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​​#Speaking Part 3

Вопросы в заключительной части Speaking самые трудные и требуют полного аргументированного ответа.
Я уже писала про технику PREP, когда имея всего одну идею можно развернуто ответить на любой вопрос:
P – point - ваша идея или мнение по поводу
R – reason – объяснение/причина, почему вы так думаете
E – example – пример в поддержку
P – restate your point – повторяете главную идею другими словами.

Еще один вариант дополнить свой ответ – это предложить альтернативу с if, используя условное предложение подходящего типа. Таким образом, вы не только дополните свой ответ, но и покажите знание грамматики продвинутого уровня.
What jobs do you think are popular in the future?

Probably jobs that haven’t even been invented yet opinion. Currently, the pace of change is so fast that in five years or so new jobs may appear that don’t exist now, simply because there is no technology or idea yet reason. For example, in the time of my parents there were no social network consultants or video bloggers example.
If you think back 20 years ago, nobody would have thought that there would be so many jobs related to social networks and the Internet conditional.
​​#Writing Task 2
Conclusions for different types of essay
Opinion essay:
Повторяем свое мнение согласны ли мы с темой или нет.
Резюме причин, почему мы так считаем.
In conclusion, I completely agree with... This is because....
И вариант если времени не хватает, чтобы повторить причины:
For the reasons mentioned above, I believe that... (+ your opinion)

Opinion essay with the question “Is this a positive or negative development?”
In conclusion, I believe that the disadvantages of (topic) far outweigh the advantages. Therefore, this development would be a largely negative one for our society.

Discussion essay with an opinion
Пишем, что обе точки зрения имеют значение
Но мы поддерживаем такую-то точку зрения (считаем ее важнее), по причине (указываем причину).
In conclusion, there are convincing arguments both for and against... (topic), but I believe...This is because ...
Короткий вариант:
In conclusion, I would argue that the benefits of... (topic) far outweigh the drawbacks.

Problem and Solution Essay (Two Question Essay)
Резюме проблем (ответа на первый вопрос)
Резюме решений (ответа на второй вопрос)
In conclusion, the main problems with (topic) are .... These can be overcome by ...
Вариант, если не хватает времени:
In conclusion, it is clear that there are various reasons for... (topic), and steps need to be taken to tackle this problem.
​​#Speaking #Writing
ways to say about (примерно, около, приблизительно):

📌approximately /əˈprɒksəmətli/ - more or less than a number or amount
There were about 50 people at the meeting.
📌roughly/ˈrʌfli/ – used when you are trying to give someone a general idea of the size, amount, or number of something
Roughly how many miles do you travel a year?
📌around - about a number or time – used when you are guessing
I’ll be there around 5 o’clock.
📌somewhere/something in the region of (formal) – used with very large numbers or amounts
Last year he earned something in the region of $60,000.
📌or so (informal) – used after a period of time, a number, or an amount
The journey takes an hour or so.
📌circa /ˈsɜːkə/ (formal) – used with dates a long time ago in the past
The house was built circa 1530.
📌upwards of (= свыше) - more than a number or amount
The aircraft can carry upwards of 400 passengers.
📌more or less - close to a particular number or time although not exactly that number or time
There were 50 people there, more or less.
​​#Writing #Speaking
Parallel structure

Несмотря на кажущуюся легкость, ошибки с использованием встречаются у многих студентах.

Параллельная структура используется для всевозможных перечислений и сравнений, при помощи которой вы соединяете слова, словосочетания или части предложения по одному тому же шаблону.

Базовое правило – все элементы в перечислении должны быть в одном грамматическом времени и быть одного и того же вида, т.е. существительные с существительными, герундий с герундием и т.д.

Если при перечислении все элементы имеют одинаковую форму, предложение будет согласованным, логичным и правильным с грамматической точки зрения.

Посмотрим на примерах:
We camped on a lake because we wanted to swim, hike and to watch the stars.
to watch the stars - не является той же формой как swim и hike, поэтому предложение неправильно.
We camped on a lake because we wanted to swim, hike, and stargaze.

He is good at studying history, English and speaking French.
He is good at studying history, in English and French.
He is good at studying history, English and French.

