🔥 #MostFamousQuote
_ I love you Hannah
+ why didn't you say this to me when I was alive?
_ welcome to your tape.
_ everyone is just so nice, until they drive you to kill yourself.
_ everyone wants to talk, no one wants to do anything.
_ Things get better or worse, depending on your point of view.
_ But you can't get away from yourself, You can't decide not to see anymore, you can't decide to turn of the noise in your head.
_ Fuck!! Wow i never realised that is such a great word!
_ There is no replacement for Hanna Baker.
_ Fuck My Life :)
_ You couldn't save me.
_ Hey helmet :)
_ you look adorable
+ there's that word again!
_ Fuck off Courtney!
_ A lot of you cared, Just not enough.
_ Everything effects everything.
_ It's OK not to be OK.
_ You don't know what goes on in anyone's life but your own.
_ Why don’t they put up a poster that says “don’t be a dick”?
_ I don’t want know what kind of person anyone is anymore.
_ Did i kill hannah baker?
+ YES.
_I know that if I had still been friend with her
if anyone of us had still been friends with her
she’d be alive.
_"Dream big" they say, "Shoot for stars..."
Then they lock us away for 12 years and tell us where to sit, when to pee and what to think.
_In that moment i felt like i was ALREADY dead!
_I need it to stop...
people, life,...
I need everything to stop
_And, yes, i will look at the moon with you... I might even howl.
_And as i filled mine out, i realized i was actually describing a certain someone.
_You can't love someone back to life.
+You can try.
_It must be possible to swim in the ocean of the one you love without drowning
_You are good, You are different ,And kind ,And decent...
❄️ #AnnA
📼 #13ReasonsWhy #TRW
🌈 @TvShowTweet
_ I love you Hannah
+ why didn't you say this to me when I was alive?
_ welcome to your tape.
_ everyone is just so nice, until they drive you to kill yourself.
_ everyone wants to talk, no one wants to do anything.
_ Things get better or worse, depending on your point of view.
_ But you can't get away from yourself, You can't decide not to see anymore, you can't decide to turn of the noise in your head.
_ Fuck!! Wow i never realised that is such a great word!
_ There is no replacement for Hanna Baker.
_ Fuck My Life :)
_ You couldn't save me.
_ Hey helmet :)
_ you look adorable
+ there's that word again!
_ Fuck off Courtney!
_ A lot of you cared, Just not enough.
_ Everything effects everything.
_ It's OK not to be OK.
_ You don't know what goes on in anyone's life but your own.
_ Why don’t they put up a poster that says “don’t be a dick”?
_ I don’t want know what kind of person anyone is anymore.
_ Did i kill hannah baker?
+ YES.
_I know that if I had still been friend with her
if anyone of us had still been friends with her
she’d be alive.
_"Dream big" they say, "Shoot for stars..."
Then they lock us away for 12 years and tell us where to sit, when to pee and what to think.
_In that moment i felt like i was ALREADY dead!
_I need it to stop...
people, life,...
I need everything to stop
_And, yes, i will look at the moon with you... I might even howl.
_And as i filled mine out, i realized i was actually describing a certain someone.
_You can't love someone back to life.
+You can try.
_It must be possible to swim in the ocean of the one you love without drowning
_You are good, You are different ,And kind ,And decent...
❄️ #AnnA
📼 #13ReasonsWhy #TRW
🌈 @TvShowTweet
🔥 #MostFamousQuote
_It's gonna be LEGEN-wait for it-Dary
_That's my only rule
_This is an Intervention
_True story :)))
_Whenever I'm sad i stop being sad and start being awesome instead
_Nothing good ever happens after 2am
_If you are not taking a chance then what the hell are you doing anyway?
_Ted, The Architect :)
_Whatever you do in this life, It's not legendary unless your friends are there to see it
_Haaaaaaaave you met Ted?
_Challenge accepted
_Why would you call a bar "Puzzels"?
+That's the Puzzle!
_High five!
_That's the dream
_Thank you Linus
_Nobody asked you Patrice!
_Where's the poop?
_Somewhere out there, there is a yellow umbrella for everyone
_Let the universe decide
_Even if you know how something’s going to end, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the ride
_The future is scary, but you can’t just run back to the past because it’s familiar.
_You son of a bitch
_We never end up where you thought you wanted to be
_The naked man! Works 2 out of 3 times :))
_Sometimes we search for one thing but discover another
_There are a lot of little reasons why the big things in our lives happen.
_Look, you can’t design your life like a building. It doesn’t work that way. You just have to live it… and it’ll design itself.
