Telegram Contests
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Here we announce Telegram coding contests in Android Java, iOS Swift, JS, C/C++. Discussion: @contests
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Telegram Contests
The results of the JavaScript coding contest are ready. When selecting the best apps, we looked at their speed, size, design and completion of the bonus goal. As a result, we are distributing the prize fund of $50,000 among the second, the third and the…
Some of the winners of the fourth prize would also like to take part in the bonus stage to compete for the first prize.

While this is impossible, I decided to let them compete for the second place (+$4,000) instead. Their chances are not too high: their apps should be exceptional to qualify for the promotion to the second place.

Please note that the last stage will not have too many winners. I would be surprised if we award more than 3 people.
The winners of the April JavaScript Contest should now be able to select JS Bonus Competition at @jobs_bot.

We have also added some clarifications to the specification of the chart library.

Please note that a chart can have up to 50 different items (lines / columns). The maximum number of days a chart can cover is 1460. You might want to stop showing animations on filtering or range change if a chart reaches a certain threshold of data volume. The value for this threshold is for you to decide. The point here is not to add animations to graphs that are sloppy even without it.

P.S. For Android and iOS contests winners: you will also have a chance to demonstrate your skills at a bonus stage. The bonus stage for Android / iOS will not be related to building charts.
The Telegram Design Contest for artists of animated stickers has begun. Create and submit 3 vector-based animated stickers before 11:59 PM on June, 7 and get a chance to win $1,500 or more. Authors of the best stickers will join the pool of permanent Telegram artists.

Start @jobs_bot and choose ‘Animated Stickers Competition’ to find out more and upload your stickers.
As a result of the JavaScript bonus stage, Dark Parrot has been promoted to the first place and receives $10,000 from Telegram.

We carefully tested the apps submitted by all 14 participants of the bonus stage, and appreciated the progress made by Shiny Deer and Slim Peacock.

However, all of the apps except for Dark Parrot’s have issues incompatible with being awarded the first place.

We listed these issues on the Contest Platform, where the participants of the bonus stage can now access our complete feedback on their apps.

We hope you enjoyed the contest – and thanks for taking part in our Spring competitions.

Within the next month, we will announce a series of new competitions for iOS, Android and JS coders.
Yesterday we stopped accepting new stickers for the Design Contest.

43 artists sent 151 stickers to @jobs_bot, and another 261 stickers have been uploaded by 83 freelance designers on an external platform.

We will announce the winners in the middle of the next week. Thanks for all the great animations!
To keep you warmed up for the next epic coding competition coming in late June/early July, we’ll launch a bonus stage for the winners of the iOS, Android and JS contest later this week.

It will be limited to those who won the first, second or third places in the final stage of the Chart Contest.

This bonus stage for winners won’t be related to charts, however. Instead, it will involve getting through some existing code base and finding ways to improve it.
The results of the animations contest are ready. We've selected 33 winners out of 126 artists who have submitted their animated stickers. Each of the winners will receive $1,500 from Telegram.

Meet the Walt Disneys of Telegram: (OwlHug) (egorzhgun) (@ValerieFortuna) (Anton Subbotin) (Aleksandr Kan) (Alena Sof'ina) (@Brainsheep) (Valeriya Belousova) (@archiekatt) (movio) (Sergey) (Valerij Deev) (@Polutis) (@Tarantinono) (@pototsky_a) (Rustam Ruziev) (Ol'ga Shibaeva) (Rouslan Malsagov) (@Dolka103) (@Teneres_a)
___________________________________ (@TohaNeploho) (@nikolayzharukhin) (PainDragon) (Irina Teryuha) (@Kazzzakstyle) (@syrreel) (Mihail Golub') (Elena Chistyakova) (@TimVile) (Viktor F) (@ilyasergeevv) (Marina Charkina) (sedrik100g)

The first 20 artists in this list are encouraged to continue their work and add more stickers to their sets. If we like the sets, we will feature them on Telegram and reward their authors for every sticker uploaded. We are planning to make animated stickers available to all users of Telegram by late June / early July. Every set must include at least 15 stickers to be rewarded and featured.

Please note that the current production version of Telegram is not optimized for animated stickers, and some animations from @topanimated may look slow/buggy. This will get fixed within a month.

