COVID FYI INDIA | updates Helpline clinic hospital lab sos
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Strengthening Govt’s efforts to reduce COVID mortality: AIIMS Delhi starts Tele-Consultation guidance to State doctors on COVID Clinical Management. #IndiaFightsCorona
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* Good morning, have a nice day ! *

* Useful Alerts *

❇️ * Recovery rate reaches near to 63%. Recoveries exceed active cases by more than 2.31 lakhs. *

❇️ * Karnataka starts COVID-19 antigen tests along with RT PCR tests in Bengaluru. *

❇️ * NITI Aayog’s Atal Innovation Mission launched the ‘ATL App Development Module’ for school children to transforming them from App users to innovative App Developers. *

❇️ * MHRD: Presents the National Awards to the Teachers. Participate in #NAT2020 by registering on *

❇️ * Locust control operations carried out from 11th April till 9th July 2020 in more than 2.83 lakh hectares area in the various states. *

❇️ * "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Let's inculcate these #COVID appropriate behaviour to protect ourself & others. *
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If your hands come in touch with an outside surface, don't touch any part of your body as it can spread the Coronavirus. After coming in contact with any such surface, make sure you wash your hands for at least 20 secs before touching yourself or anyone else. #IndiaFightsCorona

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Calling all Techies of India to take the "Digital India AatmaNirbhar Bharat App Innovation Challenge"! Don't forget to go through the process and guidelines before submitting the proposals. Participate here: #AppChallenge
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वैसे तो खाने की चीजों और खाने के पैकेजिंग से संक्रमण फैलने का कोई प्रमाण नहीं मिला है। फिर भी इन सावधानियों को अपना कर संक्रमण के खतरे को कम किया जा सकता है। #IndiaFightsCorona Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

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* उपयोगी जानकारी *

❇️ * देश भर के अब तक 1200 प्रयोगशालाओं (852 सरकारी लैब और 348 प्राइवेट लैब) में कुल 1.18 + करोड़ परीक्षण किए जा चुके हैं। *

❇️ * कोविड-19 से स्वस्थ होने की दर 63.01% तक पहुंची और देश में अब तक कुल 5,53,471 लोग ठीक हुए हैं। *

❇️ * 2030 तक "ग्रीन रेलवे" बनने के मिशन पर भारतीय रेलवे: *
▪️ * दिसंबर 2023 तक ब्रॉडगेज के सभी मार्गों का विद्युतीकरण *
▪️ * 2009-14 में 3,835 किमी की तुलना में 2014-20 के दौरान 18,605 किमी रेल मार्ग का विद्युतीकरण किया गया। *
▪️ * इमारतों और स्टेशनों पर 100% एलईडी लाइट्स जैसी हरित पहल की जा रही है। *

❇️ * सीबीएसई ने 12वीं कक्षा का परिणाम घोषित कर दिया है। रिजल्ट के लिए विजिट करें : *

❇️ * अपने मानसिक स्वास्थ्य का ख्याल रखना बेहद जरूरी है। हमें खुद का ख्याल रखने व तनाव को कम करने के लिए योग और ध्यान को अपनी दिनचर्या में शामिल करनी चाहिए। #IndiaFightsCorona *
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* Useful Alerts *

❇️ * 1.18+ crore tests have been conducted in 1200 labs (852 Govt labs & 348 Pvt labs) so far. *

❇️ * COVID-19 recovery rate reaches nears to 63.01% & a total of 5,53,471 people have recovered in the country so far. *

❇️ * Indian Railways on a mission of becoming a "Green Railway" by 2030: *
▪️ * Electrification of all routes on Broad Gauge by December 2023 *
▪️ * 18,605 km electrification work done during 2014-20 compare to 3,835 km in 2009-14 *
▪️ * started other Green Initiatives like 100% LED illumination of buildings and stations. *

❇️ * CBSE has announced the results of Class XII. Visit: *

❇️ * Taking care of your mental health is the most important. Let us be kind to ourselves and try to include yoga and meditation to reduce the stress. #IndiaFightsCorona *
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Take a look at the Self Care guide for Pregnant Women amidst COVID-19. #IndiaFightsCorona
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We think that we are taking the necessary precautions to protect ourseleves from COVID-19 but are we taking them properly? Watch this video to learn the right way of using the precautionary gears like Masks, PPE etc. Stay safe! #IndiaFightsCorona Press Information Bureau - PIB, Government of India