Long walks are a source of inspiration and help to come up with new ideas.
Long walks help to draw inspiration and come up with new ideas.

would rather pay for my education than financial aid.
I would rather pay for my education than receive financial aid.
Лексический минимум на тему Shopping:
🔸do the shopping/ go shopping – ходить по магазинам
🔸go window-shopping – ходить по магазинам без цели что-л купить
🔸do the grocery shopping/go grocery shopping – купить продукты
🔸go to the mall - поехать в торговый центр
🔸to ask for a refund – сделать возврат
🔸buy in bulk – купить оптом
🔸place an order разместить заказ
🔸complete a purchase – совершить покупку
🔸а big spender – транжира
🔸indulge in some shopping - разрешить себе что-нибудь купить
🔸penny-pinching – прижимистый
🔸to cut back on spending – сокращать расходы
🔸to pick up a bargain – заключить сделку
🔸to haggle with sb (over) – поторговаться с кем-л. (насчет)
🔸a car boot sale – уличная распродажа, блошиный рынок

Несколько выражений/идиом
🔹the best that money can buy – лучшее, что есть за деньги
🔹good value for money – стоящее своих денег
🔹fit like a glove – сидит как влитое
I love this dress because it fits like a glove
🔹to shop till you drop – покупать пока не упадешь
Many women love to shop till they drop; however, this is not as common in most men.
🔹That’s a killer deal! – Отличная покупка!
​​#Writing Task 1 Academic
Describing pie chart – основные черты

Начало стандартное - общее описание графика.
This pie chart illustrates monthly expenses as a percentage of a particular family.

Представляем основной тренд без цифр
Overall, people in the UK make good use of alternative methods of transport but there is a heavy dependence on cars for work.

В основном абзаце начинаем с самых больших/маленьких долей.
The family expends 6.5 per cent of their money on travel insurance but they spend only 3 per cent of their income on shopping.

Максимально используем сравнения и противопоставления, особенно если для анализа представлены два графика.
Comparing the figures for 1950 and 2010, we can see some quite significant differences between the two charts.
They spend as much money on activities as they do on transportation and shopping put together.

Типичный язык для pie charts:
🔸comprise of – состоят из
🔸account for x% of – приходится х% от общего числа
Having a definite job accounted for 30 per cent of immigration to the UK
🔸the proportion of… /the percentage of...
The proportions of those moving to join a family member were quite similar for immigration and emigration, at 15% and 13% respectively.
🔸a minority of..../ a large majority of
A minority of women are appointed to top positions in industry.
Punctuation for IELTS - a must для всех кто ориентируется на 6,5+

Ставим запятую
Когда нужно объединить два независимых предложения в одно (compound sentence). После запятой в этом случае всегда идут так называемые FANBOYS
for - потому что
and - и
nor - ни
but - но, зато
or - или
yet - однако
He’s overweight and bald, yet he’s attractive.

После вступительной фразы, которая вводит какую-либо дополнительную информацию.
To stay in good shape, you should exercise regularly.
Having the opportunity, most people would prefer to travel more.

Когда сложное предложение начинается с придаточного предложения (if, when, although, so, since, while, etc)
dependent clause + independent clause
When spring comes, flowers bloom.
Although major cities have obvious advantages, some locals prefer to live in rural areas.

В перечислениях, при этом перед and ставим запятую (Oxford comma)
I’ve been to Germany, France, and Italy.

В nonrestrictive relative clause – в этом случае информация после слова который является дополнительной/уточняющей и может быть убрана из предложения без потери смысла.
My mother, who is an excellent cook, is thinking of opening a restaurant.

В датах/городах/адресах
June 28, 2019
Moscow, Russia

Ставим точку с запятой
для объединения двух независимых предложений в составное предложение, если значение каждого предложения тесно связано.
The days were beginning to get shorter; it seemed the night got earlier and earlier.

с соединительными наречиями в составных предложениях (however, as a result, therefore)
The dog and cat lived together all their lives; however, they were certainly not friends.

