* उपयोगी जानकारी *
❇️ * कोविड अपडेट: *
▪️* पिछले 24 घंटों में 11.7 लाख से अधिक लोगों की कोविड जांच की गई *
▪️* रिकवरी दर बढ़कर 77.09% पर पहुंची *
❇️ * प्रधानमंत्री मोदी आज यूएसआईएसपीएफ के तीसरे वार्षिक नेतृत्व शिखर सम्मेलन में विशेष मुख्य संबोधन देंगे। *
❇️ * स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय ने # कोविड19 की रोकथाम के लिए परीक्षा के दौरान निवारक उपायों पर एसओपी जारी किया। पूरा पढ़ें : http://bit.ly3lOGLc2HM *
❇️ * मिशन कर्मयोगी सरकार में मानव संसाधन प्रबंधन कार्य प्रणाली में मौलिक सुधार लाएगा - प्रधानमंत्री *
❇️ * भारतीय रेलवे में माल ढुलाई और पार्सल सेवाओं बनाया आसान !
अब, व्यवसाय, व्यापारी और आपूर्तिकर्ता एक अखिल भारतीय नंबर 139 पर डायल कर संपर्क कर सकते हैं। *
❇️ * कोविड-19 विजेता या क्वारंटीन / आइसोलेशन में रह रहे परिजनों को यथोचित मदद प्रदान करें। #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
❇️ * कोविड अपडेट: *
▪️* पिछले 24 घंटों में 11.7 लाख से अधिक लोगों की कोविड जांच की गई *
▪️* रिकवरी दर बढ़कर 77.09% पर पहुंची *
❇️ * प्रधानमंत्री मोदी आज यूएसआईएसपीएफ के तीसरे वार्षिक नेतृत्व शिखर सम्मेलन में विशेष मुख्य संबोधन देंगे। *
❇️ * स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय ने # कोविड19 की रोकथाम के लिए परीक्षा के दौरान निवारक उपायों पर एसओपी जारी किया। पूरा पढ़ें : http://bit.ly3lOGLc2HM *
❇️ * मिशन कर्मयोगी सरकार में मानव संसाधन प्रबंधन कार्य प्रणाली में मौलिक सुधार लाएगा - प्रधानमंत्री *
❇️ * भारतीय रेलवे में माल ढुलाई और पार्सल सेवाओं बनाया आसान !
अब, व्यवसाय, व्यापारी और आपूर्तिकर्ता एक अखिल भारतीय नंबर 139 पर डायल कर संपर्क कर सकते हैं। *
❇️ * कोविड-19 विजेता या क्वारंटीन / आइसोलेशन में रह रहे परिजनों को यथोचित मदद प्रदान करें। #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
* Useful Alerts *
❇️ * COVID Highlights: *
▪️* More than 11.7 lakh tests conducted in the last 24 hrs *
▪️* Recovery rate improves to 77.09% *
❇️ * Prime Minister Modi to deliver the keynote address at 3rd leadership summit of USISPF today *
❇️ * Health Ministry issued SOPs on preventive measures to be followed while conducting examinations in order to contain spread of #COVID19 pandemic. Read more http://bit.ly3lOGLc2HM *
❇️ * Mission Karmyogi to radically improve the Human Resource Management in the Government: PM *
❇️ * Indian Railways makes freight transportation easier!
Now, businesses, traders & suppliers can dial a single all-India contact number 139 *
❇️ * Persons who have recovered from COVID-19 or those in isolation/quarantine and their families deserve your support. #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
❇️ * COVID Highlights: *
▪️* More than 11.7 lakh tests conducted in the last 24 hrs *
▪️* Recovery rate improves to 77.09% *
❇️ * Prime Minister Modi to deliver the keynote address at 3rd leadership summit of USISPF today *
❇️ * Health Ministry issued SOPs on preventive measures to be followed while conducting examinations in order to contain spread of #COVID19 pandemic. Read more http://bit.ly3lOGLc2HM *
❇️ * Mission Karmyogi to radically improve the Human Resource Management in the Government: PM *
❇️ * Indian Railways makes freight transportation easier!
Now, businesses, traders & suppliers can dial a single all-India contact number 139 *
❇️ * Persons who have recovered from COVID-19 or those in isolation/quarantine and their families deserve your support. #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
नमस्कार, आपका दिन शुभ हो !
