Forwarded from A Girl in the Universe (A GIRL IN THE UNIVERSE)
Ascension Energies are Alchemizing all around the planet.
Notice how you feel with the Flash energies growing around the planet.
Now, we have Flux Energies growing at high levels.
Then pop in a Coronal Mass Ejection arriving here at any time today, and it's a perfect day in the energies.
All these energies are coming together to get you to the highest version of you.
No waiting needed. The energies are here now helping you rise up.
The Ascension teams are working to get these energies activated, and when that happens we Flash!
As they like to remind me, everything happening around you now is for you.
So embrace this time, all these energies and changes happening within you.
We're on fast forward at the moment as these Flash aka Love Wave energies flood into the planet.
It's time to do the inner work, follow the triggers, and release what still needs to be seen.
In a blink of an eye, all of this will change, and it'll begin with the Clarion Call.
Much love and light,
-SA Smith
Big Shout Out to My Latest Patreon Supporters:
Your Name Here :)
#IAM #universalenergyreport
#love #5dearth #newearth
#source #a_girl_in_the_universe #5d
#spiritguide #mandelaeffect
#higherpower #frequency #ascensionmentor
Ascension Energies are Alchemizing all around the planet.
Notice how you feel with the Flash energies growing around the planet.
Now, we have Flux Energies growing at high levels.
Then pop in a Coronal Mass Ejection arriving here at any time today, and it's a perfect day in the energies.
All these energies are coming together to get you to the highest version of you.
No waiting needed. The energies are here now helping you rise up.
The Ascension teams are working to get these energies activated, and when that happens we Flash!
As they like to remind me, everything happening around you now is for you.
So embrace this time, all these energies and changes happening within you.
We're on fast forward at the moment as these Flash aka Love Wave energies flood into the planet.
It's time to do the inner work, follow the triggers, and release what still needs to be seen.
In a blink of an eye, all of this will change, and it'll begin with the Clarion Call.
Much love and light,
-SA Smith
Big Shout Out to My Latest Patreon Supporters:
Your Name Here :)
#IAM #universalenergyreport
#love #5dearth #newearth
#source #a_girl_in_the_universe #5d
#spiritguide #mandelaeffect
#higherpower #frequency #ascensionmentor
Forwarded from A Girl in the Universe (A GIRL IN THE UNIVERSE)
Our atmosphere is being hit currently with energies pushing in fast.
An interplanetary shock happens when something very fast is moving in, and it creates a whip like effect.
Usually, a Coronal Mass Ejection or a CIR, which both are plasma off the sun.
Because of the high energy levels off the sun, they are predicting a possibility of M & X Class Flares today through the 6th.
All this instability in the energies can be felt within your system as well.
You are a walking energy radar.
You not only feel solar weather but the changing Earth weather too.
You are a barometer for the energetic times.
When the energies get high, do your ears ring louder?
When the solar weather increases, do you feel more ascension symptoms? More tired? More energized?
All of this is part of your upgrades.
Allowing you to understand fully that you are so much more than the flesh and bones of your body.
That's what the Source Creation Energies that are here now are doing.
They're layering in and blanketing the planet in green Love Wave energies.
Preparing all of us for the finale of the Flash.
I know, it can be a hard path to walk.
Just stay in the moment and trust in you.
Everything you need is right within you.
All of this will move through and change quickly. Blink of an eye quick.
When that happens you'll be so happy you stayed the course and continued to do the inner work.
You are AMAZING and exactly where you need to be on your journey in this now moment.
Don't forget to hold your light high and to walk in your power.
You are the only YOU we have.
Much love and light,
-SA Smith
#love #5dearth #newearth
#source #a_girl_in_the_universe #5d
#spiritguide #mandelaeffect
#higherpower #frequency #ascensionmentor
Our atmosphere is being hit currently with energies pushing in fast.
An interplanetary shock happens when something very fast is moving in, and it creates a whip like effect.
Usually, a Coronal Mass Ejection or a CIR, which both are plasma off the sun.
Because of the high energy levels off the sun, they are predicting a possibility of M & X Class Flares today through the 6th.
All this instability in the energies can be felt within your system as well.
You are a walking energy radar.
You not only feel solar weather but the changing Earth weather too.
You are a barometer for the energetic times.
When the energies get high, do your ears ring louder?
When the solar weather increases, do you feel more ascension symptoms? More tired? More energized?
All of this is part of your upgrades.
Allowing you to understand fully that you are so much more than the flesh and bones of your body.
That's what the Source Creation Energies that are here now are doing.
They're layering in and blanketing the planet in green Love Wave energies.
Preparing all of us for the finale of the Flash.
I know, it can be a hard path to walk.
Just stay in the moment and trust in you.
Everything you need is right within you.
All of this will move through and change quickly. Blink of an eye quick.
When that happens you'll be so happy you stayed the course and continued to do the inner work.
You are AMAZING and exactly where you need to be on your journey in this now moment.
Don't forget to hold your light high and to walk in your power.
You are the only YOU we have.
Much love and light,
-SA Smith
#love #5dearth #newearth
#source #a_girl_in_the_universe #5d
#spiritguide #mandelaeffect
#higherpower #frequency #ascensionmentor