July 9, 2022
1️⃣Plataforma: Arcade (Fliperama)
2️⃣Emulador(es): "MAME4Droid", "FBA4Droid", "Neo.EMU", "LWBurn", "Tiger Arcade" e "Kawaks Arcade Emulator"
3️⃣ ⚠️Obs: após baixar, (SEM EXTRAIR) abrir pelo Emulador correspondente,⚠️
4️⃣ Gameplay:
2️⃣Emulador(es): "MAME4Droid", "FBA4Droid", "Neo.EMU", "LWBurn", "Tiger Arcade" e "Kawaks Arcade Emulator"
3️⃣ ⚠️Obs: após baixar, (SEM EXTRAIR) abrir pelo Emulador correspondente,⚠️
4️⃣ Gameplay:
Fight Fever (Arcade 1994) - Miyuki [Playthrough/LongPlay]
Platform: Arcade
Developer: Viccom
Publisher: KOR: Viccom / WW: SNK
Year: 1994
Fight Fever (Korean: 왕중왕, Wang Jung Wang, lit. "King of Kings"; Japanese: ファイトフィーバー) is a 2D fighting game that was made available for the Neo-Geo MVS System on June 28, 1994.…
Developer: Viccom
Publisher: KOR: Viccom / WW: SNK
Year: 1994
Fight Fever (Korean: 왕중왕, Wang Jung Wang, lit. "King of Kings"; Japanese: ファイトフィーバー) is a 2D fighting game that was made available for the Neo-Geo MVS System on June 28, 1994.…
July 9, 2022
July 9, 2022
July 9, 2022
July 9, 2022
1️⃣Console(s): Arcade (Fliperama)
2️⃣Emulador(es): "MAME4Droid", "FBA4Droid", "LWBurn", "Tiger Arcade" e "Kawaks Arcade Emulator"
3️⃣ ⚠️Obs: após baixar, mover (SEM EXTRAIR) para a pasta do Emulador correspondente,⚠️
4️⃣ Gameplay:
2️⃣Emulador(es): "MAME4Droid", "FBA4Droid", "LWBurn", "Tiger Arcade" e "Kawaks Arcade Emulator"
3️⃣ ⚠️Obs: após baixar, mover (SEM EXTRAIR) para a pasta do Emulador correspondente,⚠️
4️⃣ Gameplay:
The Legend of Kage (Arcade) 1 Loop
The player takes the role of a young Iga ninja named Kage ("Shadow"), on a mission to rescue Princess Kiri (hime) - the Shogun's daughter - from the villainous warlord Yoshi (ro Kuyigusa) and fellow evil samurai Yuki (nosuke Riko). Kage must fight his way…
July 9, 2022
July 9, 2022
July 11, 2022
July 11, 2022
1️⃣Console: Amstrad GX4000
2️⃣Emulador(es): Até o momento, NÃO existe no Android!
3️⃣ ⚠️Obs: após baixar, mover o arquivo (ZIP) para a pasta criada.⚠️
4️⃣ Gameplay:
2️⃣Emulador(es): Até o momento, NÃO existe no Android!
3️⃣ ⚠️Obs: após baixar, mover o arquivo (ZIP) para a pasta criada.⚠️
4️⃣ Gameplay:
[Amstrad GX4000] Batman - Longplay
© Ocean Software (1990)
Section 1 - Usine Chimique de l'Axe : 2:22
Etant BRUCE WAYNE, vous entendez Gordon parler au Maire de JACK NAPIER et de son acolyte attaquant l'Usine Chimique de l'Axe. Passant rapidement à l'action,vous enfilez votre costume…
© Ocean Software (1990)
Section 1 - Usine Chimique de l'Axe : 2:22
Etant BRUCE WAYNE, vous entendez Gordon parler au Maire de JACK NAPIER et de son acolyte attaquant l'Usine Chimique de l'Axe. Passant rapidement à l'action,vous enfilez votre costume…
July 11, 2022
July 11, 2022
July 11, 2022
Super Taiwanese Baseball League (1995)(Funtech)(TW).zip
892.3 KB
Super Taiwanese Baseball League #SAcan
July 11, 2022
1️⃣Console: Super A'Can (Funtech)
2️⃣Emulador: “Retroarch”
3️⃣ ⚠️Obs: após baixar, mover (extração opcional) para a pasta do Emulador correspondente!
⚠️ Obs 2: Roda apenas no Retroarch, porém com MUITA insistência e sem som.
4️⃣ Gameplay:
2️⃣Emulador: “Retroarch”
3️⃣ ⚠️Obs: após baixar, mover (extração opcional) para a pasta do Emulador correspondente!
⚠️ Obs 2: Roda apenas no Retroarch, porém com MUITA insistência e sem som.
4️⃣ Gameplay:
Super Chinese Baseball League (超級中華職棒聯盟) for Super A'can: Introduction and Dragons vs. Elephants
Opening scene + Dragons vs. Elephants
Played on a real, s-video modded Super A'can.
Played on a real, s-video modded Super A'can.
July 11, 2022
July 11, 2022
July 11, 2022
July 11, 2022
1️⃣Console: Apple Pippin
2️⃣Emulador(es): ⚠️ Até o momento, NÃO existe no Android!
3️⃣ ⚠️Obs: após baixar, mover os 2 arquivos (.CHD) para a pasta criada.⚠️
4️⃣ Gameplay:
2️⃣Emulador(es): ⚠️ Até o momento, NÃO existe no Android!
3️⃣ ⚠️Obs: após baixar, mover os 2 arquivos (.CHD) para a pasta criada.⚠️
4️⃣ Gameplay:
Super Marathon - Apple Bandai Pippin - Video Game Esoterica
Hello and welcome to our first "Gaiden", or "side story" series! Why Gaiden you ask? Well I wasn't 100% confident about running a Pippin series as a mainline "season" on the channel lol. Maybe I will be proven wrong!
On this episode we will be taking a look…
On this episode we will be taking a look…
July 11, 2022
July 11, 2022
July 11, 2022