Robert F. Kennedy Jr
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American environmental lawyer, author, conspiracy theorist and anti-vaccine advocate
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Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas' recent statements to a Congressional subcommittee about the border crisis are wrong. The crisis CAN be fixed by President Biden. But so far, his policies have only exacerbated the humanitarian catastrophe and deliberately weakened border security.

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We’re still buzzing from my running mate Nicole Shanahan’s amazing speech in Oakland last month and the new energy she’s brought to our campaign.

We’re here to radically change the political conversation and to put issues on the map that both parties have neglected. While about one in 5 voters already supports us, to get on the ballot in all 50 states and the District of Columbia and take the White House, we need financial support.

The April 30th FEC deadline is around the corner, and your contribution today means more than ever.

I hear some of my family will be endorsing President Biden today. I am pleased they are politically active — it’s a family tradition. We are divided in our opinions but united in our love for each other.

I hold this as a possibility for America too. Can we disagree without hating our opponents? Can we restore civility and respect to public discourse? I think we can.

My campaign, which many of my family members are working on and supportive of, is about healing America — healing our economy, our chronic disease crisis, our middle class, our environment, and our standing in the world as a peaceful nation.

But this will only happen if we heal our national conversation, and move from rage and fear into love and respect.

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Hello from the Detroit River, everyone. Unfortunately, like many municipal water supplies, the Detroit River isn’t clean. It’s time we restored Americans’ basic right to water that is safe to drink, safe to eat fish from, and safe for nature lovers and sportspeople to enjoy with their families.

People around the world are rejecting the WHO’s attempt to take over global public health. In desperation, watered-down versions of the proposed international health regulations and pandemic treaty were floated over the past few days.

Don’t be fooled! The WHO still wants experimental vaccines rolled out, still wants liability shields, still wants to impose censorship, and still plans to use “One Health” to control humans, plants, animals, and ecosystems, all in the name of health.

The WHO still plans to collect "potential pandemic pathogens” to be “shared globally”

This is an illegal attempt to proliferate biological warfare agents, which are weapons of mass destruction. This is illegal, immoral, and incredibly dangerous.

Legislators in countries around the world are saying “No!”

When I am President we will reject the Amendments and leave the pandemic treaty.

I am the only candidate who understands the dangers of biological weapons (and gain of function research).

I am the candidate who will end this dangerous research, and strengthen international rules to end the creation of dangerous viruses in labs, worldwide

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RFK Jr: The World Economic Forum is "a billionaires boys' club, that's arranging the world to shift wealth upward, and to clamp down totalitarian controls on everybody else."

"It's astonishing to me that these people go to Davos in their private jets, and they're able to tell these world leaders how to govern us in ways that eradicate our constitutional and civil rights."

A sure recipe for 10 more years of financial and moral bankruptcy for the United States.

Mark Zuckerberg: “WH put pressure on us to censor the lab leak theory.” Nah, couldn’t be. Conspiracy theory!

49 Republican Senators wrote to President Biden demanding he withdraw U.S. support for the WHO Pandemic “Agreement" and major amendments to the International Health Regulations.

The Senators point out that these 2 documents would:

1. Give the WHO Director-General the authority to unilaterally declare health emergencies
2. Expand the WHO’s authority over nations, infringing on their sovereignty
3. Interfere with free speech

Furthermore, the Senators demand that if the Biden administration continues to support them, they must be submitted to the Senate, where a 2/3 vote is needed for ratification. That’s basic Constitutional law.

Every Republican Senator signed this letter.

But where are the Democrats? Don’t they care about free speech and retaining sovereignty over health and information? Don’t they understand the dangers of giving the WHO power over the entire world?

A Kennedy administration will always protect Americans’ free speech and autonomy. We will never support the WHO or any global institution managing our affairs, locking us down, censoring our dissent, or imposing mandates.

Storm clouds gathering for the American economy:

1. 43% of small businesses couldn’t pay their rent in full and on time in April.
2. 2600 retail stores closed in 2024
3. Nearly 100 million Americans in “ALICE:” category (Asset limited, income constrained, employed).
4. Another 38 million in poverty.