* उपयोगी जानकारी *
❇️ * कोविड अपडेट: *
▪️* रिकवरी दर बेहतर होकर 77.23% हुई। *
▪️* केस फैटलिटी रेट 1.73% है। *
▪️* पिछले 24 घंटों में 10.59 + लाख से अधिक की जांच की गई। *
❇️ * स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय ने "कंटेनमेंट ज़ोन और इसकी निगरानी करने वाले सुपरवाइजर के लिए मैनुअल" जारी किया। पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें: *
👉 * https://mohfw.gov.in/pdf/ContainmentandSurveillanceManualforSupervisorsincontainmentzones.pdf *
👉 * https://mohfw.gov.in/pdf/ManualforSurveillanceTeamsforcontainmentzones.pdf… *
❇️ * भारतीय रेलवे 15 दिसंबर 2020 से अधिसूचित रिक्तियों के लिए कंप्यूटर आधारित टेस्ट की शुरुआत करेगी। *
❇️ * रेलवे 12 सितंबर से 80 नई स्पेशल पैसेंजर ट्रेनें चलाने जा रहा है। *
❇️ * मास्क न पहनने और सार्वजनिक रूप से थूकने के लिए क्रमश: 500 और 1,000 रुपये का जुर्माना सख्ती से लागू किया जाना चाहिए- श्री प्रकाश जावड़ेकर *
❇️ * वित्त मंत्रालय ने स्पष्ट किया है कि भारत सरकार में भर्ती पर कोई प्रतिबंध नहीं है। सामान्य भर्ती प्रक्रिया बिना किसी रोक के जारी रहेगी। *
❇️ * श्रीमती निर्मला सीतारमण ने बिजनेस रिफॉर्म एक्शन प्लान (BRAP)के चौथे संस्करण के तहत राज्यों की रैंकिंग की घोषणा की ; आंध्र प्रदेश ने शीर्ष स्थान बरकरार रखा, इसके बाद यूपी और तेलंगाना का स्थान रहा। *
❇️ * यूटी के बाहर के श्री माता वैष्णो देवी के तीर्थयात्रियों का कोटा प्रतिदिन 500 तीर्थयात्रियों तक बढ़ाया गया।*
❇️ * डीजीसीए ने एयरलाइंस को पायलटों व केबिन क्रू सदस्यों के लिए प्री-फ़्लाइट अल्कोहल टेस्ट फिर से शुरू करने का आदेश दिया। *
❇️ * कृषि के क्षेत्र में जल संकट से निपटने के लिए CSIR-CMERI ने सस्ती सौर ऊर्जा बैटरी आधारित स्प्रेयर का विकास किया। *
❇️ * बुद्धिमान बनें और हर जगह, हर समय कोविड से बचाव हेतु समुचित व्यवहार का पालन करें। #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
* उपयोगी जानकारी *
❇️ * कोविड अपडेट: *
▪️* रिकवरी दर बेहतर होकर 77.23% हुई। *
▪️* केस फैटलिटी रेट 1.73% है। *
▪️* पिछले 24 घंटों में 10.59 + लाख से अधिक की जांच की गई। *
❇️ * स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय ने "कंटेनमेंट ज़ोन और इसकी निगरानी करने वाले सुपरवाइजर के लिए मैनुअल" जारी किया। पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें: *
👉 * https://mohfw.gov.in/pdf/ContainmentandSurveillanceManualforSupervisorsincontainmentzones.pdf *
👉 * https://mohfw.gov.in/pdf/ManualforSurveillanceTeamsforcontainmentzones.pdf… *
❇️ * भारतीय रेलवे 15 दिसंबर 2020 से अधिसूचित रिक्तियों के लिए कंप्यूटर आधारित टेस्ट की शुरुआत करेगी। *
❇️ * रेलवे 12 सितंबर से 80 नई स्पेशल पैसेंजर ट्रेनें चलाने जा रहा है। *
❇️ * मास्क न पहनने और सार्वजनिक रूप से थूकने के लिए क्रमश: 500 और 1,000 रुपये का जुर्माना सख्ती से लागू किया जाना चाहिए- श्री प्रकाश जावड़ेकर *
❇️ * वित्त मंत्रालय ने स्पष्ट किया है कि भारत सरकार में भर्ती पर कोई प्रतिबंध नहीं है। सामान्य भर्ती प्रक्रिया बिना किसी रोक के जारी रहेगी। *
❇️ * श्रीमती निर्मला सीतारमण ने बिजनेस रिफॉर्म एक्शन प्लान (BRAP)के चौथे संस्करण के तहत राज्यों की रैंकिंग की घोषणा की ; आंध्र प्रदेश ने शीर्ष स्थान बरकरार रखा, इसके बाद यूपी और तेलंगाना का स्थान रहा। *
❇️ * यूटी के बाहर के श्री माता वैष्णो देवी के तीर्थयात्रियों का कोटा प्रतिदिन 500 तीर्थयात्रियों तक बढ़ाया गया।*
❇️ * डीजीसीए ने एयरलाइंस को पायलटों व केबिन क्रू सदस्यों के लिए प्री-फ़्लाइट अल्कोहल टेस्ट फिर से शुरू करने का आदेश दिया। *
❇️ * कृषि के क्षेत्र में जल संकट से निपटने के लिए CSIR-CMERI ने सस्ती सौर ऊर्जा बैटरी आधारित स्प्रेयर का विकास किया। *
❇️ * बुद्धिमान बनें और हर जगह, हर समय कोविड से बचाव हेतु समुचित व्यवहार का पालन करें। #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
Good morning, have a nice day !