_We’re all gonna move on. It’s called growing up
🤳🏻 #nafas_somerhalder
📼 #HowIMetYourMother #HIMYM
🌈 @TvShowTweet
_It's gonna be LEGEN-wait for it-Dary
_That's my only rule
_This is an Intervention
_True story :)))
_Whenever I'm sad i stop being sad and start being awesome instead
_Nothing good ever happens after 2am
_If you are not taking a chance then what the hell are you doing anyway?
_Ted, The Architect :)
_Whatever you do in this life, It's not legendary unless your friends are there to see it
_Haaaaaaaave you met Ted?
_Challenge accepted
_Why would you call a bar "Puzzels"?
+That's the Puzzle!
_High five!
_That's the dream
_Thank you Linus
_Nobody asked you Patrice!
_Where's the poop?
_Somewhere out there, there is a yellow umbrella for everyone
_Let the universe decide
_Even if you know how something’s going to end, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the ride
_The future is scary, but you can’t just run back to the past because it’s familiar.
_You son of a bitch
_We never end up where you thought you wanted to be
_The naked man! Works 2 out of 3 times :))
_Sometimes we search for one thing but discover another
_There are a lot of little reasons why the big things in our lives happen.
_Look, you can’t design your life like a building. It doesn’t work that way. You just have to live it… and it’ll design itself.
_We’re all gonna move on. It’s called growing up
🤳🏻 #nafas_somerhalder
📼 #HowIMetYourMother #HIMYM
🌈 @TvShowTweet
🔥 #MostFamousQuote
-"Oh, hell! What does that matter? So we go round the Sun! If we went round the Moon, or round and round the garden like a teddy bear, it wouldn’t make any difference."
-"Two beers, please."
-"443.7 ml." (Places measuring cylinders.)
-"Dear God, what is it like in your funny little brains? It must be so boring!"
-"Because you're an idiot. No, no, no. Don't look like that. Practically everyone is. "
-"Anderson, don't talk out loud. You lower the IQ of the whole street."
-"Pass me my phone."
+"Where is it?"
-"Jacket (his own)."
-"Shut up, Mrs. Hudson."
+"I haven't said a word!"
-"You're formulating a question. It's physically painful watching you think."
-"You've been letting things slide, Graham."
-"Punch me in the face."
+"Punch you?"
-"Yes, punch me in the face. Didn't you hear me?"
+"I always hear 'punch me in the face' when you're speaking - but it's usually sub-text."
-"Don't make people into heroes, John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them."
-"Oh, I may be on the side of the angels, but don't think for one second that I am one of them."
-"Every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain"
-"I'm not a psychopath, Anderson. I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research."
-"We solve crimes. I blog about it, he forgets his pants. I wouldn't hold out to much hope."
-"Listen, what I said before John, I meant it. I don't have friends; I've just got one."
-"So who loves you? I'm assuming it's not a long list?"
+"Irene Adler?"
-"Don't be ridiculous, look at the coffin. Unmarried, practical about death. Alone."
-"Molly Hooper."
-"My name's Sherlock Holmes."
+"The detective?"
-"The pirate."
-"This is a private matter."
+"John stays."
-"This is family!"
+"That's why he stays!"
-"The only way to save John is to make him save you."
-"Is that sentiment talking?"
+"No, it's me."
-"Difficult to tell the difference these days."
✨ #ghazal
🕵♂ #Sherlock
🌈 @TvShowTweet
-"Oh, hell! What does that matter? So we go round the Sun! If we went round the Moon, or round and round the garden like a teddy bear, it wouldn’t make any difference."
-"Two beers, please."
-"443.7 ml." (Places measuring cylinders.)
-"Dear God, what is it like in your funny little brains? It must be so boring!"
-"Because you're an idiot. No, no, no. Don't look like that. Practically everyone is. "
-"Anderson, don't talk out loud. You lower the IQ of the whole street."
-"Pass me my phone."
+"Where is it?"
-"Jacket (his own)."
-"Shut up, Mrs. Hudson."
+"I haven't said a word!"
-"You're formulating a question. It's physically painful watching you think."
-"You've been letting things slide, Graham."
-"Punch me in the face."
+"Punch you?"
-"Yes, punch me in the face. Didn't you hear me?"
+"I always hear 'punch me in the face' when you're speaking - but it's usually sub-text."
-"Don't make people into heroes, John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them."
-"Oh, I may be on the side of the angels, but don't think for one second that I am one of them."
-"Every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain"
-"I'm not a psychopath, Anderson. I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research."
-"We solve crimes. I blog about it, he forgets his pants. I wouldn't hold out to much hope."
-"Listen, what I said before John, I meant it. I don't have friends; I've just got one."