This isn’t only President Biden’s fault or President Trump’s. It is the result of decades of decline going back to the 1970s. My top priority as President is to turn this around.

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When Franklin Roosevelt famously said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” he was referring to totalitarian leaders in Europe using fear to induce compliance in their citizens. We’ve seen this tactic throughout history in other nations, and we’ve seen it – are still seeing it – with our own government.

Abortion has been a notoriously divisive issue in America, but actually I see an emerging consensus — abortion should be legal up until a certain number of weeks, and restricted thereafter. Even in the reddest of red states, voters reject total abortion bans. And on the other end, almost no one supports gruesome third-trimester abortions except to save the life of the mother.

I've been a medical freedom advocate for my entire career and have fought for bodily autonomy, and I trust women’s maternal instincts. What if the baby has some fatal condition that ensures it will survive just hours or days after birth in intense suffering? Can we, should we, legislate such painful decisions and take them away from the mother? Is a bureaucrat or judge better equipped than the baby’s own mother to decide?

Cases like this are why I am leery of inserting the government into abortion. I had been assuming that virtually all late-term abortions were such cases, but I’ve learned that my assumption was wrong. Sometimes, women abort healthy, viable late-term fetuses. These cases of purely “elective” late-term abortion are very upsetting. Once the baby is viable outside the womb, it should have rights and it deserves society’s protection.

I learned this because I was willing to listen — to my family, advisors, supporters, and others who shared their perspectives. My promise to myself and to America is that I will continue to listen and incorporate what I learn into my decisions.

I support the emerging consensus that abortion should be unrestricted up until a certain point. I believe that point should be when the baby is viable outside the womb. Therefore I would allow appropriate restrictions on abortion in the final months of pregnancy, just as Roe v. Wade did.

That is the principle that will guide my actions as President, whether implemented by Congress, the states, or in court. It is the right policy for our country. It is the will of the people.

But there is more to it than that. We should be looking at why there are so many abortions in the first place. The biggest reason according to studies is affordability. Almost three-quarters of women cite economic reasons to explain why they chose to abort a pregnancy. So, we have developed a policy that we call “More Choices, More Life.” We can reduce abortion across the board by supporting motherhood, supporting parents, and supporting families. Soon we’ll unveil our plan for universally affordable child care, which will cap child care expenses at 10% for most families. And we will support women in need so that abortion isn’t their only choice.

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What would happen if our government’s spending could be tracked by every American?

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RFK Jr. has been fighting unchecked corporate power and destructive environmental policies for decades. In this clip from a 2012 visit to the University of Chicago Law School, Bobby says the same thing he says today, 12 years later: that allowing corporations to pollute is effectively a subsidy paid for by the American people. In a truly free market, polluters must clean up after themselves – not make themselves rich by forcing the public to pick up the bill.

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Decades of working as an environmental lawyer and advocate has convinced me that the most effective solution to environmental pollution is free market capitalism.

My heart is broken. Today we said our final goodbye to Cheryl’s nephew Michael Hines one week short of his 21st birthday. Michael, who spent his life in a wheelchair from cerebral palsy, made himself the center hub for our family and of a giant community of friends. Michael was only marginally verbal and weighed only 65 pounds but his indomitable spirit, giant personality, and wide smile made him a blinding light in any room. A lifetime in a wheelchair never dampened his valiant soul and his heroics inspired all of us who were lucky enough to know him. At our wedding, he spent hours on the dance floor riding aloft on a hundred hands in front of the bandstand. 👇

His ecstatic laughter infected the crowd, the musicians, and caterers making it the most joyous event I ever attended. I relived that joy in our frequent FaceTime calls and on my visits to Florida and his to Cape Cod. He never complained. He was always grateful always brimming with gratitude, love, and kindness. Most of us work a lifetime to get into heaven. Michael had a ticket there the day he was born.