* Useful Alerts *
❇️ * COVID Highlights: *
▪️* Recovery rate improves to 77.23% *
▪️* Case Fatality Rate is at 1.73% *
▪️* More than 10.59+ lakh tests conducted in last 24 hours *
❇️ * Health Ministry issues "Manual for Surveillance Teams for Containment Zones". Click to read: *
❇️ * Health Ministry issues "Containment and Surveillance Manual for Supervisors in containment zones" . Click to read: *
👉 https://mohfw.gov.in/pdf/ContainmentandSurveillanceManualforSupervisorsincontainmentzones.pdf…
👉 https://mohfw.gov.in/pdf/ManualforSurveillanceTeamsforcontainmentzones.pdf…
❇️ * Indian Railways to start Computer based test for notified vacancies from 15th December 2020. *
❇️ * Railways to run 80 new special passenger trains from September 12 *
❇️ * Fines of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 for not wearing a mask and spitting in public, respectively, to be implemented strictly - Prakash Javadekar *
❇️ * Finance Ministry has clarified that there is no restriction on filling up of posts in Govt of India . Normal recruitments to continue as usual without any curbs. *
❇️ * Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman announced the 4th edition of Business Reform Action Plan (BRAP) ranking of states; Andhra Pradesh retained the top position, followed by UP and Telangana *
❇️ * Quota of pilgrims to Shri Mata Vaishno Devi from outside UT enhanced to 500 pilgrims per day *
❇️ * DGCA orders airlines to resume pre-flight alcohol tests for pilots and cabin crew members *
❇️ * CSIR-CMERI develops affordable solar power battery-based sprayers to tackle water crisis in agriculture *
❇️ * Be wise and follow COVID Appropriate Behaviours everywhere, everytime. #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
* Useful Alerts *
❇️ * COVID Highlights: *
▪️* Recovery rate improves to 77.23% *
▪️* Case Fatality Rate is at 1.73% *
▪️* More than 10.59+ lakh tests conducted in last 24 hours *
❇️ * Health Ministry issues "Manual for Surveillance Teams for Containment Zones". Click to read: *
❇️ * Health Ministry issues "Containment and Surveillance Manual for Supervisors in containment zones" . Click to read: *
👉 https://mohfw.gov.in/pdf/ContainmentandSurveillanceManualforSupervisorsincontainmentzones.pdf…
👉 https://mohfw.gov.in/pdf/ManualforSurveillanceTeamsforcontainmentzones.pdf…
❇️ * Indian Railways to start Computer based test for notified vacancies from 15th December 2020. *
❇️ * Railways to run 80 new special passenger trains from September 12 *
❇️ * Fines of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 for not wearing a mask and spitting in public, respectively, to be implemented strictly - Prakash Javadekar *
❇️ * Finance Ministry has clarified that there is no restriction on filling up of posts in Govt of India . Normal recruitments to continue as usual without any curbs. *
❇️ * Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman announced the 4th edition of Business Reform Action Plan (BRAP) ranking of states; Andhra Pradesh retained the top position, followed by UP and Telangana *
❇️ * Quota of pilgrims to Shri Mata Vaishno Devi from outside UT enhanced to 500 pilgrims per day *
❇️ * DGCA orders airlines to resume pre-flight alcohol tests for pilots and cabin crew members *
❇️ * CSIR-CMERI develops affordable solar power battery-based sprayers to tackle water crisis in agriculture *
❇️ * Be wise and follow COVID Appropriate Behaviours everywhere, everytime. #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
* उपयोगी जानकारी *
❇️ * COVID मुख्य विशेषताएं: *
▪️* रिकवरी दर बढ़कर 77.74% हो गई। *
▪️* केस दर 1.68% पर पहुंची। *
❇️ * पीएम मोदी ने डिजिटल माध्यम से प्रधानमंत्री मत्स्य योजना और ई-गोपाला ऐप लॉन्च किया। *
❇️ * कल 11 सितंबर 2020 को सुबह 11 बजे राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति- 2020 (एनईपी- 2020) के तहत ‘21वीं सदी में स्कूली शिक्षा’ पर एक सभा को वीडियो कॉन्फ्रेंसिंग के माध्यम से संबोधित करेंगे। *
