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Trying to make sense of the world in a world full of untruths.

๐–ก› A collection of things I find interesting โ€” exploring the realmโ€™s deeper truths.

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Forwarded from Tommy John III
Same intelligence runs through you and every one of your cells inside and outside of you conducting you to it all. What told that seed to know when conditions were ideal to grow and to start, to root down and sense the path of least residence to grow down allowing it to grow up, to form new tissue that has never been created before with the same shape, height, color, width, thickness, only one.

Your body expresses perfection every second of every day. When it signals a two degree temperature change and you sweat or shiver and grab a coat. How were you able to even remember where the coat was and be able to walk to get it yourself? Your body does it all. When it lightly taps you in the middle of the night to nudge you to empty the filtered waste it perfectly created from everything youโ€™ve absorbed through all cells. When it swells your ankle to form a cast of stability and causes a limp so you can safely get to cover and start to heal your rolled ankle stronger than before that instance. When it remembers what was in your stomach, who you were with, what the temperature was, the air pressure, what everyone else around you was doing so that if those conditions ever line up again it will lock you down to prevent you from damaging yourself again. It does this because it loves you. And when you spent all day, everyday, going through the minute self guided steps in perfect order that only you knew for you and once conditions were exactly right absolutely perfect did your body allow you to stand and take your first step completing the journey of going from paralyzed to walking in a year self taught.

Take all of that, multiply it times infinite and youโ€™ll have a small sense of what the body, your body is capable of. Now you see why I will defend this Truth with every ounce of my being professionally and of course personally.

The potential is always there. Waiting for you to live in such a way to create the moments when it can finally release, walk, root, repair, regenerate, grow to a level you experience. Itโ€™s always there. Waiting for you. Only you. Youโ€ฆto set it free.
Forwarded from Nan H
I have been playing around with chat gpt. I can write entire books given selective instructions like subject, tone, age of audience, style of author. It writes well. It wrote a very good song with only a specific topic. I am blown away. Now I see how they did it. Chat gpt is not new. Itโ€™s how they wrote all the books that we have now with the exception of a few. IMO. AI is ancient.