Our representative will get in touch with the winners from the official verified Telegram account to coordinate the payments and potential work together.

Many thanks to the artists for the great animations – and congratulations to the winners!
Forwarded from Telegram Designers
Today we are starting a contest for UI designers. The task is to create UI visualizations of voice calls on Telegram. The minimum prize budget of $10,000 will be distributed among the authors of best works.

We expect UI animations showing how a user starts, accepts and ends voice calls. You may also include static images you deem necessary. All videos/pngs should be sent to @design_bot before 11:59PM CET June 22, 2019. We expect pixel-perfect graphics and “wow-effects” in animations. You may also want to show the 4-emoji verification process in your mockup.

Good luck!
The bonus stage for the iOS, Android and JS developers who won the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes in the final stages of our Chart Coding Contest is starting today.

Prizes: $100,000 to be distributed among the 32 eligible developers on 3 platforms.

Dates: June 15, 2019 - June 23, 2019 (11:59PM CET).

Task: Identify imperfections in one of the Telegram apps – glitches, bugs, sloppy animations, instances of slow speed – anything that after having been fixed or optimized would result in meaningful and noticeable improvement from a user’s perspective. Download the source code of Telegram and fix the imperfections you identified. Compile your own version of Telegram and upload it to @jobs_bot (as APK /IPA/ZIP), together with a link to your fork’s pull request on GitHub and a description of improvements implemented.

The more imperfections / glitches / bugs you identify and fix, the higher the reward (provided we like the code). The gravity of fixed issues and the difficulty of eliminating them will also be taken into account.

This is one of the most generous developers’ contests we’ve held so far with at least $100,000 to be distributed among a maximum of 32 developers. This way we’d like to further reward those who showed great results in our previous contests.

The task, however, is not for everybody: you will have to make sense of a largely undocumented piece of code, proactively search for issues (potentially getting feedback from users/designers/testers) and find creative ways to fix imperfections without causing negative side effects to Telegram’s performance or usability. We do not recommend implementing new features requested by users (such as client-side folders / invisible mode etc); we would rather advise the participants to focus on eliminating imperfections in the existing features, and improving the app’s ease of use or visual appeal. Of course, this may also involve user experience on iPads/tablets.

Compilation guide for iOS:

Compilation guide for Android:

Compilation guide for JS: (unlike the iOS and Android apps above, the react JS app is not an stable production version of Telegram, so JS developers will have an easier time identifying bugs and imperfections to fix).

@jobs_bot will start accepting the apps (APKs/IPAs) and corresponding GitHub links on June, 20.

To help you get a better idea of the goals, tomorrow we’ll publish a small list of glitches/bugs/imperfections that can serve as good examples of issues we expect the developers to focus on.

We hope this new bonus contest will help developers perfect their already incredible skills and learn new approaches. Good luck!

UPD: We added 4 JS developers who took part in the bonus JS stage to the list of 32 developers eligible to take part in this contest. Please note that if you want to access the experimental React version of Telegram from Russia, Iran or China, you will have to use a VPN.
To help the participants of the June Coding Contest better understand what kind of imperfections we expect them to identify and fix, we've uploaded a sample list of bugs and glitches we found in the Telegram apps.

While it wouldn't hurt to fix these specific bugs, the main goal is to find similar imperfections in the apps and eliminate them.

Speed / performance / fps optimizations are also welcome and will be accepted as valuable contributions in this contest. Have fun!
Participants of the bonus stage are now welcome to start submitting their apps. Please follow the steps below:

1. Start @jobs_bot and choose Telegram Fixes Contest.
2. Upload your APK for Android, IPA for iOS, or a link to your Github Telegram fork for React JS. Don’t forget to deploy your JS app to GitHub Pages as described here.
3. Once you’re done uploading, a dedicated page on the contest platform will be assigned to your app. Until the deadline, only you will be able to view this page.
4. Make sure you’re logged in on the contest platform and open your app’s page using the link provided by @jobs_bot.
5. Create an issue for each of the fixes you implemented in the Telegram app. Describe the fix in the comment for the issue and attach videos/images showing the app before and after the fix. If the fix is available as a separate pull request on GitHub, please add a link to it in the description of the fix.