❇️ * स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय ने राज्यों/केन्द्र शासित प्रदेशों से आरटी-पीसीआर के तहत रैपिड एंटीजन टेस्ट के सभी लक्षणात्मक निगेटिव मामलों का अनिवार्य रूप से दोबारा परीक्षण करने का अनुरोध किया। *
❇️ * स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय ने कोविड के प्रसार की रोकथाम के लिए परीक्षा आयोजन के दौरान निवारक उपायों पर SOP को संशोधित किया
इसे यहां देखें: https://bit.ly/3ijcPCn *
❇️ * पांच राफेल विमानों के पहले बैच को आज भारतीय वायु सेना में औपचारिक रूप से शामिल किया गया। *
❇️ * डीआरडीओ ने P-7 हैवी ड्रॉप सिस्टम का विकास किया है जो मिलिट्री स्टोर्स को गिराने में सक्षम है। *
❇️ * हमेशा प्रामाणिक जानकारी साझा करें। सूचित रहें, सुरक्षित रहें। #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
❇️ * COVID मुख्य विशेषताएं: *
▪️* रिकवरी दर बढ़कर 77.74% हो गई। *
▪️* केस दर 1.68% पर पहुंची। *
❇️ * पीएम मोदी ने डिजिटल माध्यम से प्रधानमंत्री मत्स्य योजना और ई-गोपाला ऐप लॉन्च किया। *
❇️ * कल 11 सितंबर 2020 को सुबह 11 बजे राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति- 2020 (एनईपी- 2020) के तहत ‘21वीं सदी में स्कूली शिक्षा’ पर एक सभा को वीडियो कॉन्फ्रेंसिंग के माध्यम से संबोधित करेंगे। *
❇️ * स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय ने राज्यों/केन्द्र शासित प्रदेशों से आरटी-पीसीआर के तहत रैपिड एंटीजन टेस्ट के सभी लक्षणात्मक निगेटिव मामलों का अनिवार्य रूप से दोबारा परीक्षण करने का अनुरोध किया। *
❇️ * स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय ने कोविड के प्रसार की रोकथाम के लिए परीक्षा आयोजन के दौरान निवारक उपायों पर SOP को संशोधित किया
इसे यहां देखें: https://bit.ly/3ijcPCn *
❇️ * पांच राफेल विमानों के पहले बैच को आज भारतीय वायु सेना में औपचारिक रूप से शामिल किया गया। *
❇️ * डीआरडीओ ने P-7 हैवी ड्रॉप सिस्टम का विकास किया है जो मिलिट्री स्टोर्स को गिराने में सक्षम है। *
❇️ * हमेशा प्रामाणिक जानकारी साझा करें। सूचित रहें, सुरक्षित रहें। #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
* Useful Alerts *
❇️ * COVID Highlights: *
▪️* Recovery rate improves to 77.74% *
▪️* Case Fatality Rate is at 1.68% *
❇️ * PM Modi digitally launches Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana & e-Gopala App *
❇️ * PM Modi to address the conclave on School Education in 21st Century under the National Education Policy 2020 tomorrow at 11 AM through VC *
❇️ * Union Health Ministry urges States, UTs to retest all symptomatic negative cases of Rapid Antigen Tests through RT-PCR *
❇️ * Ministry of Health issues revised SOP on preventive measures to be followed while conducting examinations to contain the spread of COVID
Check it out here: https://bit.ly/3ijcPCn *
❇️ * 1st batch of five Rafale aircraft formally inducted into Indian Air Force today *
❇️ * DRDO develops P-7 Heavy Drop System capable of para dropping military stores *
❇️ * Always share authentic information. Be informed, be safe. #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
❇️ * COVID Highlights: *
▪️* Recovery rate improves to 77.74% *
▪️* Case Fatality Rate is at 1.68% *
❇️ * PM Modi digitally launches Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana & e-Gopala App *
❇️ * PM Modi to address the conclave on School Education in 21st Century under the National Education Policy 2020 tomorrow at 11 AM through VC *
❇️ * Union Health Ministry urges States, UTs to retest all symptomatic negative cases of Rapid Antigen Tests through RT-PCR *
❇️ * Ministry of Health issues revised SOP on preventive measures to be followed while conducting examinations to contain the spread of COVID
Check it out here: https://bit.ly/3ijcPCn *
❇️ * 1st batch of five Rafale aircraft formally inducted into Indian Air Force today *
❇️ * DRDO develops P-7 Heavy Drop System capable of para dropping military stores *
❇️ * Always share authentic information. Be informed, be safe. #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
Good morning, have a nice day !
