Продолжаем тему DevOps:
Материалы для изучения Интеграций, релизов, администрирования и т.д. / Learning materials about DevOps
1. Linux для Начинающих (курс на youtube)
2. Linux Command Line Basics (FREE COURSE)
3. Администрирование Linux (курс на youtube)
4. Intro to DevOps (FREE COURSE)
5. Configuring Linux Web Servers (FREE COURSE)
6. Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems (book)
7. The Site Reliability Workbook: Practical Ways to Implement SRE (book)
8. NGINX Official Tutorials (course on youtube)
9. Nginx documentation (docs)
10. Build+Deploy+Test with Jenkins 2.0 (course on youtube)
11. Jenkins Handbook (book)
12. Jenkins User Documentation (docs)
13. Getting Started with AWS Documentation (docs)
14. Docker уроки от А до Я (курс на youtube)
15. Docker Tutorials (youtube)
16. Docker Documentation (docs)
👍Special thanks to Konstantin😇
#DevOps #Linux #Web #SRE #Nginx #Jenkins #Docker
Материалы для изучения Интеграций, релизов, администрирования и т.д. / Learning materials about DevOps
1. Linux для Начинающих (курс на youtube)
2. Linux Command Line Basics (FREE COURSE)
3. Администрирование Linux (курс на youtube)
4. Intro to DevOps (FREE COURSE)
5. Configuring Linux Web Servers (FREE COURSE)
6. Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems (book)
7. The Site Reliability Workbook: Practical Ways to Implement SRE (book)
8. NGINX Official Tutorials (course on youtube)
9. Nginx documentation (docs)
10. Build+Deploy+Test with Jenkins 2.0 (course on youtube)
11. Jenkins Handbook (book)
12. Jenkins User Documentation (docs)
13. Getting Started with AWS Documentation (docs)
14. Docker уроки от А до Я (курс на youtube)
15. Docker Tutorials (youtube)
16. Docker Documentation (docs)
👍Special thanks to Konstantin😇
#DevOps #Linux #Web #SRE #Nginx #Jenkins #Docker