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Twitter handles were aQtime - a17time - aTimeQ Retweeted By Donald J Trump on Twitter. I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold service was Joy.
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Forwarded from We The Media (Pepe Deluxe)

Thank God it was all a bad dream...so no moar mandates world wide? No great reset? Bill Gates and Fauci we're just silly Goosen I guess

No masking our children and hurried cures for a planned outcome?

I guess they didn't steal the elections either...and everyone really believes Hollywood, The NBA is gonna let Kyrie play now, and all this is a bad dream

We believe you...we may not have all the sauce yet

But we have a better narrative idea than you guys do

We are the news now because you have done a disservice to your country and yourself

People don't know what to believe because the MSM pumps them with lies 24/7 for their NWO

We can't buy or sell without your stinkin flu shots?! I don't think so

Let's see what happens

I don't believe you
Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ (Karli Bonne)
Media is too big
Peter Navarro’s book of indictments- Fauci going down Pence going down Dorsey going down Zuckerberg going down SOROS going down β€” and President Trump is going up!
Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17)
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Kari Lake: β€œThere’s no way Joe Biden won by 81 million votes. You have be smoking Hunter Biden’s crackpipe to think that.” πŸ˜†

Go vote for this woman if you live in AZ!
Forwarded from Red.Pill.Pharmacist
We’re stronger together. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

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β€œHOLD YOUR GROUND”: Chicago police union chief urges officers to DEFY vaccine mandate. DO NOT COMPLY

Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara has not only urged Chicago cops to defy the vaccine mandate, but promised to take Mayor Lori Lightfoot to court if she enforces it. (WGN 9 News) via (RT) @WeTheMedia
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Nothing To See Here Folks Move Along, Just Kids labor Making Your PCR Test ! H\t Hat Tip @WeTheMedia
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
The government takes your tax dollars to pay for a big pharma product and then shields those pharmaceutical corporations from any liability if you are damaged by their product.

The government then takes away everyone's basic liberties and freedoms until you take that big pharma product which happens to have the worst publically verifiable safety record of any pharmaceutical product in modern history.

All for a disease that kills someone who is an average of 80 years old, with 95% of them having an average of 4 co-morbidities, 70% of them clinically defined as overweight or obese, and this entire premise is based on a pcr test set at up to 90% false positives.

And, you may have to take that pharmaceutical product that is inflaming people's hearts every six months for the rest of your live.

Oh and no guarantees that the government ever gives you your freedoms back even if you take that pharmaceutical product.

Am I missing anything❓

Forwarded from We The Media (AwakenedOutlaw & OutlawJW on Gab)
REMINDER: If you're vaccinated and actually believe that your protection is then contingent on everyone else similarly getting the jab too then you're a special kind of stupid.
⚑️Judge in court martial of Lt. Col Stuart Scheller sets maximum punishment at letter of reprimand for his social media posts about Afghan withdrawal (Washington Times)

WT journalist Mike Glenn, citing a source, says the judge cannot issue the letter – meaning effectively no punishment from the court.

Scheller had earlier pleaded guilty to all six charges, including contempt, failure to obey order and conduct unbecoming of an officer. Via (RT) @WeTheMedia
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
The most amazing part is how the propaganda turned the #resist crowd into religious zealots of big pharma.

Nothing To Read Here πŸ‘†

Forwarded from X22 Report Official
It’s spreading, the people have the power, never forget
REMINDER: Most if not all of our History is a Lie, Look Up Grand Tartaria, a great starting Point !
Forwarded from βœž Dr C 17 ✞ (IET)
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We AINT gonna take it
You can’t make us
People will leave their careers before taking it
And the consequences of lack of staff ain’t gonna be on us
Forwarded from Tommy Robinson News
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Port workers in Trieste and Genoa who have been mandated to be injected with the experimental covid vaccine, have tonight gone on strike until the mandate is scrapped, come on Italy πŸ”₯