* Useful Alerts *
❇️ * COVID Highlights: *
▪️* Recovery rate reaches 78.28% *
▪️* Case Fatality Rate is at 1.64% *
❇️ * ‘Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package Insurance Scheme for Health Workers Fighting COVID-19’ which was earlier extended till 25th September,2020 extended for another 6 months *
❇️ * World Bank so far provided three loans worth 2.5 bn dollars to support India’s response to COVID-19 pandemic: Govt *
❇️ * Lok Sabha passes Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill, 2020 *
▪️* It seeks to increase competition in the agriculture sector and enhance farmers’ income. *
▪️* Aims to liberalise the regulatory system while protecting the interests of consumers *
❇️ * Provision of Rs 40,000 cr made under MGNREGA Scheme through Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Package: Govt *
❇️ * Number of beneficiaries provided employment under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) during the current FY 2020-21 as on Sept 12 is 8.29 crore *
❇️ * About 27.21 crore person-days employment has been provided under the Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan (GKRA) so far *
❇️ * Ministry of Mines clarifies there is no proposal to make illegal mining as legal *
❇️ * Ministry of Railways announces 20 pairs of clone special trains from 21st September 2020 with Advanced Reservation Period of 10 days *
❇️ * Maintain good respiratory hygiene to protect yourself and others. #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
* Useful Alerts *
❇️ * COVID Highlights: *
▪️* Recovery rate reaches 78.28% *
▪️* Case Fatality Rate is at 1.64% *
❇️ * ‘Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package Insurance Scheme for Health Workers Fighting COVID-19’ which was earlier extended till 25th September,2020 extended for another 6 months *
❇️ * World Bank so far provided three loans worth 2.5 bn dollars to support India’s response to COVID-19 pandemic: Govt *
❇️ * Lok Sabha passes Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill, 2020 *
▪️* It seeks to increase competition in the agriculture sector and enhance farmers’ income. *
▪️* Aims to liberalise the regulatory system while protecting the interests of consumers *
❇️ * Provision of Rs 40,000 cr made under MGNREGA Scheme through Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Package: Govt *
❇️ * Number of beneficiaries provided employment under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) during the current FY 2020-21 as on Sept 12 is 8.29 crore *
❇️ * About 27.21 crore person-days employment has been provided under the Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan (GKRA) so far *
❇️ * Ministry of Mines clarifies there is no proposal to make illegal mining as legal *
❇️ * Ministry of Railways announces 20 pairs of clone special trains from 21st September 2020 with Advanced Reservation Period of 10 days *
❇️ * Maintain good respiratory hygiene to protect yourself and others. #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
* Useful Alerts *
❇️ * COVID Highlights: *
▪️* Recovery rate improves to 78.86% *
▪️* Case Fatality Rate is at 1.62% *
❇️ * PM Modi inaugurated Kosi Rail Mega bridge and other development projects in Bihar through VC which will benefit the people of Bihar. *
❇️ * PM hails historic reforms in agriculture; Says government is committed to MSP support for farmers *
❇️ * Rajya Sabha passes two Bills to reduce salary, allowances of MPs, Ministers by 30% *
❇️ * Railway Minister Piyush Goyal says, there is no proposal to privatize Indian Railways *
