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『Artist: フカヒレ@3日目西A-01b
Forwarded from Stitch
『Artist: おむたつ/omutatsu
『Artist: TAYA
『Artist: あさひクロイ
『Artist: mocha@3日目南-ナ31a
Forwarded from  KαωAnimε
( HD ) Nijino Yume
#aikatsu_series #aikatsu_stars
By Katou_akatsuki
Forwarded from World Of Kawaii
Forwarded from World Of Kawaii
Forwarded from QuotesPixs
CoolPixs pinned «Hey! Quick reminder of our drawing chat! Improve your skills, gets some motivation or share your best tips!! ❤️»
Also we can share your art and encourage you to keep drawing. Good job there buddy! You're improving a lot!! Keep drawing you got this ❤️❤️
Forwarded from S.B's Drawing Piles
Tried again with just the face and hair
Forwarded from Stitch