❗️Когда не ставятся запятые:
перед that (никогда), в т.ч. когда that опускается.
I think that it might happen/ I think it might happen
перед because
I like it because it’s fun.
​​Discourse markers или слова-связки важны как в речи, так и на письме.
Их основное функции:
🔹естественный переход от одного предложения к другому/от одной идеи к другой
🔹связка идей между собой или наоборот, чтобы разделить
🔹показать свое отношение

Discourse markers в разговорном английском обязательны, чтобы звучать естественно (иногда еще заполнить паузы). Их великое множество, приведу лишь несколько:
✏️mind you – заметьте/учтите (используется чтобы добавить что-то к сказанному и смягчить это)
It wasn't excellent, mind you, but it was a definite improvement.
✏️actually/ in actual fact – на самом деле
Actually, on second thoughts, I don’t think I want to go out tonight.
✏️well - ну (заполнить паузу/подчеркнуть свою мысль)
Well, I think it’s a good idea anyway

Посмотрим на основы из основ, которых для большинства эссе вполне достаточно (многие можно спокойно использовать как в письме, так и в речи).

✒️with regard to/as for /as to /as far as I am concerned - для смены темы/ для введения предмета разговора.
With regard to your question, there are several options for solving the situation.
✒️on the other hand, / while / whereas – для объединения двух контрастирующих, но не противоречащих друг другу идей.
While teaching standards could be raised, more funding would also help.
✒️therefore / as a result / consequently – показать, что второе утверждение логически произошло от первого
He reduced the amount of time studying for his final exams. As a result, his marks were rather low.
✒️moreover / furthermore / in addition – вводим дополнительную информацию
The rate of climate warming is faster than ever before. Moreover, there seems to be no easy solution to it.
✒️however, / nonetheless / nevertheless – ввести контрастную идею
Smoking is proved to be dangerous to the health. Nonetheless, more than a third of the population smokes.
✒️in other words, /this means /to put it simply – дополнительное объяснение предыдущего утверждения
They asked him to leave, in other words, he was fired.

Я рекомендую составить не очень большой список подобных слов и держать перед собой, когда тренируете Speaking или пишете Writing. Лучше если это будет самые интересные и полезные с вашей точки зрения и присущие именно вашему стилю разговора.
Essay Problems and Solutions
Этот тип эссе встречается не часто, примерно в 15% от общего количества, и многими считается самым легким для написания.
Большинство сдающих пишут его по принципу сначала абзац с проблемами, потом абзац с решениями. Эта структура простая для написания, но в результате, часто предложенные решения не соответствуют проблемам, указанным автором. А это явный минус по критерию Task Response.

Этого легко избежать, если писать в первом абзаце (после введения) проблему (с объяснением) и сразу предлагать возможное решение.
Также и во втором абзаце: проблема + решение.
​​#Speaking Part 3
Не всегда возможно быстро придумать ответ на вопрос третьей части. К тому же, как мы помним, ответ должен быть развернутым и обоснованным.

Одной из возможной стратегий ответа может быть следующая. Вы перефразируете вопрос, но подаете его с точки зрения других людей, потом говорите согласны или нет и высказываете причину, по возможности с примером и объяснением. Это даст какое-то время на размышление.

1. A lot of people think that ....
2. I personally agree/disagree with that.
3. The reason why I tend to support it is .... OR This is mainly because...

Посмотрим на примере одного из последних вопросов Speaking Part 3.
Is it more important to have qualifications instead of personal skills?

A lot of people think that qualifications should be given priority. I personally disagree with this point of view. This is mainly because qualification is more a matter of education and the time invested in it. Anybody may get professional skills if desired. Meanwhile, personal skills are more related to individuality and are often innate. For example, some people have certain communicative skills that allow them to be more successful than others.
Способы замены if
Самые распространённые варианты:
🔹provided (that) – если
He can come with us, provided he pays for his own meals.
🔸as long as – до тех пор пока/пока
As long as you're just sitting there, come help me with the groceries.
🔹assuming (that) – при условии что
Assuming that you get a place at university, how are you going to finance your studies?
🔸on condition (that) (formal) при условии/ на условиях
The police released him on condition that he return the following week.
🔹unless - if not
Unless I hear from you, I’ll assume everything’s OK. Если я не услышу от вас, я буду считать, что все в порядке.

Варианты с инверсией:
✒️ Had I known... (instead of If I had known...) если бы я знал...
✒️Were you my daughter,... (instead of: If you were my daughter,...) если бы ты была моей дочерью...
✒️Should you need my advice,... (instead of: If you should need my advice,...) если тебе нужен мой совет

📌if and when – бывают взаимозаменяемыми, если мы говорим о фактах (Conditional 0) If you heat ice, it melts. or When you heat ice, it melts.

