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Masslooking - is a mass viewing of stories of your potential subscribers and customers.
It may seem, masslooking is an useless thing and is being introduced into services for show allegedly auto promotion services are still working.
The guys from Zengram have embeded masslooking in their service, tested how it works and got bomb results!
Profile attendance is growing exponentially using masslooking.
And a big plus - Instagram does not limit the actions on viewing stories in any way.
Test masslooking for free right now and see how the statistics will change.
If you’re in business, you’re in the marketing business.

Half of the work will be about marketing your business. Marketing is doing the work of uncovering and perfecting service-market fit, and that is your job. And since you won’t change the market!
Truth of the day!
Not all work is implementation work. There is much more to marketing consulting than making banners and setuping ads.
If you doing business, you have to do marketing!!

Half of your work will be about marketing your business. Marketing is doing the work of uncovering and perfecting service-market fit, and that is your job. And since you won’t - change the market… If you don't like doing marketing - you need to find a job and stop doing business.

If you do marketing and it doesn't work for you - find someone to do it for you!
Why Do You Need To Focus On Sales More Than You Think?

Focusing On Sales Means You Create A Better Product
If you have a cool product people will want it so much so they will pay for it. Keeping sales in mind during the development phase also leads you towards the long-term sustainability of your startup.

Sales Show That Your Company Is Valuable
Being able to bring a product to market and find customers willing to pay for it demonstrates that your company is valuable. It won’t just be “another startup”, it will become a real business that has a product that consumers are willing to purchase.

Sales Mean You Don’t Need Investors
If you’re selling products early on, your business will be financially independent sooner and you will have capital available to grow. You won’t have to give up partial ownership of your startup to a third party to obtain the capital necessary to grow.
Source: 1, 2. “Facebook Global Holiday Study”—A Facebook IQ commissioned online study by Ipsos, Jan 2019.
Hey marketers! Our friends from Startup Around have a nice content for you. Check it out:

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By understanding buyer personas, we can clearly define our target customers and create marketing messages that will resonate with them. And they will want to buy from you.

Take a look to these samples! Here we have multiple buyer personas so content and marketing team can create better messages for each of them.

Because for FRANK content MUST different then for Kyle!
I'm following good channel, I think you may get some nice inspiration there! 👇