, the survey took place this January, so the results are up to date and represent the answers given by the 16,085 respondents. -
The State of JS 2021
The 2021 edition of the annual survey about the latest trends in the JavaScript ecosystem.
The State of JS 2022
The State of JS is one of the JavaScript ecosystem’s most popular surveys and this time 39,471 folks took part giving us a snapshot of the tools, technologies, and language features people are using (or not using!) There’s a lot to go through, but here are some key points: -
#survey #stateofjs #2022
The State of JS is one of the JavaScript ecosystem’s most popular surveys and this time 39,471 folks took part giving us a snapshot of the tools, technologies, and language features people are using (or not using!) There’s a lot to go through, but here are some key points: -
#survey #stateofjs #2022
State of JavaScript 2022
The 2022 edition of the annual survey about the latest trends in the JavaScript ecosystem.