❇️ * Union govt clarifies it has not abolished sanctioned posts in Railways in last six years *
❇️ * The Rajya Sabha today passed the Homoeopathy Central Council (Amendment) Bill, 2020 & the Indian Medicine Central Council (Amendment) Bill, 2020; to regulate homoeopathic education and practice. *
❇️ * Safety means wearing your face-cover/mask, especially while stepping out of your house. #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
❇️ * COVID Highlights: *
▪️* Recovery rate improves to 78.86% *
▪️* Case Fatality Rate is at 1.62% *
❇️ * PM Modi inaugurated Kosi Rail Mega bridge and other development projects in Bihar through VC which will benefit the people of Bihar. *
❇️ * PM hails historic reforms in agriculture; Says government is committed to MSP support for farmers *
❇️ * Rajya Sabha passes two Bills to reduce salary, allowances of MPs, Ministers by 30% *
❇️ * Railway Minister Piyush Goyal says, there is no proposal to privatize Indian Railways *
❇️ * Union govt clarifies it has not abolished sanctioned posts in Railways in last six years *
❇️ * The Rajya Sabha today passed the Homoeopathy Central Council (Amendment) Bill, 2020 & the Indian Medicine Central Council (Amendment) Bill, 2020; to regulate homoeopathic education and practice. *
❇️ * Safety means wearing your face-cover/mask, especially while stepping out of your house. #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
* Useful Alerts *
❇️ * COVID Highlights: *
▪️* Recovery rate reaches 81.74% *
▪️* Case Fatality Rate stands at 1.59 *
❇️ * 75% of new COVID-19 cases in country concentrated in 10 States, UTs: Govt *
❇️ * CBDT launches the Faceless Appeals system today to provide great convenience to taxpayers and in imparting greater efficiency, transparency & accountability in functioning of the I-T Dept. *
❇️ * In view of the #COVID19 Pandemic, UGC issued guidelines on Examinations & Academic Calendar for UG & PG Students for the Session 2020-21. For more details, visit: https://ugc.ac.in *
❇️ * Govt sanctions 670 electric buses, 241 charging stations to boost electric mobility *
❇️ * Activities for promoting 'Yoga Break' protocol begin to encourage Yoga at workplace *
❇️ * 'Saubhagya' scheme completes 3 years since its inception *
▪️* As many as over 2.62 crore households provided with electricity connection so far under the scheme *
❇️ * Persons who have recovered from COVID-19 or those in isolation/quarantine and their families deserve your support. #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
❇️ * COVID Highlights: *
▪️* Recovery rate reaches 81.74% *
▪️* Case Fatality Rate stands at 1.59 *
❇️ * 75% of new COVID-19 cases in country concentrated in 10 States, UTs: Govt *
❇️ * CBDT launches the Faceless Appeals system today to provide great convenience to taxpayers and in imparting greater efficiency, transparency & accountability in functioning of the I-T Dept. *
❇️ * In view of the #COVID19 Pandemic, UGC issued guidelines on Examinations & Academic Calendar for UG & PG Students for the Session 2020-21. For more details, visit: https://ugc.ac.in *
❇️ * Govt sanctions 670 electric buses, 241 charging stations to boost electric mobility *
❇️ * Activities for promoting 'Yoga Break' protocol begin to encourage Yoga at workplace *
❇️ * 'Saubhagya' scheme completes 3 years since its inception *
▪️* As many as over 2.62 crore households provided with electricity connection so far under the scheme *
❇️ * Persons who have recovered from COVID-19 or those in isolation/quarantine and their families deserve your support. #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
Good morning, have a nice day !
