Ted Cruz
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Fan channel of U.S. Senator from Texas and former Presidential candidate Ted Cruz

Not associated with or managed by Ted
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Parents know there’s no good reason for a child to be doom-scrolling through social media feeds that glorify unhealthy lifestyles.

I'm proud to partner with @ brianschatz on this bipartisan bill to help families protect their kids from the harms and dangers of addictive and…

Adeel Mangi was on the board of an organization that supported terrorism and even invited a convicted terrorist to speak to students.

This alone is utterly disqualifying, yet he made it worse by trying to hide his association with the organization.

The Center’s views align…

Republicans and Democrats across the Lone Star State are supporting my campaign to keep Texas, Texas.

On my cul-de-sac tour, I am meeting with people in their neighborhoods to talk about the issues they are facing—from inflation to the border crisis.


Ted Cruz: Anti-Israel Protests a “Result of Cultural Marxism.”

My bestselling book, Unwoke, exposes Cultural Marxism for the cancer that it is. http://tedcruz.org/unwoke.


.@ Politico just had a bombshell on who’s FUNDING the antisemitic college protests.

They are ALL major @ ColinAllredTX donors.

WILL ALLRED RETURN the $80k he’s gotten?

Or does he support their anti-Israel hate?

Soros: $29,900
Rockefeller: $10,450
Gates: $5400
Pritzker: $33,950

🧵1/x Adeel Mangi was on the board of the Rutgers Center for Race, Security, & Rights, which advanced antisemitism & invited a terrorist to speak on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

This alone is disqualifying, but Mangi made it worse by lying to the Senate Judiciary Committee👇