📌if используют если говорящий не уверен, что-то произойдет, и наоборот when – при уверенности.
We can spend the afternoon on the beach if the weather is fine.
I will clean up the kitchen right away when I'm back from work.

🖊in case of – в случае. Возможно использовать для сокращения предложения с if.
If there is a fire, leave the room. In case of fire, leave the room.
I need painkillers if I'm in severe pain. (Conditional 1)
I need painkillers in case I'm in severe pain. (Possibility)

🖊just in case – на всякий случай
I got you a pizza just in case you were hungry. (я не знаю, голоден ли ты)
​​#writing essay
Если вы целитесь на высокий балл (7 и выше), старайтесь избегать простых вводных слов (basic sequencing words), таких как firstly, secondly, for example.

Так firstly можно заменить на:
🔸One reason why I am fundamentally in accord with the statement is that...
🔹The major benefit of X is ....
🔸Let me start off by emphasizing the fact that...
🔹To further support my assertion I note that ....
🔸The fact that … is another point to consider.
🔹As well as this, ....
For example
🔸A striking example that immediately comes to mind...
🔹To illustrate my point, ....
How can I improve my listening from 6.5 to 7.5?
Firstly, be sure to find out all the details related to the IELTS exam. Check out this British Council video for general information.
If you are already familiar with all of this, it's time to improve your listening skills with the following exercise:
Step 1
Select an online video with a transcript. Make sure the lecturer is a native speaker. The best choice would be a theme from IELTS. You can kill two birds with one stone - improve your listening skills and replenish your vocabulary.
Step 2
Next, you need to look at the transcript and find a paragraph of text from somewhere in the middle of the audio. Do not read this section in detail or try to remember it, but do look to make sure there are some unfamiliar words and vocabulary.
Step 3
Secondly, you need to listen to the introduction of the talk to get a feel about what it is about. Next, search through the audio to find the place where your selected paragraph starts.
Step 4
Now, play the video/audio and write down every single word you hear that’s right everything you hear. You will not catch everything the first time so you will need to replay this paragraph over and over again. You will need to listen to this section between 10 and 20 times in order to write down most of what you think is said.
Step 5
When you have done your best, which will normally be after about 10 minutes, you can go back to the transcript. Now, look through the paragraph you have written and compare it to what has actually been said in the transcript.
What did you miss out or mishear?What new words have you found?
Step 6
Finally play the section of video/audio again, with a full understanding of its meaning and context, and read the script out aloud at the same time. Doing this and copying the tone of voice of the speaker with their intonation will help you to sound more natural in your pronunciation.
📌 Do this every day for 15-20 minutes and you will quickly increase your listening level.
​​#Speaking Part 2
In this part, you should speak for 1.5 min to 2 min and respond to the topic in the booklet. In some cases, it would be much easier to present the whole story from beginning to end.

Topics might be as follows:
Talk about what happened on a business trip.
Describe a car journey you remember well.

To make your story more coherent and logical, it is advisable to use several phrases of the sequence.
Let's look at an example of a story:
Last week, I visited Chicago to attend a business conference. While I was there, I decided to visit the Art Institute of Chicago. To start off, my flight was delayed. Next, the airline lost my luggage, so I had to wait for two hours at the airport while they tracked it down. Unexpectedly, the luggage had been set aside and forgotten.
As soon as they found my luggage, I found a taxi and rode into town. During the ride into town, the driver told me about his last visit to the Art Institute. After I had arrived safely, everything began to go smoothly. The business conference was very interesting, and I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to the institute. Finally, I caught my flight back to Seattle.

Sequencing refers to the order in which events happened and implies the use of transition words.
1. Create the beginning of your story with these expressions.
🔹First of all,
🔹To start off with,
🔹To begin with,
To start off with, we decided our destination was New York.
2. You can continue the story with the following expressions, or use a time clause beginning with "as soon as" or "after." When using a time clause, use the past simple after the time expression!
🔸After that,
🔸As soon as / When + full clause,
As soon as we arrived, we unpacked our bags.
We were sure everything was ready, but then we discovered some unexpected problems
3. You can use the following expressions to add suspense to your story:
4. Events occurring at the same time
🔸During + noun (noun clause)
🔸While / As + subject + verb + dependent clause
Jennifer told her story as/while I prepared dinner
We explored a number of places during our trip to Poland.