* Useful Alerts *
❇️ * COVID Highlights: *
▪️* India's total COVID-19 recovery crosses 50 lakh mark *
▪️* Recovery rate has reached to 82.58% *
❇️ * PM Modi to inaugurate 6 mega projects in Uttarakhand under Namami Gange today at 11 AM. Register now: https://pmevents.ncog.gov.in *
❇️ * Collaboration among like-minded countries in vaccine development will help in fighting COVID pandemic: PM Modi *
❇️ * Union Labour Ministry says Labour Codes aimed at expanding labour welfare measures to over 40 more workers in the unorganized sector including beneficiaries *
❇️ * Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh lays foundation stone for construction of Underpasses to join IMA Dehradun campuses *
❇️ * Students can access ebooks for classes I-XII on ePathshala's website & mobile application in multiple languages. For more visit epathshala.nic.in *
❇️ * Govt approves procurement of 13.77 LMT of pulses, oilseeds from 5 states *
❇️ * Centre allows all states to begin paddy procurement *
❇️ * DAC approves proposals for capital acquisition of equipment worth Rs 2,290 crore *
❇️ * Wear a mask and take proper precautionary measures to prevent the spread of Coronavirus and stay safe! #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
* Useful Alerts *
❇️ * COVID Highlights: *
▪️* India's total COVID-19 recovery crosses 50 lakh mark *
▪️* Recovery rate has reached to 82.58% *
❇️ * PM Modi to inaugurate 6 mega projects in Uttarakhand under Namami Gange today at 11 AM. Register now: https://pmevents.ncog.gov.in *
❇️ * Collaboration among like-minded countries in vaccine development will help in fighting COVID pandemic: PM Modi *
❇️ * Union Labour Ministry says Labour Codes aimed at expanding labour welfare measures to over 40 more workers in the unorganized sector including beneficiaries *
❇️ * Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh lays foundation stone for construction of Underpasses to join IMA Dehradun campuses *
❇️ * Students can access ebooks for classes I-XII on ePathshala's website & mobile application in multiple languages. For more visit epathshala.nic.in *
❇️ * Govt approves procurement of 13.77 LMT of pulses, oilseeds from 5 states *
❇️ * Centre allows all states to begin paddy procurement *
❇️ * DAC approves proposals for capital acquisition of equipment worth Rs 2,290 crore *
❇️ * Wear a mask and take proper precautionary measures to prevent the spread of Coronavirus and stay safe! #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
* Useful Alerts *
❇️ *COVID Highlights: *
▪️* Recovery Rate has touched 83.33% *
▪️* The gap between recovered cases and active cases has now widened to 42 lakh *
▪️* Case fatality rate stands at 1.57% *
❇️ * BrahMos surface-to-surface supersonic cruise missile featuring indigenous Booster & Airframe Section along with many other ‘Made in India’ sub-systems was successfully flight tested from ITR, Balasore in Odisha. *
❇️ * MSP & APMC to continue at any cost: Centre reassures farmers *
❇️ * Central Railway to add eight more trains to its Suburban daily local services in Mumbai from Oct 1: Piyush Goyal *
❇️ * SC refuses to postpone UPSC prelims exam scheduled to be held on Oct 4 in view of COVID-19 pandemic, floods *
❇️ * Govt approves procurement of 14 lakh MT of pulses & oilseeds at MSP in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Telangana, Haryana *
❇️ * Tax refunds worth over Rs 1.18 lakh cr issued to more than 33.54 lakh taxpayers till Sep 29: CBDT *
❇️ * Avoid unnecessary visitors at home. Be safe. #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
❇️ *COVID Highlights: *
▪️* Recovery Rate has touched 83.33% *
▪️* The gap between recovered cases and active cases has now widened to 42 lakh *
▪️* Case fatality rate stands at 1.57% *
❇️ * BrahMos surface-to-surface supersonic cruise missile featuring indigenous Booster & Airframe Section along with many other ‘Made in India’ sub-systems was successfully flight tested from ITR, Balasore in Odisha. *
❇️ * MSP & APMC to continue at any cost: Centre reassures farmers *
❇️ * Central Railway to add eight more trains to its Suburban daily local services in Mumbai from Oct 1: Piyush Goyal *
❇️ * SC refuses to postpone UPSC prelims exam scheduled to be held on Oct 4 in view of COVID-19 pandemic, floods *
❇️ * Govt approves procurement of 14 lakh MT of pulses & oilseeds at MSP in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Telangana, Haryana *
❇️ * Tax refunds worth over Rs 1.18 lakh cr issued to more than 33.54 lakh taxpayers till Sep 29: CBDT *
❇️ * Avoid unnecessary visitors at home. Be safe. #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
* Useful Alerts *
❇️ * COVID Highlights: *
▪️* India achieves over 55 lakh recoveries; continues to occupy top global position with the maximum number of recoveries *
▪️* Nearly 11.50 lakh COVID samples tested in the last 24 hrs *
❇️ * PM addresses International Webinar on Textile Traditions; Says textile sector is key to realising self-reliant India *