-"So who loves you? I'm assuming it's not a long list?"
+"Irene Adler?"
-"Don't be ridiculous, look at the coffin. Unmarried, practical about death. Alone."
-"Molly Hooper."
-"My name's Sherlock Holmes."
+"The detective?"
-"The pirate."
-"This is a private matter."
+"John stays."
-"This is family!"
+"That's why he stays!"
-"The only way to save John is to make him save you."
-"Is that sentiment talking?"
+"No, it's me."
-"Difficult to tell the difference these days."
✨ #ghazal
🕵♂ #Sherlock
🌈 @TvShowTweet
🔥 #MostFamousQuote
_ how you doin?
_ joey doesn't share food.
_ OH . MY . GOD
_ We were on a break.
_ they dont know that we know they know we know.
_ What's wrong with me?
Oh don't open that door!
_ Front and back!!!
_ Now I'm momy in this little play ?
_ we're just hanging out by the spoons.
_ if he blows into one , is the other one get bigger ?
_ in case of emergency call ?
+ You
_ do you have a plan ?
i don't even have a pla
_ I wish I could
But I don't want to.
_ Smelly cat , smelly cat .. 😹
_ please be kidding.
_ if im going down im taking everybody with me.
_ i can't have two cats Joeys kind of guy that can have two cats.
_ what's wrong with her ?
+ she's not Rachel.
_ When the package is this pretty ,no one cares what's inside.
_ what Paula an I had was...
+ animal sex animal sex ?
_ Damn you 15s!!
_ I want a baby!
+ Honey we've been over this, I need to be facing the other way.
_ Are we still talking about sex?
_ instead of watching football you could help
+ we know !
_ Every year !
_ Your tailor is a very BAD MAN.
_ Welcome to the real world .it's sucks,you're gonna love it.
_ I grew up in a house with Monica OKAY? If you you didn't eat fast YOU DIDNT EAT!
_ Yeah it's like a cow's opinion it just doesn't matter, it's moo.
_ Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian
Did I say that out loud?!!
_ Who is singing ?
_ i taught you said you know what are u doing.
+ i taught you meant in life.
_Seven! Seven! Seven!
_ Fine, judge all you want!
But married a lesbian,
Left a man at the alter,
Fell in love with a gay ice dancer,
Threw a girl's wooden leg in a fire,
_ I'm not so good with the advice...
Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
_ you're like from a hole other country.
+ im Dutch.
_ hi I'm joey.
_ i heard that.
+ well i said it loud.
_ Every day is my lesbian wedding day.
_ oh oh broken boobs.
_ that's Truth mr. i let you have her.
_ hey Joey are men ever nice to strang women for no reason ?
+ No only for sex.
_ You see what man do ?
don't tell me men a nice
this is men !!
_ well that's the part you are telling him that i moved to france
when actually I'll be in kuba.
_She is his lobster:)
_You are Unagi
_I'm Chandler, I make jokes when i feel uncomfortable
_I put a dollar in Richard 's jar
❄️ #AnnA
👫 #Friends
🌈 @TvShowTweet
_ how you doin?
_ joey doesn't share food.
_ OH . MY . GOD
_ We were on a break.
_ they dont know that we know they know we know.
_ What's wrong with me?
Oh don't open that door!
_ Front and back!!!
_ Now I'm momy in this little play ?
_ we're just hanging out by the spoons.
_ if he blows into one , is the other one get bigger ?
_ in case of emergency call ?
+ You
_ do you have a plan ?
i don't even have a pla
_ I wish I could
But I don't want to.
_ Smelly cat , smelly cat .. 😹
_ please be kidding.
_ if im going down im taking everybody with me.
_ i can't have two cats Joeys kind of guy that can have two cats.
_ what's wrong with her ?
+ she's not Rachel.
_ When the package is this pretty ,no one cares what's inside.
_ what Paula an I had was...
+ animal sex animal sex ?
_ Damn you 15s!!
_ I want a baby!
+ Honey we've been over this, I need to be facing the other way.
_ Are we still talking about sex?
_ instead of watching football you could help
+ we know !
_ Every year !
_ Your tailor is a very BAD MAN.
_ Welcome to the real world .it's sucks,you're gonna love it.
_ I grew up in a house with Monica OKAY? If you you didn't eat fast YOU DIDNT EAT!
_ Yeah it's like a cow's opinion it just doesn't matter, it's moo.
_ Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian
Did I say that out loud?!!
_ Who is singing ?
_ i taught you said you know what are u doing.
+ i taught you meant in life.
_Seven! Seven! Seven!
_ Fine, judge all you want!
