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Mue Case: solve memory, power and 3.5mm audio jack issues

This case allows never let you face memory, power and audio jack issues with iphone7 & iphone7+. It expands memory twice, allows you to use memory cards and can help you protect your devices. The size? 5mm thick, weight 10 gram. All this is making this product worth paying attention to.

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Spectra: Portable and Smart Electric Skateboard

With built-in AI, Spectra is only smart and portable eBoard allowing you ride with hands-free.

The smallest, the smartest and, probably, the best looking eBoard yet proposed.

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Micro – World’s Smallest Universal Travel Adapter

Your travel adapter should be one of the coolest gadgets you own!

How often do you face a problem of adapter in another country? You are not buying new adapter each time and neither you are storing a number of different adapters.

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Mood (MOO:D): Sunglasses that Match Every Occasion

Let these sunglasses become a part of your journey. Let’s get you in the right mood.

It’s a good opportunity to grab you pair for 10-15-20$. But the amount is limited. If you like what you see – go get your pair.

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Kefirko Cheese Maker: Probiotic Cheese Preparation Made Easy

Kefirko Cheese Maker is specifically designed glass jar for a simple homemade preparation of cheese.

Just take a look at the price of wheat and immune boosters. If you need it – you got you answer whether you need this Kefirko or not.

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Arsenal: Intelligent Camera Assistant

Unlock the potential of your DSLR or mirrorless camera and capture amazing images in any conditions.

If you are passionate about photo as we are, you can pay attention to this product. This a mix of IOT and good old photo camera.

This is a good time to get Arsenal with 40% discount.

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XTND – First Electric Board with AI

The XTND Board is a lightweight and intelligent electric vehicle that redefines urban transportation.

It case you have extra cash and you want one, chose the one you like more. You have to go for characteristics and choose the most applicable to you.

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Ultraloq: Fingerprint, Fob and Bluetooth Smart Lock

AI and mobile technology are conquering the world. Each day we rely more and more on these technologies. We started with our contacts book, followed with our data and messages. With ApplePay and Google Pay we went even further.

All this leads to only one feature, that each software and hardware technology company is developing – security. And they are doing it right. People like us can benefit from this and bing more comfort to our lives.

Ultraloq is one of these things. New technology, that is taking security to another level with fingerprints.

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Proof: First Alcohol Tracking Wearable

Proof: First Alcohol Tracking Wearable, a wearable that tracks your BAC levels through your skin.

Wearables are on the scope of media and tech for the last couple of years. We have Pebble, Jawbone, MiBand, Apple Watch and many-many more. Mostly they track only your movement, steps and sleep.

It was only a matter of time, when extra bands will appear. And this is how this project appeared on our blog. We don’t think that there is a practical use in this exact product. Neither will it stop you from drinking another beer. But this is a practical use of modern technology and it is a good sign.

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Billy Tannery: First British Goat Leather Goods

British leather goods with a unique story. Reviving local knowledge to turn a wasted by-product into vegetable tanned kid leather.

You may be surprised with this article on \”Explore Crowdfunding\”. It is weird to see pictures only, no text. But do we need it? Leather goods were always a part of our lives. Shoes, bags, watches, belts. You name it.

What we like in Billy Tannery – classic look. It\’s not fashioned or styled or modern. This is a generic product, that will always find their target audience. Billy Tannery is trying to enter a very difficult and strict market. It is already filled with large companies and mass production. They propose us to have a local, hand made product.

Can you find hand made products for appropriate price? It\’s hard to do. We would give these guys a chance. We would let them brings the first touch and the first scent of the leather product. If you ever experienced it, you will understand what that means.

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Mosquito Zapper Lantern: Mosquito’s Nightmare

Mosquito Zapper Lantern: Mosquito’s Nightmare

Mosquito\’s are one of the most hated insects around the world. They can spoil your picnic, camping or BBQ. Their bites itches, they are annoying. Why do we have to name these points? You all now it. Everyone faced mosquito and no one left happy with them.

But is it the only problem of them? Lots of diseases are passed with mosquito bites: malaria, encephalitis, filariasis, tularemia and many-many more. Protecting yourself is a must.

This product is one of the options, when you can have both – compact light and anti-mosquito device. And if you are spending time outside, $19 can be a nice option.

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Fuze Card: Your Whole Wallet in One Card

All-in-one cards are on the scope of new technologies for a long time already. The questions is only when will it happen. First candidate for success was Plastc, that recently announced their bankruptcy (https://www.plastc.com/). In total they gathered almost 10 mln investments, including 5 mln crowdfunding.

Amount collected indicates that users are interested in such product. We assume that the main problem with Plastc was absence of production. They planned to gather the money and then build production facility.

With Fuze Card this problem seems to be solved. As they state, their production is ready. Another confirmation is the amount of money needed to collect – only $50.000. If to compare with Plastc, it’s nothing.

We think, that such product will be developed, eventually, and Fuze Card looks more or less reliable. Still, we would recommend not to purchase the product now, as far they already collected all required funding. But to follow the news for next 2-3 months. Market needs a physical copy to try it in action.

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Cirrus Shower: Revolutionary Water Consumption

Design… Design of this product is just amazing. We spent too much time, to be honest, to choose this product for the review. And design was the convincing point.

Let’s talk about competition first. We’ve seen a lot of showers and showerheads that were focused on water efficiency. For example, E-Shower (http://eshower.net/) is pretty successful bringing high-tech to classic products.

Cirrus Shower is not a newcomer to this market and it has leaders to follow. This product is doing good bringing unique features: design, heat efficiency, nano-filters, easy installation and design. Yet bringing also questions.

– How will clod work? Will you be covered with water or the whole bathroom?
– Our basic physics education at school tells us, that the smaller the object – the faster it will give it’s heat. Does it work with heat efficiency claimed by Cirrus?
– Filters will be a product you will have to constantly buy. It’s not a one-time purchase.

Water efficiency is important for not only the World itself, but for your budget. And $100 purchase can be payed back very quickly. We would give this product a try in case it fits you bathroom design.

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Decco: the Toddler Monitor

Door monitors are on the market for some time. Unfortunately, they seems to be huge and wired. While this door monitor is pretty small, travel size and easy to launch.

It combines all that we love in modern technology: safe, mobile, no wires, solid design.

Such product come to the mind of creators, mainly, while they face a problem and after looking for a solution – they fail. Decco is one of these products. Conduction marketing research they faced another problem they can solve – special children. And this feature convinced us for this review.

We would like to support these creators for solving problems of people with special needs.

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Safebrick: Powerful Gadget for Your Car

Automatic cars were presented by almost each large car developing company. Starting from Tesla to Ford, car-production giant. Major search engines also joined the same race: Google, Baidu and Yandex joined this team lately with first tests.

Automated cars with out a driver are only to come in the future and most probably not in the nearest. There are lots of this to be solved before starting such products to mass production and first in the line – 5G communication networks. They will allow production to get rid of servers in the trunk of such cars.

But do we have to wait until these technologies will be developed? No, answers Tesla. Do we have to pay additional $5.000-$8.000 for autopilot? Yes, answers Tesla.

Can we have something similar to it, but for $200? Yes, answers Safebrick.

Yes, of course it is not an autopilot. It will not stop a car in case of danger or will not course you home. But it can boost your safety on the road and limit speed charges. Warnings are gentle and timely.

Be ware, that this technology is limited and is not available in all countries. Before purchasing check the list first (spoiler: the list is huge).

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