You may reupload your app using @jobs_bots or edit the descriptions of your fixes on the contest platform until the deadline on June 23, 2019 (11:59PM CET).

For iOS, please follow this instruction to obtain the .IPA:

1. Sync with the Telegram repository on Github.
2. Install fastlane if you haven't already:
brew cask install fastlane
3. In your project folder run
export PATH="$HOME/.fastlane/bin:$PATH"
sh buildbox/ verify-local
4. Once the build is ready (should take 20-30 minutes), the current folder will contain the file Telegram-iOS-AppStoreLLC.ipa
Some participants were worried that their github fixes might be copied by other contestants before the deadline of the competition.

Note that you may keep your changes private until the deadline and push them to your forked repository when the submission period is over. If you do this, please attach the SHA-1 hashes of your commits to your contest submission.
As a result of the June coding contest we received 7 Telegram forks for Android (105 fixes in total), 7 apps for iOS (43 fixes) and another 6 Telegram forks in JS (160 fixes in total).

We've just had a quick look at the Android submissions and are excited by what we've seen so far. We are looking forward to viewing the rest.

During the next week we'll be deciding how the 100,000$+ prize fund will be divided among the 20 participants.
Telegram Contests
As a result of the June coding contest we received 7 Telegram forks for Android (105 fixes in total), 7 apps for iOS (43 fixes) and another 6 Telegram forks in JS (160 fixes in total). We've just had a quick look at the Android submissions and are excited…
We noticed that some participants didn't have enough time to describe all their fixes or provide videos and links to commits. We reopened the ability to edit and add descriptions until 2PM CET tomorrow. The apps themselves, of course, cannot be updated.

All participants should now be able to test each others' fixes and create issues related to them.
While we at Telegram have been busy with very important matters (such as designing the twerking cherry sticker), we also found some time to look at the submissions for the June coding contest.

We’re grateful for the large number of bugs identified and fixed by the contestants of the bonus stage. Here are the winners:


place - $10,000
321: Desert Gorilla

2nd place - $8,000
🥈333: Sturdy Pony

3rd place - $5,000 each
🥉318: Little Hamster
🥉330: Fit Rhino

4th place - $2,000 each
🎖324: Hardy Falcon
🎖329: Small Griffin
🎖336: Giant Fly


place - $10,000
325: Tanned Raven

2nd place - $8,000
🥈331: Jolly Croc

3rd place - $5,000 each
🥉335: Hairy Beaver
🥉337: Fluffy Ram

4th place - $1,000 each
🎖320: Mighty Whale
🎖334: Sweet Hamster
🎖338: Mad Leopard


place - $9,000 each
🥇332: Merry Ant
🥇326: Jolly Cobra

2nd place - $6,000 each
🥈319: Busy Unicorn
🥈322: Hip Hyena

3rd place - $3,000 each
🥉323: Bold Wolf
🥉327: Kingly Chicken

Congratulations! As Keanu put it, you’re breathtaking.

We’re not done with coding contests this year, and will soon announce new competitions with significant prizes.

Contests such as this one are also the only way to join the Telegram team. Although we rarely hire new people, those who do start working for Telegram typically increase their annual income several times. More importantly, they get to work freely on a project dedicated to freedom.

Regardless, we hope that Telegram competitions allow all of its participants to learn new approaches and increase their coding level. Thank you for taking part – and we hope to see your code again soon.
Our feedback on all the fixes submitted during the June contest will be published on the contest platform within the next 1-2 hours. This feedback will only be accessible to the participants of the contest. If you are one of them, make sure you log in there with the same Telegram account you used to send your app to @jobs_bot.
Forwarded from Telegram Designers
It took a while to identify the winners of the summer Telegram Design Competition, but after having carefully inspected each of the 168 submissions in accordance with the guidelines shared earlier, we identified 23 winners. Each will receive 1000 USD from Telegram:


All the winning works will be published in @designers daily.

Next design competition will be also announced here, but hosted on our contest platform. This way we hope to be able to deliver the contest results sooner and make the judging process more open and transparent. While we can’t disclose the details of the next competition, we can give you a hint: cross-platform themes.