1️⃣Plataforma: Arcade (Fliperama)
2️⃣Emulador(es): "MAME4Droid", "FBA4Droid", "Neo.EMU", "LWBurn", "Tiger Arcade" e "Kawaks Arcade Emulator"
3️⃣ ⚠️Obs: após baixar, (SEM EXTRAIR) abrir pelo Emulador correspondente,⚠️
4️⃣ Gameplay:
2️⃣Emulador(es): "MAME4Droid", "FBA4Droid", "Neo.EMU", "LWBurn", "Tiger Arcade" e "Kawaks Arcade Emulator"
3️⃣ ⚠️Obs: após baixar, (SEM EXTRAIR) abrir pelo Emulador correspondente,⚠️
4️⃣ Gameplay:
Fight Fever (Arcade 1994) - Miyuki [Playthrough/LongPlay]
Platform: Arcade
Developer: Viccom
Publisher: KOR: Viccom / WW: SNK
Year: 1994
Fight Fever (Korean: 왕중왕, Wang Jung Wang, lit. "King of Kings"; Japanese: ファイトフィーバー) is a 2D fighting game that was made available for the Neo-Geo MVS System on June 28, 1994.…
Developer: Viccom
Publisher: KOR: Viccom / WW: SNK
Year: 1994
Fight Fever (Korean: 왕중왕, Wang Jung Wang, lit. "King of Kings"; Japanese: ファイトフィーバー) is a 2D fighting game that was made available for the Neo-Geo MVS System on June 28, 1994.…
1️⃣Console(s): Arcade (Fliperama)
2️⃣Emulador(es): "MAME4Droid", "FBA4Droid", "LWBurn", "Tiger Arcade" e "Kawaks Arcade Emulator"
3️⃣ ⚠️Obs: após baixar, mover (SEM EXTRAIR) para a pasta do Emulador correspondente,⚠️
4️⃣ Gameplay:
2️⃣Emulador(es): "MAME4Droid", "FBA4Droid", "LWBurn", "Tiger Arcade" e "Kawaks Arcade Emulator"
3️⃣ ⚠️Obs: após baixar, mover (SEM EXTRAIR) para a pasta do Emulador correspondente,⚠️
4️⃣ Gameplay:
The Legend of Kage (Arcade) 1 Loop
The player takes the role of a young Iga ninja named Kage ("Shadow"), on a mission to rescue Princess Kiri (hime) - the Shogun's daughter - from the villainous warlord Yoshi (ro Kuyigusa) and fellow evil samurai Yuki (nosuke Riko). Kage must fight his way…
1️⃣Console: Amstrad GX4000
2️⃣Emulador(es): Até o momento, NÃO existe no Android!
3️⃣ ⚠️Obs: após baixar, mover o arquivo (ZIP) para a pasta criada.⚠️
4️⃣ Gameplay:
2️⃣Emulador(es): Até o momento, NÃO existe no Android!
3️⃣ ⚠️Obs: após baixar, mover o arquivo (ZIP) para a pasta criada.⚠️
4️⃣ Gameplay:
[Amstrad GX4000] Batman - Longplay
© Ocean Software (1990)
Section 1 - Usine Chimique de l'Axe : 2:22
Etant BRUCE WAYNE, vous entendez Gordon parler au Maire de JACK NAPIER et de son acolyte attaquant l'Usine Chimique de l'Axe. Passant rapidement à l'action,vous enfilez votre costume…
© Ocean Software (1990)
Section 1 - Usine Chimique de l'Axe : 2:22
Etant BRUCE WAYNE, vous entendez Gordon parler au Maire de JACK NAPIER et de son acolyte attaquant l'Usine Chimique de l'Axe. Passant rapidement à l'action,vous enfilez votre costume…
Super Taiwanese Baseball League (1995)(Funtech)(TW).zip
892.3 KB
Super Taiwanese Baseball League #SAcan
1️⃣Console: Super A'Can (Funtech)
2️⃣Emulador: “Retroarch”
3️⃣ ⚠️Obs: após baixar, mover (extração opcional) para a pasta do Emulador correspondente!
⚠️ Obs 2: Roda apenas no Retroarch, porém com MUITA insistência e sem som.
4️⃣ Gameplay:
2️⃣Emulador: “Retroarch”
3️⃣ ⚠️Obs: após baixar, mover (extração opcional) para a pasta do Emulador correspondente!
⚠️ Obs 2: Roda apenas no Retroarch, porém com MUITA insistência e sem som.
4️⃣ Gameplay:
Super Chinese Baseball League (超級中華職棒聯盟) for Super A'can: Introduction and Dragons vs. Elephants
Opening scene + Dragons vs. Elephants
Played on a real, s-video modded Super A'can.
Played on a real, s-video modded Super A'can.
1️⃣Console: Apple Pippin
2️⃣Emulador(es): ⚠️ Até o momento, NÃO existe no Android!
3️⃣ ⚠️Obs: após baixar, mover os 2 arquivos (.CHD) para a pasta criada.⚠️
4️⃣ Gameplay:
2️⃣Emulador(es): ⚠️ Até o momento, NÃO existe no Android!
3️⃣ ⚠️Obs: após baixar, mover os 2 arquivos (.CHD) para a pasta criada.⚠️
4️⃣ Gameplay:
Super Marathon - Apple Bandai Pippin - Video Game Esoterica
Hello and welcome to our first "Gaiden", or "side story" series! Why Gaiden you ask? Well I wasn't 100% confident about running a Pippin series as a mainline "season" on the channel lol. Maybe I will be proven wrong!
On this episode we will be taking a look…
On this episode we will be taking a look…