But married a lesbian,
Left a man at the alter,
Fell in love with a gay ice dancer,
Threw a girl's wooden leg in a fire,
_ I'm not so good with the advice...
Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
_ you're like from a hole other country.
+ im Dutch.
_ hi I'm joey.
_ i heard that.
+ well i said it loud.
_ Every day is my lesbian wedding day.
_ oh oh broken boobs.
_ that's Truth mr. i let you have her.
_ hey Joey are men ever nice to strang women for no reason ?
+ No only for sex.
_ You see what man do ?
don't tell me men a nice
this is men !!
_ well that's the part you are telling him that i moved to france
when actually I'll be in kuba.
_She is his lobster:)
_You are Unagi
_I'm Chandler, I make jokes when i feel uncomfortable
_I put a dollar in Richard 's jar
❄️ #AnnA
👫 #Friends
🌈 @TvShowTweet
🔥 #MostFamousQuote
_I'm a vampire and this is my story.
_I know the risk, I have to know her.
_Hello brother :)
_if you wanna be bad, be bad but with purpose, otherwise you don't deserve forgivness.
_You should learn to knock, what if i was indecent?
_It was an ANIMAL ATTAK.
_We have history together.
_I Was feeling epic.
+when you lose somebody, every candle , every prayer is not gonna makeup for the fact that the only thing you have left is a hole in your life where that somebody you cared about used to be and a rock!
_Sometimes really terrible things happen to really amazing people.
_I'm older than you.
+ but I'm angrier
_when people see good they expect good, and I don't wanna have to live up to anyone's expectations.
_What are you?
+I'm a vampire
-You know how to laugh.
_ It's dangerous.
+ It's Elena!
_ You must be Elena!
+ How do we look exactly alike?
_It's always gonna be Stefan.
_Some girls just can't resist my good looks, my style, my charm and my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift!
_Stop loving me
+I can't
_The worst day of loving someone is the day that you lose them.
_I Always find my way back to you.
_You and I we're messy and complicated but we are REAL.
_It's OK to love them both.
_Katherine never compelled me, it was real for me.
_It's hard to tell my mind to stop loving you when my heart still does.
_Don't hide from me.
_I'm not gonna let someone else's idea of destiny stops me from loving you or building a future with you because you are my life!
_ Ilove you, and it's because I love you that I can't be selfish with you. And you can't know this because I don't deserve you but my brother does.
_Hope is a bitch.
-I know
_I'm not sorry that I'm in love with you.
_you want a love that consumes you, you want passion and adventure and even a little danger.
_It’s not a crime to love what you cannot explain.
+Promise me this is for ever.
_I promise.
_Dear diary, a chipmunk asked me my name today, i told him it was Joe, that lie will hunt me for ever.
_He’s your first love. I intend to be your last. No matter how long it takes
_The Salvatores may fight like dogs but in the end they would die for eachother.
_I’m not doing so great without you. I keep trying to start over but I can’t get anywhere because I’m lost.
_I'm sorry that you've lost so many people
+ I still have you :)
_Somewhere in this long way, You decided that I was worth saving.
_Take it from me, Elena Gilbert never really goes away.
_You were just as crazy as I am.
_The worst day of loveing someone is the day that you lose them.
_Whenever anyone tells me I can't do something I prove them wrong.
_Enzo's friendship kept me alive.
_I won't change who I am, I can't.
_Bonnie Bennett to me You are the whole damn world.
_If we refuse to belive in love then why would we want to live?
_I don't know who I am without you, but as long as I'm with you, time will stand still!
_Smileing doesn't always mean your'e happy sometimes it simply means that you are a strong person.
_Mystic False, I was born here, This is my home.
+And mine.
_I gave you that necklace because iti s as powerful and magical as the love you and Elena had.
_I fell in love with a human that makes me feel alive.
_The myth... The legend... The baddest bitch of all...
_pain is the cost of living, It's how we know we're alive.
🍷 #Tvd #TheVampireDiaries
🤳🏻 #nafas_somerhalder
🍃 @TVShowTweet
_I'm a vampire and this is my story.
_I know the risk, I have to know her.
_Hello brother :)
_if you wanna be bad, be bad but with purpose, otherwise you don't deserve forgivness.
_You should learn to knock, what if i was indecent?
_It was an ANIMAL ATTAK.
_We have history together.
_I Was feeling epic.
+when you lose somebody, every candle , every prayer is not gonna makeup for the fact that the only thing you have left is a hole in your life where that somebody you cared about used to be and a rock!
_Sometimes really terrible things happen to really amazing people.
_I'm older than you.
