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🗞 Pokemon GO Anniversary Box Deal is not worth it
The Pokemon GO Anniversary Box deal just is not worth it, argue players who aren’t satisfied with Niantic’s latest discount bundle. Niantic kicked off the Pokemon GO Anniversary event earlier this week, offering a Pikachu with Ash’s hat and more.
Included in the Pokemon GO Anniversary Box is the... read more ➡️
🗞 Overwatch is Currently Balanced
Whether it’s nerfing Mercy’s ultimate ability or curbing the power of Roadhog, Overwatch has been home to a huge number of tweaks since it released. That’s much to the credit of developer Blizzard, but certain parts of the game’s community have felt that there are still some balancing issues... read more ➡️
🗞 Overwatch 11 Tips for Playing as Doomfist
It’s official Doomfist is the newest hero in Overwatch. Immediately after announcing the new offense hero, Blizzard released the buff, punching character to the game’s PTR (Public Test Region.)
As Overwatch players on PC get to grips with the character, various strategies have emerged for... read more ➡️
🗞 PlayStation 5 with Backwards Compatibility come in 2019
Michael Pachter is at it again, speculating that a PlayStation 5 would likely arrive in 2019, if not 2020. Speaking with Gaming Bolt, Pachter was asked his thoughts on what Sony’s next console could be and the analyst tore into the subject with his typical gusto. Pachter is a research analyst... read more ➡️
🗞 Video Games reduce Men Working
A new study suggests that a big why reason men are spending less time working than a decade ago is because of higher quality video games. While the study offers some interesting insights into the choices of working and non-working men in America, the conclusions aren’t quite as solid as one... read more ➡️
🗞 Summer Games Done Quick Raises Record $1.76 Million for Charity
The Summer Games Done Quick 2017 speedrunning marathon has ended after a full week of playing games, bringing in a record $1.76 million in donations for the event. This is the seventh year for the annual SGDQ marathon, whose humble beginnings raised a comparatively scant $21,397. Each year since... read more ➡️
🗞 Top 5 Most Exciting Video Games of Summer 2017
In the video game industry, the summer months typically bring with them a drought of major releases. However, summer 2017 is proving to be a different story, with a handful of big video game launches on deck for launch this season.
Summer 2017 looks like it’s bringing something to the table for... read more ➡️
🗞 Over 40K Steam Accounts Banned by Valve
Following the end of Steam‘s Summer Sale 2017 by just one day, Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) auto-detected 40,411 cheating accounts on the company’s digital distribution platform and service, with all of the aforementioned accounts then receiving a ban. This marks a record for the highest amount of... read more ➡️
🗞 Fake Nintendo NES Classic Mini
It looks like the bootleg industry has dug its claws into the NES Classic Mini. The high demand for these nostalgia boxes has created a situation where desperate consumers can easily get taken advantage of. For evidence, look no further than eBay and peruse the console’s significantly jacked up... read more ➡️
🗞 Half-Life Gets a New Patch after 19 years from release date
It might not seem like it, but it’s been almost twenty years since Valve redefined the FPS genre with Half-Life in November 1998. Fans might be forgiven for thinking that the studio has forgotten about the franchise, but a new patch released this week reveals that this isn’t the case.
Valve has...
🗞 Pokemon GO Murder Suspect Reward Raised to $110,000
There has been no shortage of reports about the dangers of Pokemon GO since Niantic released the mobile game last summer. Players have found themselves in all sorts of trouble, including crashing their vehicles while driving and trying to play the game. But the popularity of the mobile title has... read more ➡️
🗞 Star Wars Battlefront 2 coming soon
Unlike the last Battlefront game, Star Wars Battlefront 2 is bringing players a full, single-player campaign, complete with a story that has yet to be told in the Star Wars universe. A new trailer, which debuted as part of Disney’s D23 event, takes a deep dive into the story of the upcoming... read more ➡️
🗞 PlayStation Free Plus Games for August 2017 Revealed
Wave goodbye to July, as Sony’s getting ready to move PlayStation 4 players onto August’s month of free PlayStation Plus titles.  Six new games are joining the PlayStation Plus library, split in the standard fashion of two PlayStation 4 games, two PlayStation 3 games, and two PS Vita games. In... read more ➡️
🗞 Star Wars Battlefront 2: Devs say estimated unlock times are not accurate, loot crate adjustments coming & explain Arcade credit cap

By now, you’re probably aware of the drama around Star Wars: Battlefront 2. The soon to be released game has faced backlash over locked content and push to purchase loot boxes with real money caused EA to take a step back and cut the cost of heroes in Star Wars: Battlefront 2 by 75%, as... read more ➡️
🗞 Call of Duty: WW2's Dedicated Services are Back

To say that Call of Duty: WWII’s launch was less than stellar would be an understatement. Between the long load times, server queues, disconnect issues, and the broken headquarters, the multiplayer portion (probably the most played mode) of WW2 has just been dogged with issues since... read more ➡️