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πŸš€ The DeFiChain Weekly Update is Here!

Here’s what’s been happening in the DeFiChain ecosystem this week:
βœ… DeFiChain Labs' Engineering Sync Recap
βœ… "Connecting Two Worlds: Bitcoin & Ethereum" Blockchain Club
βœ… The Multichain Variants of $DFI
βœ… New Projects on Community Rewards Campaign
βœ… Ecosystem Updates

All these are covered in our weekly update blog below πŸ‘‡
πŸ“’ The final round of the Community Rewards 3.0 is here!

Your final chance to claim free OATs (NFTs) and the chance to win a share of 4,000 $DFI!

Complete as many tasks as you can on the DeFiChain Galxe page below to rack up as many points as possible, and be sure to submit your wallet address on the final task to be in with a chance to win some $DFI.

Take part via the link below πŸ‘‡
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Media is too big
Should decentralization be regulated? πŸ€”

This was a topic discussed at our recent meet-up in Singapore - listen in πŸ‘‡

Do you agree?
πŸš€ The DeFiChain Weekly Update is Here!

Here’s what’s been happening in the DeFiChain ecosystem this week:
βœ… DeFiChain v4.1.0-alpha Release
βœ… The Multichain Variants of $DFI
βœ… Community Rewards 3.0: Final Round
βœ… Ecosystem Updates
βœ… Recaps

All these are covered in our weekly update blog below πŸ‘‡
What are dTokens?

dTokens are decentralized assets (#RWAs) backed by cryptocurrency on the DeFiChain blockchain. Through the vault system, anyone can create their own dTokens, representing a wide range of real-world assets.

These digital assets trade freely on DeFiChain's decentralized exchange (DEX), without any centralized control or third-party intervention. The prices of dTokens are determined by the free market forces of supply and demand, independent of oracle prices used for collateralization.

Embrace the Benefits of dTokens:
βœ… True Decentralization: No single point of control or failure
βœ… Open to All: Accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world
βœ… 24/7 Liquidity: Trade dTokens around the clock
βœ… Transparency: Auditable asset management for trust

Discover the future of asset tokenization with dTokens on DeFiChain. Find out more about here πŸ‘‡
Unlocking Real-World Value: What are Real World Assets, and Why do They Matter in DeFi?

Real-world assets (RWAs) are physical or financial assets that exist in the real world, like cash, commodities, real estate, equities, and bonds. RWA tokenization refers to the process of digitally representing these assets on a blockchain as tokens. This article will provide an in-depth exploration of tokenized RWAs - explaining what they are, their key benefits, and the diverse range of assets being tokenized.

Find out more here πŸ‘‡
Traditional Stocks vs Decentralized Assets (dTokens) Explained πŸ‘‡

Traditional stocks represent shares of ownership in a centralized company. When investors purchase stocks, they become partial owners with rights like receiving dividends and voting on corporate decisions. However, stock issuance is subject to regulations and controlled by the company itself.

In contrast, decentralized assets (or dTokens) are not issued by any central entity. Instead, they are minted directly onto a blockchain platform like DeFiChain by individual users. Unlike stocks tied to a specific company, dTokens exist solely on the decentralized network where they were created, e.g. the DeFiChain blockchain.

This peer-to-peer exchange of decentralized assets is revolutionary because it removes intermediaries and centralized control from the equation. Blockchain-based dTokens enable a more egalitarian system of asset ownership, exchange, and participation compared to traditional financial instruments. It's a paradigm shift towards open and equal access to ownership of all asset classes.
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πŸš€ The DeFiChain Weekly Update is Here!

Here’s what’s been happening in the DeFiChain ecosystem this week:

βœ… Update: DeFiChain v4.1.0-alpha Release
βœ… Unlocking Real-World Value: What are Real-World-Assets
βœ… Community Rewards 3.0: Final Round
βœ… Ecosystem Updates
βœ… Recaps

All these are covered in our weekly update blog below πŸ‘‡
How are dTokens created on DeFiChain?

Creating dTokens (#RWAs) on DeFiChain is a straightforward process that puts you in control. Simply deposit your crypto assets as collateral into a Vault. The accepted collateral options include DFI, DUSD, dBTC, dETH, dUSDT, dUSDC, or dEUROC.

dTokens are minted with over-collateralization, meaning the value of your deposited collateral exceeds the value of the dTokens you create. This safeguards the peg and ensures dTokens can’t be created without sufficient backing. The interest rates you pay are determined by your collateralization ratio, operating similarly to traditional banking practices.

Let’s say your Vault holds $1,500 worth of DFI, BTC, and ETH combined. Minting $100 of dTSLA would incur low interest rates since your collateral is highly over-collateralized. However, if you mint $750 of dTSLA, you’ll face higher interest as you approach the minimum collateral requirement.

With just a few clicks, you can set up a Vault, deposit collateral and mint dTokens – all in a decentralized manner on DeFiChain. Try it out yourself!

Only in DeFiChain’s Light Wallet on your mobile:
The Ideological Framework of DeFiChain: How It Unlocks Limitless Possibilities

Learn more about the ideological framework of DeFiChain, comprising Layer 0, Layer 1, Layer 1.5, and Layer 2, and explore how these layers synergize to create a robust and versatile DeFi platform.

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Unlocking Real-World Assets: DeFiChain’s RWA Tokenization is Revolutionizing DeFi

Real World Assets (RWAs) span a vast array of assets, from physical properties like real estate and infrastructure to intangible assets like intellectual property rights and financial contracts.

In this article, we explore DeFiChain’s toolset to capture the transformative opportunities presented by tokenizing real-world assets and how this innovation can disrupt multiple industries across various sectors.

Find out more πŸ‘‰
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πŸš€ The DeFiChain Weekly Update is Here!

Here’s what’s been happening in the DeFiChain ecosystem this week:

βœ… Update: DeFiChain v4.1.0-beta Release
βœ… Unlocking Real-World Assets: DeFiChain’s RWA Tokenization is Revolutionizing DeFi
βœ… The Ideological Framework of DeFiChain: How It Unlocks Limitless Possibilities
βœ… Tokenization of Real-World-Assets
βœ… Ecosystem Updates
βœ… Recaps

All these are covered in our weekly update blog below πŸ‘‡
πŸš€ Join us live for the 2nd DeFiChain Labs Engineering Sync!

πŸ“† Today, Monday, April 15, 2024
⏰ Live - 10:30 (CET) // 17:30 (SGT)
πŸ•˜ Duration: 45min

This call is all about:

Our 2nd Community Space - a public monthly community call where anyone from the community is welcome to join!

βœ… Status Updates
βœ… What the team is working on
βœ… Collaborative Issue/Bug Squashing session on Github
βœ… Q&A

Note: This is a purely technical session and will not involve discussions relating to tokenomics, economics, prices, and more.

Don't miss this opportunity to stay updated and get involved with the DeFiChain Labs Engineering team! See you there!