+ but I'm angrier
_when people see good they expect good, and I don't wanna have to live up to anyone's expectations.
_What are you?
+I'm a vampire
-You know how to laugh.
_ It's dangerous.
+ It's Elena!
_ You must be Elena!
+ How do we look exactly alike?
_It's always gonna be Stefan.
_Some girls just can't resist my good looks, my style, my charm and my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift!
_Stop loving me
+I can't
_The worst day of loving someone is the day that you lose them.
_I Always find my way back to you.
_You and I we're messy and complicated but we are REAL.
_It's OK to love them both.
_Katherine never compelled me, it was real for me.
_It's hard to tell my mind to stop loving you when my heart still does.
_Don't hide from me.
_I'm not gonna let someone else's idea of destiny stops me from loving you or building a future with you because you are my life!
_ Ilove you, and it's because I love you that I can't be selfish with you. And you can't know this because I don't deserve you but my brother does.
_Hope is a bitch.
-I know
_I'm not sorry that I'm in love with you.
_you want a love that consumes you, you want passion and adventure and even a little danger.
_It’s not a crime to love what you cannot explain.
+Promise me this is for ever.
_I promise.
_Dear diary, a chipmunk asked me my name today, i told him it was Joe, that lie will hunt me for ever.
_He’s your first love. I intend to be your last. No matter how long it takes
_The Salvatores may fight like dogs but in the end they would die for eachother.
_I’m not doing so great without you. I keep trying to start over but I can’t get anywhere because I’m lost.
_I'm sorry that you've lost so many people
+ I still have you :)
_Somewhere in this long way, You decided that I was worth saving.
_Take it from me, Elena Gilbert never really goes away.
_You were just as crazy as I am.
_The worst day of loveing someone is the day that you lose them.
_Whenever anyone tells me I can't do something I prove them wrong.
_Enzo's friendship kept me alive.
_I won't change who I am, I can't.
_Bonnie Bennett to me You are the whole damn world.
_If we refuse to belive in love then why would we want to live?
_I don't know who I am without you, but as long as I'm with you, time will stand still!
_Smileing doesn't always mean your'e happy sometimes it simply means that you are a strong person.
_Mystic False, I was born here, This is my home.
+And mine.
_I gave you that necklace because iti s as powerful and magical as the love you and Elena had.
_I fell in love with a human that makes me feel alive.
_The myth... The legend... The baddest bitch of all...
_pain is the cost of living, It's how we know we're alive.
🍷 #Tvd #TheVampireDiaries
🤳🏻 #nafas_somerhalder
🍃 @TVShowTweet
🔥 #MostFamousQuote
_You have failed this city.
_I must be someone else. I must be something else.
_It feels really good having you inside me... And by you I mean your voice. And by me I mean my ear :)))))))
_I'm a lawyer. I live to argue.
+I'm your father. I live to keep you safe.
_I'm Nyssa, daughter of Ra's al Ghul. Heir to the demon.
+Felicity Smoak. M.I.T. Class of 09.
_Death would be a release from this life, and his sentence has yet to be carried out.
_Death is a beautiful thing. We die, we go into the ground, our remains grow into flowers. It's only in the interval after dying that new things can sprout.
_ I'm not any kind of criminal.
+What do you call computer hacking?
_A hobby. That I do not engage in.
_I've got a lot of calls from prison but never from my girlfriend's mother!
_Aw that girl is cute.
+That's my sister in law
_Who I nver speak to or look at ever
_Ms. Smoak Would you please bring us a coffe?
+You know I would Mr.Queen but it seems that someone has broke our coffeemaker. VIOLENTLY!
_What's Twilight?
+You're so better off not knowing.
_You will always be my girl
_You were with me the whole time
_Have you noticed how hot your sister has gotten? because I have not
_I'm glue baby :)
_ There has not been a day since you were born, where I didn't cherish having you as a sister...
_Felecity Im a better human....just because I loved you
+Bitch with WiFi
_if you hurt her, I'll snap your neck
+Felicity, you're remarkable.
_Thank you for remarking on it.
+Did you do something to your hair?
_Yes I shampooed it without 8 woman and a gaurd watching
+Is it OK to laugh? becuase I was orderd not to say anying about you being in prison to avoid any akward conversation like this one :|
_The Count? That's worse than The Hood.
_I was beginning to think my days of being Oliver Queen's personal computer geek were coming to an end.
+Is that your way of saying you miss me?
_I'm guessing "How?" and "Why?" are Oliver Queen's least favorite questions.
+Yeah, well, there's also "When?" and "Where?" he's not too fond of.
_it's the Arrow that matters - the man under the hood isn't important.