5. Ending the Story
🔹In the end,
Finally, I flew to London for my meeting with Jack.
Eventually, we became tired and returned home.
​​#writing Task 1 Academic
How to describe a cycle

A cycle diagram is a type of process diagram in which the process repeats.

The main feature of this type of graph is that it has no beginning or no end. So sometimes it’s difficult to know where to start.
But because it’s a cycle, it doesn’t really matter where you start.

Examples may include global water cycle, life cycle of an animal, food chain, etc.

Your first task is to divide the process into stages and highlight the main ones that you mention in the overview and more specific steps that need to be described in the main body.

The diagram illustrates the key stages in ...(cycle) .
The diagram illustrates the way how water moves in a continuous cycle.
🔸Overview (key stages briefly)
Overall, the water cycle is a continuous process of water evaporating and forming clouds which then return the water to the land and sea in the form of rain.
🔸 Main Body (1- 2 paragraphs)

Because the cycle happens all the time the only tense you usually need is the Present Simple. Some sentences you can write in the Passive Voice. The clouds are blown by winds until they reach high ground

Try using a variety of linking words and avoid saying ‘and then’ or ‘after that’ too many times. Use other ways of showing sequences and linking:
🔹by listing
At this stage / Next / Later /During the process
🔹by using time expressions
After some time / When / As soon as / Immediately afterwards
🔹by saying what else happens
At the same time / Meanwhile / Simultaneously
🔹by using conditional expressions
If / Unless / As long as
🔹by using Present Participle Having been absorbed by soils and plants, water runs into rivers and lakes and reaches the sea.

Usually you will find that the labels on the diagram contains lots of unfamiliar scientific nouns. If you think you know the verb forms, then use them as this will definitely contribute to a higher score.
# Learning English shouldn’t be considered the finite project in your life when you tick an appropriate box in your to-do list. Even if you have temporary goals, such as passing an exam or job interview, you will most likely to speak English afterwards. Therefore, learning should become a part of your lifestyle. Try to chage your attitude to the English language instead of a boring school subject, to what you usually do every day with pleasure and in small chunks.
It could be:
interesting content on YouTube
books you loved to reread
entertainment shows and your favourite movies
podcasts that you can listen to the transport
writing your own journal of impressions or travel and many other sources.

inspiring video from a polyglot with more life hacks
Visit Vs. Attend
Два слова, которые постоянно путаются.

✒️Visit означает посетить кого-то с дружеским визитом, проведать кого-то, навестить кого-то. В основном это слово предполагает пребывание у кого-то (или где-то, например, в определенной стране) какое-то время.
We don’t live here. We’re just visiting.

✒️Attend означает присутствовать или посещать постоянно (school / church / regular check-ups). Именно поэтому мы обычно скажем
I attend classes in yoga and I make a lot of progress.
She attended the college one day a week.

Другое значение attend- посетить какое-либо событие, например, wedding, meeting, funeral - считается достаточно формальным.
Over 500 people attended the conference.

P.S. Несмотря на то, что "ходить на работу" - действие тоже постоянное, выражение "attend work" не употребляется в английском языке, обычно мы просто говорим "go to work".
Being & Having
Глаголы to be и to have обычно не используется в -ing формах, когда они являются основным глаголом в значении быть/существовать и иметь/владеть.
🔹Those people are among the most disadvantaged in society.

Однако эти глаголы иногда используются в -ing форме в качестве основного глагола с другим значением, чтобы подчеркнуть временное состояние или действие.
We’re having a great time here (= enjoying our visit)
She’s having a shower at the moment – can she call back later? (=showering)

❗️being + прилагательное, может использоваться только с прилагательными описывающими поведение или отношение (honest, patient, etc), но не чувства (happy, sad, etc)

Кроме того, being/having можно увидеть после ряда выражений:

🔸I’m looking forward to having a place of my own.
🔸There are advantages to having a flat in the city centre.
🔸I am not used to being away from my family
🔸I enjoy being alone.
🔸This car is worth having it.
🔸We all have a reason for being here.
🔸It’s hard to make ends meet without having a job.