❇️ * Government plans to receive and utilize 400-500 Million #COVID19 Vaccine doses; targets to cover 20-25 Crore people by July 2021 - Health Minister on COVID-19 Vaccine Policy *
❇️ * States have been advised to send details of Priority Population Groups by end of October for receiving #COVID19 vaccine, where priority shall be given to health workers- Health Minister on COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation *
❇️ * IIIT Kottayam innovated an #OpenSourcePlatform for the Teaching & Learning Process (OSOC-P); capable of delivering online classes & conducts all virtual activities for registered users. *
❇️ * Union Minister Prakash Javdekar asserts country is moving towards One Nation, One Market; Says farmers now have freedom to sell at highest price available *
❇️ * Let's promise ourselves to follow preventive measures and encourage others to do the same. #TogetherAgainstCOVID19 *
❇️ * COVID Highlights: *
▪️* India achieves over 55 lakh recoveries; continues to occupy top global position with the maximum number of recoveries *
▪️* Nearly 11.50 lakh COVID samples tested in the last 24 hrs *
❇️ * PM addresses International Webinar on Textile Traditions; Says textile sector is key to realising self-reliant India *
❇️ * Government plans to receive and utilize 400-500 Million #COVID19 Vaccine doses; targets to cover 20-25 Crore people by July 2021 - Health Minister on COVID-19 Vaccine Policy *
❇️ * States have been advised to send details of Priority Population Groups by end of October for receiving #COVID19 vaccine, where priority shall be given to health workers- Health Minister on COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation *
❇️ * IIIT Kottayam innovated an #OpenSourcePlatform for the Teaching & Learning Process (OSOC-P); capable of delivering online classes & conducts all virtual activities for registered users. *
❇️ * Union Minister Prakash Javdekar asserts country is moving towards One Nation, One Market; Says farmers now have freedom to sell at highest price available *
❇️ * Let's promise ourselves to follow preventive measures and encourage others to do the same. #TogetherAgainstCOVID19 *
Good morning, have a nice day !
* Useful Alerts *
❇️ * COVID Highlights: *
▪️* Recovery rate reaches 93.66% *
▪️* Fatality rate which stands at 1.46% *
❇️ * PM Modi inaugurates Global Renewable Energy Investment Meet and Expo 2020; says Plans of Megawatts to Gigawatts are Becoming Reality *
❇️ * India's response and action against terrorism is taking place at 360 degrees: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh *
❇️ * India will play a lead role in rebuilding the economy in the post COVID era: Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh *
❇️ * Health Minister reviews implementation of Ayushman Bharat- PMJAY and National Digital Health Mission *
❇️ * Govt issues draft of Merchant Shipping Bill, 2020 for public consultation *
❇️ * Railway launches completely digitized online Human Resource Management System *
❇️ * Finance Ministry seeks Ideas/Suggestions/Proposals for Annual Budget 2021-22 *
▪️* Submit now: https://www.mygov.in/mygov-survey/inviting-suggestions-budget-2021-22/ *
❇️ * KVIC’s Workshed Scheme spreads smiles with concrete houses for khadi artisans in North East *
▪️* Houses provided to 411 families of khadi artisans in the North East region in the last three years *
❇️ * Be wise and follow COVID Appropriate Behaviours everywhere, everytime. #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
* Useful Alerts *
❇️ * COVID Highlights: *
▪️* Recovery rate reaches 93.66% *
▪️* Fatality rate which stands at 1.46% *
❇️ * PM Modi inaugurates Global Renewable Energy Investment Meet and Expo 2020; says Plans of Megawatts to Gigawatts are Becoming Reality *
❇️ * India's response and action against terrorism is taking place at 360 degrees: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh *
❇️ * India will play a lead role in rebuilding the economy in the post COVID era: Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh *
❇️ * Health Minister reviews implementation of Ayushman Bharat- PMJAY and National Digital Health Mission *
❇️ * Govt issues draft of Merchant Shipping Bill, 2020 for public consultation *
❇️ * Railway launches completely digitized online Human Resource Management System *
❇️ * Finance Ministry seeks Ideas/Suggestions/Proposals for Annual Budget 2021-22 *
▪️* Submit now: https://www.mygov.in/mygov-survey/inviting-suggestions-budget-2021-22/ *
❇️ * KVIC’s Workshed Scheme spreads smiles with concrete houses for khadi artisans in North East *
▪️* Houses provided to 411 families of khadi artisans in the North East region in the last three years *
❇️ * Be wise and follow COVID Appropriate Behaviours everywhere, everytime. #TogetherAgainstCovid19 *
Inviting Suggestions For The Budget 2021-22
Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance year over year invites suggestions from the public to make the Budget-making process participative and inclusive. This year too, the Ministry looks forward to hearing from you about your suggestions for…