_I don't even know why I'm crying. I didn't even like Moira.
_I'm giving up a lot so maybe I thought the universe owed me one
_Sometimes it's people closest to us who lie to us best.
_Love's the most powerful emotion and that makes it the most dangerous.
_the thing about forgiveness. You can't get it until you ask for it.
_secrets have weight. The more you keep, the harder it is to keep moving.
_the essence of heroism is to die so others can live.
_Dont forget who taught you how to fight, kid!!
_Slade took Laurel beacuse he wants to kill the woman that I love
+I know. So?
_So he took the wrong woman!
_A man cannot live by two names.
_How do you balance been the green arrow the mayor a brother a boy friend? How do you do it all by your self?
+I didnt do it by myself , I HAD YOU
_Heroes dont always make it home
_Just a quick reminder… super speed. I don’t have it.
_Who's that?
-my ex girlfriend
+Oliver s sister
_We found ourselves in Each other
_I've heard that from SOMEONE...
+She is not VOLDEMORT
_you have faild this omellet
_you hurt her and they will never find your body
🤳🏻 #nafas_somerhalder
🍃 @TVShowTweet
_You have failed this city.
_I must be someone else. I must be something else.
_It feels really good having you inside me... And by you I mean your voice. And by me I mean my ear :)))))))
_I'm a lawyer. I live to argue.
+I'm your father. I live to keep you safe.
_I'm Nyssa, daughter of Ra's al Ghul. Heir to the demon.
+Felicity Smoak. M.I.T. Class of 09.
_Death would be a release from this life, and his sentence has yet to be carried out.
_Death is a beautiful thing. We die, we go into the ground, our remains grow into flowers. It's only in the interval after dying that new things can sprout.
_ I'm not any kind of criminal.
+What do you call computer hacking?
_A hobby. That I do not engage in.
_I've got a lot of calls from prison but never from my girlfriend's mother!
_Aw that girl is cute.
+That's my sister in law
_Who I nver speak to or look at ever
_Ms. Smoak Would you please bring us a coffe?
+You know I would Mr.Queen but it seems that someone has broke our coffeemaker. VIOLENTLY!
_What's Twilight?
+You're so better off not knowing.
_You will always be my girl
_You were with me the whole time
_Have you noticed how hot your sister has gotten? because I have not
_I'm glue baby :)
_ There has not been a day since you were born, where I didn't cherish having you as a sister...
_Felecity Im a better human....just because I loved you
+Bitch with WiFi
_if you hurt her, I'll snap your neck
+Felicity, you're remarkable.
_Thank you for remarking on it.
+Did you do something to your hair?
_Yes I shampooed it without 8 woman and a gaurd watching
+Is it OK to laugh? becuase I was orderd not to say anying about you being in prison to avoid any akward conversation like this one :|
_The Count? That's worse than The Hood.
_I was beginning to think my days of being Oliver Queen's personal computer geek were coming to an end.
+Is that your way of saying you miss me?
_I'm guessing "How?" and "Why?" are Oliver Queen's least favorite questions.
+Yeah, well, there's also "When?" and "Where?" he's not too fond of.
_it's the Arrow that matters - the man under the hood isn't important.
_I don't even know why I'm crying. I didn't even like Moira.
_I'm giving up a lot so maybe I thought the universe owed me one
_Sometimes it's people closest to us who lie to us best.
_Love's the most powerful emotion and that makes it the most dangerous.
_the thing about forgiveness. You can't get it until you ask for it.
_secrets have weight. The more you keep, the harder it is to keep moving.
_the essence of heroism is to die so others can live.
_Dont forget who taught you how to fight, kid!!
_Slade took Laurel beacuse he wants to kill the woman that I love
+I know. So?
_So he took the wrong woman!
_A man cannot live by two names.
_How do you balance been the green arrow the mayor a brother a boy friend? How do you do it all by your self?
+I didnt do it by myself , I HAD YOU
_Heroes dont always make it home
_Just a quick reminder… super speed. I don’t have it.
_Who's that?
-my ex girlfriend
+Oliver s sister
_We found ourselves in Each other
_I've heard that from SOMEONE...
+She is not VOLDEMORT
_you have faild this omellet
_you hurt her and they will never find your body
🤳🏻 #nafas_somerhalder
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🔥 #MostFamousQuote
" Castiel "
_ you should show me some respect.
( S04E02 - are you there, god! It's me, dean... )
_ you don't have to be ruled by fate, You can choose freedom.
( S06E17 - my heart will go on )
_ you know, this world, this was doomed little world, it needs you. It needs every last Winchester it can get, and I will not let you die.
( S12E09 - first blood )
_ hey, AssButt !!!
( S05E22 - swan song )
_ This is my voice mail , Make your voice a mail.
(S12E09 - first blood )
_ I found a liquor store, and I drank it.
( S05E17 - 99 problems )
_ of the pizza man truly loves the babysitter, why does he keep slapping her rear?
( S06E10 - caged heat )
_ I am castiel, I am an angel of the Lord.
( S04E01 - lazarus Rising )
_ I learned that from the pizza man.
( S06E10 - caged heat )
_ Dean, you're not a talking dog !
( S13E16 - scoobynatural )
_ hello, I'm agent beyonce, and this is my, um... partner agent zee.
( S12E03 - the foundry )
_ these are my friends...
My friends who don't listen very well.
( S12E10 - Lily sunder has some regrats )
_ I don't understand that reference.
( S05E13 - The Song Remains the Same )
_ this isn't funny Dean! the voice says I'm out of minutes.
( S05E04 - The End )
_ I'll interogate the CAT.
( S08E08 - hunteri heroici )
_ I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.
( S04E01 - lazarus Rising )
_ you're my family. I LOVE YOU. I love all of you.
Just please... please, don't make my last moments be spent watching you die.
( S12E12 - stuck in the middle ( with you ) )
_ I'm not a... hammer. As you say, I have questions. I have doubt.
( S04E07 - it's the great pumpkin, Sam Winchester )
" Crowley "
_ where is your moose?
( S05E20 - The Devil you know )
_ maybe you should try plan D for "dumbass" !
( S08E02 - what's up tiger mommy? )
_ I am bloody Crowley!!!
( S10E17 - inside man )
_ listen to me moose, squirrel...
( S06E04 - weekend at bobby's )
_ I do what I want when I want.
_ we deserve to be loved, I deserve to be loved, I just want to be loved...
( S08E23 - sacrifice )
_ no one in the history of torture's been tortured with torture like the torture you'll be tortured with !!!
( S09E21 - king of the damned )
_ I bet my own soul .
+ Mr. Crowley you don't have a soul.
( S08E02 - what's up tiger mommy? )
_ Is that bobby singer?
Give him a kiss for me.
( S06E08 - all dogs go to heaven )
_ why do you have to use tongue?
( S05E21 - Two minutes To Midnight )
_ now if you'll excuse me, I have a little hell to raise.
( S06E04 - weekend at Bobby’s )
_ because I don't like you, I don't trust you. Oh yeah, and you keep trying to kill me!
( S05E20 - The Devil You Know )
_ Hello, king of the crossroads.
( S05E21 - Two minutes To Midnight )
_ the name Is Crowley.
_ sic'im boy.
( S05E20 - The Devil You Know )
_ They burned down my house!
They ate my tailor!
( S05E20 - The Devil You Know )
_ right, right, you'll rip me a cornucopia of orifices.
( S06E21 - let it bleed )
_ you two, at best, are functional morans.
( S05E10 - Abandon All Hope... )
_ guess I've been Winchestered.
( S09E23 - Do You Believe in Miracles? )
_ I torture all of my friends, s'how i show love.
( S09E02 - Devil may care )
_ blah... blah... blah...
_ کینگ👑🖤 و فرشتمون😇💜
❄️ #AnnA
🐣 #pariara
✨ #SuperNatural #SPN
🌈 @TVShowTweet
" Castiel "
_ you should show me some respect.
( S04E02 - are you there, god! It's me, dean... )
_ you don't have to be ruled by fate, You can choose freedom.
( S06E17 - my heart will go on )
_ you know, this world, this was doomed little world, it needs you. It needs every last Winchester it can get, and I will not let you die.
( S12E09 - first blood )
_ hey, AssButt !!!
( S05E22 - swan song )
_ This is my voice mail , Make your voice a mail.
(S12E09 - first blood )
_ I found a liquor store, and I drank it.
( S05E17 - 99 problems )
_ of the pizza man truly loves the babysitter, why does he keep slapping her rear?
( S06E10 - caged heat )
_ I am castiel, I am an angel of the Lord.
( S04E01 - lazarus Rising )
_ I learned that from the pizza man.
( S06E10 - caged heat )
_ Dean, you're not a talking dog !
( S13E16 - scoobynatural )
_ hello, I'm agent beyonce, and this is my, um... partner agent zee.
( S12E03 - the foundry )
_ these are my friends...
My friends who don't listen very well.
( S12E10 - Lily sunder has some regrats )
_ I don't understand that reference.
( S05E13 - The Song Remains the Same )
_ this isn't funny Dean! the voice says I'm out of minutes.
( S05E04 - The End )
_ I'll interogate the CAT.
( S08E08 - hunteri heroici )
_ I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.
( S04E01 - lazarus Rising )
_ you're my family. I LOVE YOU. I love all of you.
Just please... please, don't make my last moments be spent watching you die.
( S12E12 - stuck in the middle ( with you ) )
_ I'm not a... hammer. As you say, I have questions. I have doubt.
( S04E07 - it's the great pumpkin, Sam Winchester )
" Crowley "
_ where is your moose?
( S05E20 - The Devil you know )
_ maybe you should try plan D for "dumbass" !
( S08E02 - what's up tiger mommy? )
_ I am bloody Crowley!!!
( S10E17 - inside man )
_ listen to me moose, squirrel...
( S06E04 - weekend at bobby's )
_ I do what I want when I want.
_ we deserve to be loved, I deserve to be loved, I just want to be loved...
( S08E23 - sacrifice )
_ no one in the history of torture's been tortured with torture like the torture you'll be tortured with !!!
( S09E21 - king of the damned )
_ I bet my own soul .
+ Mr. Crowley you don't have a soul.
( S08E02 - what's up tiger mommy? )
_ Is that bobby singer?
Give him a kiss for me.
( S06E08 - all dogs go to heaven )
_ why do you have to use tongue?
( S05E21 - Two minutes To Midnight )
_ now if you'll excuse me, I have a little hell to raise.
( S06E04 - weekend at Bobby’s )
_ because I don't like you, I don't trust you. Oh yeah, and you keep trying to kill me!
( S05E20 - The Devil You Know )
_ Hello, king of the crossroads.
( S05E21 - Two minutes To Midnight )
_ the name Is Crowley.
_ sic'im boy.
( S05E20 - The Devil You Know )
_ They burned down my house!
They ate my tailor!
( S05E20 - The Devil You Know )
_ right, right, you'll rip me a cornucopia of orifices.
( S06E21 - let it bleed )
_ you two, at best, are functional morans.
( S05E10 - Abandon All Hope... )
_ guess I've been Winchestered.
( S09E23 - Do You Believe in Miracles? )
_ I torture all of my friends, s'how i show love.
( S09E02 - Devil may care )
_ blah... blah... blah...
_ کینگ👑🖤 و فرشتمون😇💜
❄️ #AnnA
🐣 #pariara
✨ #SuperNatural #SPN
🌈 @TVShowTweet
🔥 #MostFamousQuote
_ friends don't lie.
_ You shouldn’t like things just because people tell you you’re supposed to.
_ I don’t care if anyone believes me. I am not gonna stop looking for him until I find him and bring him home! I am going to bring him home!
_ Mornings are for coffee and contemplation.
_ Don’t take it so personally, okay? I don’t like most people. He’s in the vast majority.
_ Why do we even need weapons anyway. We have her.
_ Maybe I’m crazy, maybe I’m out of my mind! But God help me, I will keep these lights up until the day I die if I think there’s a chance that Will’s still out there!
_ Do you wanna be normal? Do you wanna be just like everyone else? Being a freak is the best. I’m a freak!
_ I don’t want you to get hurt at all. And I don’t wanna lose you. Just make sure you heat up some real food. Not just Eggos.
_ Bitchin.
_ El are you there ?
It's me it's mike
Day 352 7:40 p.m
I'm still here .
_ hey "will" if we're both going crazy, then we'll go crazy together, right?
+ yeah, crazy together...
❄️ #AnnA
👻 #StrangerThings
🌈 @TVShowTweet
_ friends don't lie.
_ You shouldn’t like things just because people tell you you’re supposed to.
_ I don’t care if anyone believes me. I am not gonna stop looking for him until I find him and bring him home! I am going to bring him home!
_ Mornings are for coffee and contemplation.
_ Don’t take it so personally, okay? I don’t like most people. He’s in the vast majority.
_ Why do we even need weapons anyway. We have her.
_ Maybe I’m crazy, maybe I’m out of my mind! But God help me, I will keep these lights up until the day I die if I think there’s a chance that Will’s still out there!
_ Do you wanna be normal? Do you wanna be just like everyone else? Being a freak is the best. I’m a freak!
_ I don’t want you to get hurt at all. And I don’t wanna lose you. Just make sure you heat up some real food. Not just Eggos.
_ Bitchin.
_ El are you there ?
It's me it's mike
Day 352 7:40 p.m
I'm still here .
_ hey "will" if we're both going crazy, then we'll go crazy together, right?
+ yeah, crazy together...
❄️ #AnnA
👻 #StrangerThings
🌈 @TVShowTweet
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